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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1474907049' post='3141436'] Try extracting loads of those little widgets from inside Christmas cards that play carols, and sellotape them to squirrels. [/quote] Careful, that sounds an awful lot like art. Aren't you meant to be an entertainer...
  2. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1474837826' post='3140989'] Must have been a typo, just looked and it's 1999! Price that is, not year!! [/quote] Do you think he saw the thread?
  3. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1474835744' post='3140974'] I love Disco so much I formed my own Disco band, tho playing guitar not bass in this one.... https://youtu.be/EfUihMY2fNw [/quote]To me this is where guitar has to think like bass - all about serving the song, not shredding solos on every number. (except for Beat It of course )
  4. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1474828746' post='3140880'] I may be wrong but I believe they're pretty much the same thing. [/quote] I may have just got a bit confused by the way the presenter presented it - to me he was implying there are ensembles known as Continuo, and they played music like what was playing at the time.
  5. Just found a new musical style tat I really like, but having looked it up I'm now confused! Improvised Continuo anyone? All I can find is stuff about Basso Continuo, and nothing that really relates to what they are talking about 13 minutes in.
  6. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1474699645' post='3139871'] First I'll let Pete see it. In the flesh, even before varnishing, it actually looks quite special. Based on that Pete isn't overly aware that it will have figuring, I think he'll love it. [/quote] I'd be very surprised if anyone who likes SG/EB3 style basses wouldn't absolutely love that finish. It's simply stunning in the way it captures the old natural, dark mahogany vibe of the originals and adds some amazing, yet completely appropriate figuring. Hope Pete loves it when he sees it.
  7. Will listen to that later. Thanks for sharing.
  8. [quote name='Bassladjoe' timestamp='1474567899' post='3138905'] I only have a bass or a head and cab to trade? [/quote] Sorry, really need to sell to pay for a new project bass I have planned. Thanks though.
  9. Still here - last few efforts to sell this and get the project build off the ground - not going to get very far with just the bridge
  10. Thanks folks, it is indeed a fabulous looker! May have to put the project on hold and start playing it again!
  11. Slightly classier than my last cheese offering, showing that the genre had a very wide range of influences - Brass Construction [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzsUd37xPXo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzsUd37xPXo[/url]
  12. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1474025922' post='3135061'] All things failling then it's time to take it to a technician for repair. [/quote] Had one of these amps which developed a power problem. Three separate techs, all with decent reputations, were completely stumped by it as everything inside was modular, with no repairable parts. Yamaha also stopped any tech support years ago for these.
  13. Turn your bass down while he's setting everyone up, then when you start playing as a band turn yourself up.
  14. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1473774841' post='3133010'] If the tone of a bass is simply determined by strings vibrating in the magnetic flux of a pickup; and that's it. Nothing more to it... Then why buy anything better than a Harley Benton PB50? Surely nothing there's nothing more to add to a Harley B, to make it as good as a Wal or All-singing-Fender is a good setup and better pups and tuners? [/quote] Marketing
  15. Played some Skiffle sessions at the social club my parents used to go to. Bit of guitar, bit of tea chest bass. Would have been 12 when I started so 40 years for me.
  16. BEAD tuning won't harm your 4 string. New nut and a tweak of the trussrod is all it will be.
  17. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1473586280' post='3131323'] Need some Barry White and those sexy lush arrangements. [/quote] [quote name='ians' timestamp='1473587548' post='3131338'] Its all in the writing...just love the way the arrangement flows in the second tune. Rare to hear P soup on the hi hat so loud against flowing strings..fantastic arrangement, guy was very talented indeed. [/quote] I think this may be the key to this stuff sounding great all these years on - arrangements. Possibly the last popular music style where arrangements were a crucial part of the music, and what, to a certain extent, is missing in later dance music.
  18. Had a quick search and am surprised this hasn't been posted already - bass intro, cowbell, horns, cracking arrangement, OK, slightly dubious quality vocals, but this was HUGE! (oops, sorry, forgot handclaps in my disco essentials listing) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za1mCTWQo3A[/media]
  19. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1473238946' post='3128176'] Try and get to see some of the local bands playing actual Balkan music. It will scare the pants off you! I got to jam with a band from Croatia a couple of years back. Closest thing I could think of was the yddish dance music I grew up with in north west London in the fifties. Great stuff but for yer average rock and roller it was like falling into a vat of boiling pea soup! Big fun though..... [/quote] Saw Davy Graham in a tiny folk club playing loads of Baltic style music (he spent a lot of time working with musicians over there). Some crazy time signatures and forms! Hope you catch some out there.
  20. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1473093990' post='3126876'] Aside from the trust issue, there is an implied business agreement here which, for me, goes something like: We pay you money. In return, you allow us to use your premises and equipment, you look after us while we're there and you lock up your own premises when we leave. [/quote] I don't see why the second part of this should be part of the transaction. Owner is trying to keep your costs down. If you want to be looked after offer some more money and ask for someone to be there. I've used a place like this, leaving the key under a brick! Mad, yes, but not a problem.
  21. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1473021107' post='3126195'] At that point, guitar guitar bass drum-machine vox. Originals, and a few covers which weren't like their originals at all. When we started recording stuff I had a serious rethink; it just didn't sit well with what we were doing. Why nobody else said that to me I don't know. [/quote] Interesting especially with two guitars you found that.
  22. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1473018693' post='3126159'] I stopped using a five because I tended to play low notes too much. If I got another it would probably be tuned E-C. [/quote] ??? Sorry, genuinely baffled by this. What line-up do you play with?
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