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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Really liked that - although I'd argue that no bass guitar doesn't mean the same thing as no bass!!
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1458911146' post='3012057'] I'm very happy with this: [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/library/Basses%20CURRENT/Dean%20Edge%208-string%202006%20CURRENT"]http://s1128.photobu...02006%20CURRENT[/url] Prices vary, but most dealers will haggle. A lot. [/quote] I had a go on a Dean 12 string and was impressed with how well it played. Very well built basses.
  3. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1458907359' post='3012020'] If you mean the room was well damped with absorbent material that would reduce the mids and highs. Damping becomes less effective as frequency goes down and wavelengths become longer. However, while the actual level of highs and mids are reduced with damping, they'll sound more prominent, because you're hearing more of the direct sound from the speaker and fewer reflections, which smear the tone. [/quote] Fascinating - I always enjoy your pearls of wisdom Bill, thanks!
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1458906656' post='3012010'] Yep, the early days of Disco had a variety of tempos. A breakdown of tempos and named styles here. [url="http://www.discosavvy.com/diversesounds.html"]http://www.discosavv...ersesounds.html[/url] [/quote] Wow, that's pretty comprehensive.
  5. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1458904322' post='3011979'] Not really a groovy dancer but Oh! that production sound, strings and what not ...... 70's were the best days by far for studio tone. [/quote] Got to disagree with the first half of this comment - there was quite a variety of tempo and rhythm that all fell under the disco banner, and I'd very much put this in among them (as I probably would the slower Rose Royce tracks). Agree with you 100% on the comments about production - amazing what they could do with enormous budgets when records sold in decent quantities!
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1458904599' post='3011982'] Pay attention. I posted that a few posts back...lol.. But, then again, always worth another listen! [/quote] Oops, so sorry, I did scroll through, but with all these great videos my browser is suffering Hope the next one makes up for it
  7. Wonderful track - terrible video (but all the more fun for it)! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuUy2ShGLyo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuUy2ShGLyo[/url]
  8. EW&F came up on a suggestion from Youtube when I looked for Tavares but I though this would make a nice addition: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pahij2ZMkMw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pahij2ZMkMw[/url]
  9. And the beat goes on... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAORTc5dj3Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAORTc5dj3Y[/url]
  10. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1458897591' post='3011881'] No-one mentions KC and the Sunshine Band That's The Way I Like It. Odd but infectious bass line [media]http://youtu.be/iwy8gSx9cSk[/media] And a host of other biggies from the mid-late 70s. [/quote] Digging that horn section - valve trombone?
  11. [quote name='gillento' timestamp='1458897018' post='3011875'] Maybe the room was amplifying certain frequencies predominant in the sound the second bass way louder than those of the first bass who has less of these freqs. I have a similar issue in one of my band's rehearsal rooms. When I play a C, it sounds very loud in that room, whereas the A sounds very quiet. On the meter (an in other rooms) every note is equally strong. [/quote] Interesting point - the room was well insulated - could that have exaggerated the mids?
  12. Will fit in well with the vintage cars and crumbling architecture then
  13. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1458896369' post='3011870'] I must have been the only lad in our school that loved disco and Philly type soul music , and I still love it and in the circles I move in now as a fifty something I still have to keep it underwraps....weird I know. I love it all, even those sickly little Tina Charles numbers etc...but shh dont tell anyone! [/quote] it was amazing how back then music was so regionalised - in my part of SE London disco was THE music. Prog didn't get a look in, likewise Punk. I worked in the local record shop where they imported 12" singles from Phil and Casblanca - weird thing was they ran at 33 rpm and we're only pressed on one side. Cost a fortune, but sold like hot cakes.
  14. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1458895283' post='3011861'] Out of interest, what were the two basses? [/quote] Both P types - bass 1 is a Shuker 5 string fretless with a Nordstrand pickup, and a US parts build with a Kent Armstrong pickup.
  15. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1458853027' post='3011662'] Two from Change.. with Luther Vandross on Searching [/quote] Great choices
  16. And of course, no disco would be complete without some Rose Royce [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISb5p79uFI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISb5p79uFI[/url]
  17. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1458852766' post='3011657'] Happy radio - Edwin Starr short but sweet [/quote] You having a go at some idiot posting a 17+ minute track there?
  18. [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1458773387' post='3010874'] The oft-ridiculed Disco genre provides us bass-types with much groove and many a funk. What is your choice disco flava? [/quote] Damn you sir, I'm now gassing for a massive (string section, percussion, the works) Disco band
  19. All I can say is... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF_o7aSjl_E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF_o7aSjl_E[/url]
  20. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1458835753' post='3011399'] Chaka Khan, Al Jarreau, Patti Austin, Luther Vandross, Far too many to mention really. Teddy Pendergrass had a stunning moving voice. [media]http://youtu.be/2HhV3Slqtvw[/media] And he could dig in when needed. Brilliant. http://youtu.be/kEhpKaJg3rs [/quote] Great singer, often overlooked.
  21. Otis Redding Ella Fitzgerald (well, today that is)!
  22. From their website FAQ's: "Can I buy from my local retailer? Only if you are local. We do not have anything against retailers and they add value for many players helping them select good equipment but our sells price point compared to costs does not allow us to go through the normal distribution process. You might note that we sell for 1/2 what our major competition does in the jazz preamp market and part of what allows us to sell at this price point is selling direct on the web."
  23. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1458577592' post='3008757'] Improvements stop as soon as you're happy with your bass. [/quote] Nail firmly struck on head. This question is quite a common theme, I think this answer should be kept to hand for future use
  24. Thanks for these answers. I was aware of the whole "mid cutting through" philosophy, but am shocked at just how noticeable this actually can be! Second bass was so loud in the room it was a bit disruptive!
  25. I'miss puzzled. I'very always been interested in the posts by our speaker experts regarding watts and volume, but yesterday I experienced a strange anomaly. My band did a recording session - fully live. I use two basses to get two distinct tones. Bass two sounded WAY louder in the room so I asked the engineer if I needed to roll some volume off. He amazed me by saying the signal he was getting was in fact a little lower. What's going on her then?
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