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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Looks interesting, and I understand that Peavey have got over their recent QC problems. I've been using the Fender Rumble 112 and am very happy with it. Similar cost, bit lighter, slightly less "industrial" look.
  2. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1477224598' post='3160640'] Try asking Graham Parker a luthier based in Lewisham. [/quote] Are the Rumours about him true?
  3. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1477156432' post='3160241'] A mate of mine is in urgent need of a PA tonight in Ipswich, anyone have a recommendation for a company/engineer who might be available? [/quote] PM'd
  4. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1477150947' post='3160187'] Surely you would know if the pocket needs recutting by marrying the two up? [/quote] I'm guessing Fitzy73 is looking at the length, i.e. the Stingray is too long for the Fender pocket. If this is the case, then I'd have thought you would need to cut the pocket, otherwise you'll be in for some long left arm stretches. I'm sure a more knowledgeable builder will be along shortly!
  5. £100 more in Peach and £200 more in GAK...
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1476706815' post='3156437'] while blowing a super 'C' on a Trumpet being held with the other hand (Maynard Ferguson style)? That should work. [/quote] Not round this way - they only want Eddie Calvert tribute acts
  7. Blimey, they are seriously cheap. (That's not me being judgemental in any way, just stunned by those prices).
  8. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1476701910' post='3156358'] Bars will never pay the same fee (or even get close) as a big event. They can't make enough profit to do that. But a bar can book you through the entire year as an event normally takes place once a year. [/quote] Didn't quite mean it that way, not matching the fee but upping it.
  9. Could you use your credibility as a band supporting national acts as a way of upping your bar fee?
  10. Really like the natural, quite messy style of the interview. Quite a bit of Barefaced love from Mr Wobble!
  11. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1476429989' post='3154143'] Well I've bought a couple of basses (cheap ones) and a few cables/strings from GAK in the last five years or so but I'm not a particularly regular customer. But, even if I was, the staff turnover in GAK is I suspect so fast (this is Brighton after all) that the idea of establishing any kind of long term personal relationship with the shop is unlikely (sits back and waits for somebody to say they have just that). It's GAK, it's not your friendly local independent music shop. P [/quote] Fair point Phil, although I am that man who did have a personal relationship - had a mate working in the store for a few years!! But yes, a lot of the staff do seem quite transient, and I would be a stranger in there now.
  12. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1476394650' post='3154024'] Out of interest, why do you feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with charging? The box technically belongs to the person who purchased the item it came in. Why should a shop be allowed to sell a product twice? To me, that is absolutely wrong, no nothing about it. You really can't get anything for free these days [/quote] I don't agree with the argument that the box belongs to the person that buys the item. Does that mean we all own a share of the cartons that strings, cables etc. Are delivered in? Music retail is a very low margin business even for the likes of GAK, and one area of business that has been absolutely decimated for them is the secondhand market, due mainly to eBay, so there is little wonder they want some sort of return from their boxes. Slight caveat, I have no idea if the OP is a regular, known customer. If he is then I would have thought the shop would be more accommodating thinking a bass sold on eBay may lead to another sale.
  13. Good luck to them! Absolutely nothing wrong with charging - they're a shop, that's what they are there for
  14. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1475851544' post='3149251'] I only play stuff I like and so in terms of progression I'm limited by this and get a bit frustrated. I know I've a chance of improving if I listened to and studied jazz/fusion players like Wootten, Bailey, Berlin, Patitucci etc - which would involve more advanced theory - but just don't like this type of music. If I learnt their styles of chops and tried to fit them in with what I like to play it'd sound well out of place. [/quote] There's plenty of theory to learn without going to these extremes. What do you like playing?
  15. Funny isn't it, modern music isn't supposed to appeal to people of my age, but instead of the previous shock and horror of Rock & Roll, Glam, Punk, and even New Romantics, the current bunch seem to have rebelled by going in the opposite direction, whiney, twee nonsense (a.k.a. Coldplay). Thank goodness for Grime, Kate Tempest and the Sleaford Mods!
  16. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1475908452' post='3149621'] I thought I knew RTs work well , but since his death there's tunes that have got played that I was not aware he had a hand in I hope any marketing of his work now he's been given more media attention (almost like northern soul did a few years back) means proceeds go to the correct places. He seem a nice guy and kept out of the limelight , have no clue to his business mind though [/quote] A quick Google search had his net worth at $125 million. Nice to see that.
  17. Amazing songwriter, and, according to an old friend who knew him, a really great guy. Only 66
  18. Check out some of the live Hendrix videos - looks like he never did it the same way twice!! Either that, or revert to the original Dylan version.
  19. I checked out loads before deciding I didn't need one (still want one) and for me, the runaway winner of the non-boutique pedals was the MXR.
  20. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1475267806' post='3144674'] It wasn't actually meant to be that incendiary ... I am genuinely asking if a one person operation, ie. a luthier, really does produce a better product than one that has the backing of a considerable R&D budget and state of the art production facilities. As for my analogy of cars ... a lot of people love and enthuse about British sports cars, they are undoubtedly things of great beauty, but if I was going on a 1000+ mile trip across Europe I'd rather take a VW Golf. [/quote] The trouble (for me) with this analogy is that the craftsmanship in a car is limited to things like upholstery and any veneer finishing. And yes, I would expect a small garage to produce this better than somewhere like the Mini factory.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1475234057' post='3144229'] None of those really apply to my situation, or in a way bits of all of them do. Let me explain - this might be quite a long post... [/quote] Long, yes, but well worth the read.
  22. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1474874819' post='3141102'] The music you hear when he tells this is a song from "L'Ormindo", a relatively early baroque opera by Francesco Cavalli, probably as sung by Nuria Rial. This highlights how crazy this BC group (basso continuo group!) could go with improvisation. Luvverly stuff! [/quote] Luvverly stuff indeed!! Funny, the soundclip they provided was a bit without the near Latin rhythm going on so I thought it was something else. Thanks for the Youtube link!
  23. Jon Shuker did an incredibly good price putting a fretless board on a previous bass (not sure why I chose him for that - reputation, and quote probably), so when I wanted something that wasn't available off the shelf he seemed like the obvious choice. Glad that I did, and one day I'll get him to do the next one!
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