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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Then of course, the humour in all the vintage "Rude Blues" like Robert Johnson's You Can Squeeze my Lemon til the Juice Runs Down my Leg" But we've de-railed a bit...
  2. Gave you seven children, and now you want to give them back. BB again, How Blue Can You Get.
  3. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1478359626' post='3168617'] Your workmate was of course completely correct in his observation. Nobody could seriously think that BB King was joking when he sang Nobody Loves Me But My Mama (and she could be jivin' too). [/quote] Or - I've got a good mind to give up living, and go shopping instead. Gonna buy myself a tombstone and pronounce myself dead!
  4. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1478289641' post='3168277'] Fame studios is in the middle of a shopping plaza - seems quite surreal. And Muscle Shoals Sound Studios is in a trading estate - dunno what I expected to see, but... [/quote] Is the big Muscle Shoals water tank still there with the town name painted on? They say never meet your heroes. I think the same probably goes for these iconic places Michael.
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1478269424' post='3168063'] He's out at the Tickled Trout that day. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1478268986' post='3168060'] I'd be very interested to see that. [/quote] Here you go - lots in Swedish, but looks like there is some cool old footage in there. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9iuOXQaKo8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9iuOXQaKo8[/url]
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1478267728' post='3168045'] Bryn Terfel is for the Cheltenham music festival, not the Cheltenham jazz festival. [/quote] But what about his brother Bryan?
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1478263185' post='3167978'] Very unsung!! He was even airbrushed out of the FAME studios documentary that they made a couple of years ago! Not even mentioned once. He was on many of the hits that came out of FAME studios in the 60's. I believe he was the band leader in the studio on many of the old soul hits. He wrote the bass line for Memphis Soul Stew. [/quote] Yes, was a poor representation. There is a 70's Swedish documentary on Youtube - will post when I'm on a computer.
  9. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1478215116' post='3167699'] Singer in my old band in Tennessee worked for/with Chips Moman in Memphis for a long while and got to use Tommy on a bunch of her stuff. Great player. [/quote] Ooh, way too cool! Yes, great player, bit of an unsung great.
  10. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1478210631' post='3167652'] I'm just going to pop outside and check my lawn for groundhogs. [/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHTqky-cGfM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHTqky-cGfM[/url]
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBu-ExfgCTo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBu-ExfgCTo[/url]
  12. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1478044270' post='3166395'] She's credited on '19' playing Bass on 'Best for Last'(as above) and 'Make you feel My Love'. [/quote] Is there any bass on Make You Feel my Love"?
  13. Not over keen on 3/4 but love the way the drummer accents this - really transforms the feel: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z28gt8wBNo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z28gt8wBNo[/url]
  14. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1478036180' post='3166315'] Could not find alot about this. from what i have read from ambients link to prs [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/aboutus/FAQs/copyrightfaqs/Pages/default.aspx"]http://www.prsformus...es/default.aspx[/url] What happens to your rights when you become a PRS for Music member? When joining as a [i]PRS member [/i]your rights are transferred to us. These are:[list] [*]to perform the music in the public, such as concerts, pubs and shops [*]to communicate the music to the public, via broadcast, on demand services, internet services, satellite and cable transmissions and more. [/list] Are they just the same as what sentric are doing? [url="http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo"]http://www.sentricmusic.com/whatwedo[/url] and will collect a % for services offered ? sorry this is all new to me so if joining sentric would i be handing over the rights to my music so they can collect any fees for use and just take their cut. ( they do state you are not tied to them by contract and can opt out and go to another publisher with 28 days notice. so 20% of collected ( if any) i would not know if thats good or bad ? I will have a scoot about see what other sites offer. [/quote] PRS is the UK's official body for collecting writer's copyright royalties. It looks as if Sentric just offer a deal to collect your PRS (or other international collection agency) royalties for you and charge you for the privilege. This is what publishers do, but they should also be working your copyrights for you - actively seeking artists to use the songs or advertisers, film/TV producers to licence them. There is another part of royalty collection, that is PPL. PRS is for the song, PPL is for the performance, so if it is your CD getting played somewhere PPL will collect the money for this (including Youtube). PRS and PPL will have reciprocal deals with rights organisations around the world so will be collecting globally.
  15. [quote name='Indy' timestamp='1477994494' post='3165742'] Thank you The Boy! I've written a few but never had the balls to showcase them, I'm not a very good musician i just try and convey what's in my head, going to start a twitter I think to link them. I'm finding it harder to choose a picture then it was to write the song at the moment! Got it down to two I think! [/quote] Indy I'm so pleased to read your responses - you must start believing in your talent. OK, I'll agree, the playing isn't the best we've heard on here but the song and performance are wonderful. I worked with some pretty big names in a record co a few years ago and would have been very happy to have had this come in as a demo back then. Keep up the good work, perhaps look at getting some friends to help out with the playing to move your writing on to the next stage.
  16. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1477933430' post='3165374'] OK - the thread is titled as it is because, to me, this really is "something quite different". It's another 'in the style of'...but this time, what style! In the style of Chris Squire's (Yes) stunning Mouradian bass... Early stages - just sorting out the final shape and spec with Nic (gelfin) but this is now the next full build on the table... [/quote] Wow, scariest Halloween get up I've seen all day!
  17. Just been re-listed and gone up by £100?!
  18. Stunning build Andy, looks incredible! The attention to detail on the colouring really paid off.
  19. What amp/cab are you using at the moment?
  20. Fill your glittery boots: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/255440-finally-finished-stingray-refinish/page__p__2700594__hl__glitter__fromsearch__1#entry2700594"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/255440-finally-finished-stingray-refinish/page__p__2700594__hl__glitter__fromsearch__1#entry2700594[/url]
  21. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1477589668' post='3163240'] Indy's Bones (live) was just beautiful and had me thinking of John Lennon. [/quote] That or perhaps a touch of Nilsson. Either way, an absolute cracker.
  22. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1477212319' post='3160507'] Not so much how far you'd have to reach, more about maintaining the overall scale length otherwise the intonation would be out. It could be done either way really but pros and cons to each option. [/quote] I meant if he was moving the bridge to maintain the scale length. This would move everything towards the left hand, thus making a longer reach.
  23. Bass. To me it is the most personal piece of the equation. Amp and cab I'm fairly ambivalent towards. I like what I've got, but pretty sure I could be happy with a lot of other rigs.
  24. There was a Mk1 fretted on Facebook today for £1900.
  25. I worked (in a record company capacity) with The Sounds of Blackness - a 60 piece gospel outfit. Their MD, Gary Hines used to travel everywhere with a cabin baggage suitcase in which he had tracks so that the band could perform anything from the four lead singers through to the full 60 piece. They did the Royal Festival Hall as about a 16 piece, but did exactly the same act for a TV show as a ten piece. An amazing man, keeping an act like that working for so many years.
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