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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1462723666' post='3045195'] Omar, There's Nothing Like This [/quote] Love this groove but hate the lyrics so much I can't listen to it
  2. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcSUi1VP00M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcSUi1VP00M[/url]
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1462555726' post='3044051'] Sugaree..! [/quote] Haven't found a version of theirs that it sounds like - we borrowed this from Susan Tedeschi!
  4. Thanks Douglas, all comments gratefully received. Yes, we found the room very dry altogether, and had a teeny battle to get a bit more ambience. And a little bit of Grateful Dead just for you!!
  5. My band did a day's session in a tiny studio locally - all live apart from BV's. An atypical mix of blues. On first listen I was way to self critical, but then listened to it for what it was - live, first time for all of us in the studio, and six tracks in a day and am very pleased with it. Love this track - first part sung by singer's 16 year old daughter, with mum taking over for the Grateful Dead bit towards the end. A John Prine song covered by Bonnie Raitt and Susan Tedeschi: [url="https://soundcloud.com/bluesstorm/angel-of-montgomery"]https://soundcloud.com/bluesstorm/angel-of-montgomery[/url]
  6. Hi Phin, welcome to the forum. Revelation is a great brand, up there with the Squier Cv range (I'd avoid Squier Affinity personally). Revelation are overseen by a guy called Alan Entwistle who has a great reputation, and his bas pickups get a lot of love on here. Also as Granger said, the Gallery are not going to recommend something that isn'the great, as they too have a huge reputation to maintain.
  7. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1420413105' post='2649222'] blue eyed soul ? [/quote]
  8. Never made it work - can't get enough volume, and all my former guitar plectrum technique has now gone. Major problem as I find if I play a bit of chord work on guitar I'm now using the fingernail with the pick hidden behind it. Now have a badly damaged fingernail
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1462179238' post='3040764'] Does he do a cheaper version saying "Squier"? [/quote] or a more expensive relic?
  10. Great sounding cab - only got rid of mine as I got tired of waiting for a second one to turn up Good luck with the sale!
  11. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1462006392' post='3039464'] Age difference: if you're older it won't work if youngest member is less than half your age + 6 years. eg if you're 42 youngest member should be 27. Luckydog's law of band age And vica versa ! LD [/quote] We must be the exception that proves the rule then - oldest 57, youngest 17, and it is working so much better than when the previous 50+ year old left to be replaced by the 17 year old!
  12. Sort of passed me by but liking what I hear. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYt4mPnC_Rc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYt4mPnC_Rc[/url]
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1461661702' post='3036464'] Get on to OBBM on here, top man, top prices and brilliant cables. [/quote] [quote name='funkyjimbob' timestamp='1461662151' post='3036469'] Great. Just dropped him a message. thanks [/quote] That was quick - usually takes at least 30 of us to rave about OBBM before a decision is taken
  14. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1461705988' post='3037051'] That's it!!! Thanks. It must be a different version then because I've heard this song before and didn't like it. Don't mind this version but actually it's not as good as I remember. Still probably worth a play though. And doesn't it look like a Bills or Zizi's behind them? Got the bassist wrong didn't I? [/quote] Was a great description Ped - all I did was go onto the 4Music website and look at their Introducing page and there it was! Yes, it is a version recorded fro them, and a bit nicer than the full single version IMO.
  15. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP2r2aPxNB8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP2r2aPxNB8[/url]
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1461704517' post='3037022'] S'all tactical I used to pin it... then I figured that people were skipping over it because they tend to ignore pinned topics... so I now let it bob up and down the running order of threads and give it a sly bump if it's nearing the bottom. It seems to pick up slightly more attention/votes this way. But I might go back to simply pinning it in future. It's a fickle business, for sure [/quote] Funny, I did wonder which route would be most successful. Got lost a couple of times last month, but much more visible so far this time. Great competition - keep up the good work!
  17. Always fancied one of these - totally broke though, so have a bump on me.
  18. Why doesn't this get pinned any more? (or did it never and my memory is playing tricks)? Some top tracks this month
  19. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1461590428' post='3035887'] Cheers Lozz. Just spoke to them and going in tomorrow to try/buy. [/quote] Been using a pair of these for a year and very happy with them. Have gigged with just one very happily, but like the extra oomph of the pair.
  20. Thanks Kirky, been in touch with Pete who runs the night, even if I don't get to play, probably more up my street than the punk night.
  21. Crafter is a good call, but also Cort and Aria both make good guitars at that price point, and, as they are not "name" brands (same with Crafter) their secondhand price will often plummet, making your 3250 go a very long way.
  22. Ooh, thanks Kirkby, right up my street. May have to bring my bass!!
  23. Yes, I know Monday and Tuesday nights are not traditionally great nights for gigs but I'll be in Leeds at the PLASA show and wondered if there were any Basschatters playing - gigs, open mics, jams, folk sessions etc. Will be staying city centre - by the Royal Armouries. Cheers, Mike
  24. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1461254313' post='3032961'] I know of a Bryan Adams tribute band who are sh*t! I wish Bryan would sue them! [/quote] Got it spot on then?
  25. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1461079184' post='3031255'] They look perfect, unfortunately they'd have to be readers as well for our band cos' we're old and knackered. [/quote] And you'd want to take them off before getting to the kebab shop - don't want to be looking too closely...
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