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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1459359504' post='3015821'] What's with the Ginko? [/quote] Improves circulation. As above, it was prescribed (well, I was told to use it, can't get it on prescription) by the consultant rheumatologist. Surprised me at the time but seems to have done the trick.
  2. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1459332313' post='3015458'] You could try getting a bowl of hot water (as hot as you can stand) and a bowl of cold water (as cold as you can get it) and put both hands in the hot till you can't stand it any longer, then put them in the cold water until you can't stand it, rinse and repeat until the hot and cold are both getting near body temp. Really gets the circulation going and the joints moving - I find it really helps with post gig/practice aches and pains. The cost of this super hydrotherapy treatment is a couple of washing up bowls from Wilkinson, and it is well proven for injury rehabilitation. [/quote] This goes completely against what my rheumatologist told me - I have secondary Raynauds, very similar to HAVS, and was told warming cold hands quickly will make them very painful. Exercise and Ginko is what I have been prescribed and have survived this winter pretty well.
  3. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1459280792' post='3015131'] The problem though is that, regardless of how good the review is, you're never going to get a really good idea of what a bass sounds like from a video you watch on a computer. I certainly wouldn't base what could be a multi thousand pound purchase on a video clip & I'm surprised anybody else would either to be honest. [/quote] [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459284864' post='3015201'] Funnily, nearly every single review I do I remind the viewer to ensure they are listening through decent speaker or headphones - no laptop speakers or ear buds. That said, no I think very few people would use a single review as a basis for a huge purchase. However, as a reviewer my job is to inform and offer my experience in support. That's also why you'll never see me ego-shred, slapfest or show off. it's not about me, it's about your next purchase choice. [/quote] You're right of course RhysP, but the trouble is you are not going to get a good idea of what a bass sounds like in a shop either. What I do think good reviews (and sorry to make you blush Dan) can give is that you get to hear what a bass can do - i.e. a good mix of the tonal variety from the pickup combinations and tone settings, and how it sounds with different techniques (without showboating)! I've got a pretty good idea of what I want eventually in my next bass from hearing some online clips. I won't be able to try it in a shop as it will mean some modding, but I need some Nordstrand Big Singles in my life!!
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1459257632' post='3014818'] I think you can say the same about a lot of demo videos. Why the need to slap ? [/quote] This. I find almost everything from effects to rigs to luthier built basses are demoed very poorly. Than goodness for Dood and Ed Friedland!
  5. G&L Tribute? A little more expensive new, but probably similar price s/h.
  6. With my main bass, 5 string fretless Shuker P bass with flats and Nordstrand pick up it adds a nice bit of grit, using the blend I can get it so is dependent on how much I dig in. On my second bass, a US bitsa P Bass with a hot Kent Armstrong pick up, the same setting gives me a full blown JJ Burnel tone. The pedal I liked the demos of, and I'll try and find the thread which made me decide on some grit, was the EHX Soul Food. I would have gone for this had I not been offered a straight swap for what I was selling.
  7. I never thought I'd want a drive pedal but got persuaded on another thread on here. Ended up with an MXR DI+ which I absolutely love. Only use a tiny bit of it, and it blends clean and driven. The other bonus is the pre-amp on the DI has really tightened up my tone in a very subtle way that I really like. Only know Carl Martin guitar pedals (the Danish built ones) - they are exceptional pieces of kit.
  8. Have you checked this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/[/url] ?
  9. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1459078102' post='3013311'] It is indeed a CBS logo and not one from earlier. But the seller says these are CBS era, 1960s strings. So it is all above board. [/quote] [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1459080696' post='3013343'] CBS era not pre-CBS. Still, I think I'll stick with my D'addarios thanks [/quote] Doh, sorry, skim read the post and ad, but really only makes the whole thing completely ridiculous!
  10. I am so far off being one of the forum's Fender experts, but I'm pretty sure that isn't a pre CBS Precision logo. Anyone verify or correct this?
  11. Got to echo all of what Dad3353 said, top effort for three months in. The fact that you kept with the track despite losing your way a couple of times is great. Plenty of resources available now - Scott's Bass Lessons get a lot of love around these parts. I really liked Ed Friedland's Complete Bass book - I used it to polish up and go back over basics, but I'd imagine it would be pretty good for you at your stage. Most of all, you're enjoying it, so that's the first battle won! Keep up the good work (oh, and spend more time on the bass than you do on Basschat - something many of us are guilty of) Final thing, take the s out of youtube https to get the video, not the link on your post.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1459017739' post='3012949'] The age range of my current band is 40 to 43, so quite narrow...that's assuming the drummer is 40, I don't really know how old he is but he looks the same age as the rest of us. Either that or he's had a really hard life There is an assumption amongst many that as soon as you're over, sort of, 35 then you can only be in a covers band. Nothing wrong with being in a covers band, I was in a great one 2 years ago, but if you want to dabble your toe in originals then it becomes more difficult. [/quote] I'm 51, as is my singer, drummer late 50's, lead guitar late 20's and rhythm guitar/vocals is 16. We'Re a blues band, although we have a fairly diverse take on that. More importantly, we've just written our first three songs which will be in the set for the next gig
  13. I got the DI+ model in a trade as I wanted a little bit of gain - ended up totally smitten by the pre-amp side of things, really great piece of gear. GLWTS.
  14. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1459026581' post='3013042'] Yep, I realised it wasn't the UK Proms. Just been watching some of the other shows. That Orchestra is great. So organic with the Disco tunes. Donna Summer [/quote] Sorry, just it is a bit of an oddity, something very European about it, and not particularly well known over here. They've always paid big money and got top names to do it - I worked with a couple of acts that did it around the turn of the century and couldn't believe their luck with both the exposure and the fee
  15. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1459025144' post='3013020'] Just come across this. Chic (well Niles) with an Orchestra in 2007 at a Prom. The Orchestra are superb, and the Bassist does are very nice job. [/quote] Just as a little clarification, this is one of the Dutch TV "Night of the Proms" as opposed to the Albert Hall Proms. Started off as some sort of show introducing old rockers (with an orchestra) to the student market. Seems to have grown in the last few years: [url="http://www.notp.com/english/"]http://www.notp.com/english/[/url]
  16. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1459015274' post='3012916'] Thats the fella. Can't remember why i think he is linked to Heatwave too. Bit of googling to do. [/quote] Here's some nice footage of him: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Rg85ZqK0o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Rg85ZqK0o[/url]
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1458994663' post='3012666'] 54 & 63 is not old [/quote] I agree, and that was the point of posting, nothing to do with the giftedness or otherwise of the artists.
  18. I know these guys have some fans on here, and deservedly. Here's some great new footage to enjoy: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRipadkd6wk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRipadkd6wk[/url]
  19. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1458992882' post='3012649'] the best frontmen need to be narcissists, like it or not they are the focal point for the band, it's their job to interact with the crowd as well as sing, other wise you may as well listen to a CD [/quote] A bit of this, but also, the rest of the band need need to respond to this. I saw Van Morrison twice in a period of a couple of months, so same band and same set. First time was stunning, despite a lacklustre audience, Van was on fire and the band kicked off behind him. The second time, as Paul says, it was as if someone was playing a CD on stage.
  20. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1458986554' post='3012575'] I was born on D Day. Apart from sore fingertips if I dont gig for a couple of weeks, the only thing I have had a real problem with is my vocals. I have had really bad post nasal drip for about a year, so bad I could no longer sing. I think I have finally narrowed it down to a milk allergy, so stopped using dairy altogether a few weeks ago. Do 2 gigs so far, third one tonight. Damn I have lost SO much vocal stamina. I walk my dogs a couple of miles every day but even that is not helping me - ran out of breath to the point that although my voice was still OK it was fast becoming inaudible at the end of the second one hour set. So now I have to figure out what I can do to get my lungs back up to scratch. Oh forgot to mention I had a pulmonary embolism in the eighties when HAS left my lung capacity down anyway. Suggestions, anyone? [/quote] Worth speaking to a vocal coach - from what my singer (who is a coach) says, a lot of it is about technique. I have massive lung capacity - when I did one of those blowing in to a tube tests I was off the scale, but I used to have massive trouble with the BV's while playing because my technique was so poor. Better now, but still a way to go.
  21. Just watched this video in Bubinga5's thread, they were 54 and 63 respectively when this performance was filmed: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281800-stevie-wonder-and-aretha-franklin/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281800-stevie-wonder-and-aretha-franklin/[/url]
  22. Just about to post this in the Too Old thread - 54 and 63 respectively when this was filmed
  23. Have a look at Cort, they make some great basses. I had the GB75 and loved everything apart from the active controls - way too much for me, but great for a function, and occasional slap player I'd guess. I now have a much simpler P!
  24. Hope nobody thought my post was having a go - I love the Stones, even liked the last album A Bigger Bang, where they have a bit of a joke about their age.
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