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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1460991606' post='3030441'] Yeah but when he was three, the family moved from Milwaukee to California. His parents are both STILL alive and in their mid 90's too. [/quote] oh well, guess it must have been Schlitz Beer after all!
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1460962511' post='3030079'] He's from Milwaukee. Blue [/quote] Ah, finally I know what made Milwaukee famous
  3. Yep, I'm one of those who doesn't like much in the way of solo bass, but this was something else! (Well, strictly speaking is was something else as it wasn't solo, but I'm not going to let pedantry get in the way of some great music)
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1460909954' post='3029711'] ..and a mere £880...kid's stuff [/quote] Well he does state it is a smaller guitar so easier for children and women to play!
  5. Have recently discovered the joys of an MXR DI+, got it primarily for a bit of grit, but love what the preamp setting does to tighten my tone. Also handy as a standby if I ever need to go through the PA.
  6. As Rich says, but also play straight, don't try and swing it. Good fun to play, simple but quick chord changes.
  7. Wow, finally seen evidence of the Big Beef Chief - was thinking he was the BC equivalent of the Loch Ness Monster
  8. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1460746766' post='3028511'] Hi mate i found the drums too loud in the mix, especially the snare which i thought sounded too harsh for the vibe. [/quote] Big +1 on this. Thought the music was beautiful, but gave up shortly after the snare came in. I hope mixing can sort it, just a little worried it is the tone of the drum. Good luck with the project.
  9. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1460729821' post='3028275'] Terrible, terrible, terrible. As a rule, I think national anthems shouldn't be 'creatively interpreted' and yes, he should have taken his cap off; that is just common courtesy. [/quote] Agree entirely with Terrible, terrible, terrible. but not the second - why not mess around with them, most (I'll exclude the French one) are so terrible,poor tunes, have dated badly, and are generally a bag of jingoistic nonsense. edited as was probably being a bit too provocative, and don't want to go upsetting anyone.
  10. Good to hear, SB. I did pretty well in an old time rock & roll band in and around Ipswich/Stowmarket about 8 years ago - plenty of work, Far more than I can get in Sussex for my blues band.
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1460470696' post='3025971'] Wonder how much it'll go for? Definitely room for a reliable musicians available / wanted site. [/quote] [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1460475430' post='3026037'] Re reliability, I suppose that reliable musos move less than deluded wannabes so with all such sites, the crazies are in the majority unless there is a moderately hefty fee. [/quote] Yes, definitely room for a decent musician finder site, but as above, it is largely a problem of the users, not the site.
  12. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1460453429' post='3025766'] Fred bump. Just seen this on Facebook. Looks like the 80's and Dennis Smith is using a JD. It sounds lovely. (looks like he is a mastering engineer these days, also has him down for 'The Riddle'. Not sure how accurate this page is though. [url="https://www.discogs.com/artist/379616-Dennis-Smith-2"]https://www.discogs....-Dennis-Smith-2[/url] A rearranged classic. [/quote] Got to love the way they go right the way through the first bass break without one shot of him! Loads of my old school band mate Gary Wallis on percussion though!
  13. You're going to be totally screwed if you need glasses at some point then
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1460292218' post='3024369'] thanks guys, Its a set of DR Marcus Miller 5 i was after. From Amazon there bloody £50 with postage. Jesus.!!!! String Busters are cheaper me thinks. [/quote] Cheaper still at Bass Gear [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/dr-fat-beams-medium-45-105/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/dr-fat-beams-medium-45-105/[/url]
  15. Saw some great comedy, and a lot less, but equally great music at both the old and the current Albany Empire - long time ago now, but remember the current (keep wanting to say new, but we're talking 35 years ago) one was a great venue. Have a great gig.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1459876349' post='3020516'] It's trending on Twitter as I write ... [/quote] It really should be
  17. [quote name='stephaniet17' timestamp='1459769730' post='3019330'] Thank you, yes we do! Our good friend Webby is currently filling in for us whilst we try to recruit someone new. Unfortunately he's struggling to find people in the area too! It can be a tough old game sometimes... [/quote] Teeny bit outside your age range - send him my love when you next see him!
  18. I'm probably a bit odd (no, scratch the probably) in that I seem almost oblivious to a wide range of bass/guitar dimensions. I'd ever really noticed scale lengths playing different guitars, and although I have noticed it more on bass it has never felt wrong. I hadn't even really paid too much attention to my Shuker having a zero radius. Only thing I really can't get on with is open pore finished necks. So I'd best vote for tone, as I seem to be able to find playability anywhere.
  19. Look like from Facebook you know Webby (Martin Webb) - talk to him, he knows lots of local drummers and is always happy to put bands in touch via his jam nights, drum shop and just through knowing everyone! If you don't know him PM me and I'll send you his details.
  20. Can't tell you anything about it , but it is very cool!
  21. [quote name='jeigenbass' timestamp='1459512036' post='3017273'] However I did walk into PMT a few days ago and sat down by the Fender Rumble 4x10 v3 cab and was quite pleasantly surprised with the power and tone for such a good price. Has anyone tried these? If I can pick up a 4x10 and a 2x10 for half the price of the Aguilar 4x10 that's me sorted, but I'm a bit put off by the entry level Rumble stigma. Any opinions? [/quote] Not the 410, but I've been using two 112s for a year now (not been that busy but done a fair number of pub gigs and a couple of jam nights) and been really happy with them. Would love to a/b them with some more expensive cabs one day, just to see how noticeable any difference is, but to my ears there is nothing entry level about them except for the price
  22. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1459547701' post='3017684'] I have seen the Dio band... they've been looking for a vocalist for aaaaages. Not going to be an easy search! [/quote] Could try looking under some toadstools
  23. [quote name='paddy109' timestamp='1459296578' post='3015315'] The Squier Jazz I have might be nice and it certainly is immaculate but it just lacks something. [/quote] I felt the VM's lacked a certain something - couldn't say what, and still bought one (I wanted to try fretless). Th eCV's I tried at the same time on the other hand definitely did have it (still don't know what though)
  24. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1459290763' post='3015275'] Hello all, My problem is, is that my tastes change from week to week. Sometimes I want to be a vocalist for a death metal band and then the next week I want to start an acoustic duo playing Elbow covers. [/quote] My problem doesn't seem to go as deep as yours Truckstop, but I do get GAS for other musical forms - for a few weeks it was Northern Soul, at the moment, thanks to a BC thread it is full blown Disco, and I have occasionally hankered for a bit of Country. Basically I'm a bit of a musical tart
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