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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I'm no collector, but I would have thought with its pedigree that would be one of the most collectable basses around, so, relatively, well worth the price.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1457277316' post='2996945'] Or CDs, that's what I meant, it's what my friend had. Though it looked like an old fashioned real thing . [/quote] Although said very much in jest, there is something about the way old 45's were mastered and pressed that suited the jukebox. I still don't really like listening to old Atlantic and Stax music on CD as I feel they were created to sound at their best on a far less perfect piece of equipment. Oh, and my first job out of school was in jukebox record distribution, including bashing out the larger holes in the records - thousands of the things, all done manually!
  3. If the shop isn't too much help try here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/[/url] for someone local to you. Be nice to see this new initiative getting used
  4. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457269325' post='2996852'] Sorry to dig up an old thread, I was just wondering about Foderas and came across this, so when there's guys selling Stingrays for £700 in the marketplace and Maruszczyk are putting out amazing customs below £1000 why do people buy Foderas? Is anyone using a Fodera at a paid gig, like theatre work or functions? I'm not against custom basses, but I play in a function band so my Sandberg and Musicman seem perfect for me, so I'm really interested to see if any other working musicians are using really expensive or custom stuff. [/quote] Oteil Burbidge (Allman Brothers Band, and now some Grateful Dead line-up) uses one, so not one of your super elite, or soloist types, just a regular, gigging US session player.
  5. Three of the biggest music law firms Clintons, Harbottle & Lewis and Sheridans. The lady I used to know at Harbottle & Lewis seems to have either moved, or, highly probably, retired. Sheridans were the firm that I used the most, but for all three of these we are talking crazy money (probably £3-5,000 for a straightforward contract negotiation).
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1457228411' post='2996598'] I bought a jukebox, so a I listen to my CD's on that. [/quote] No, a real one would play 7" singles [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1457229826' post='2996605'] A real one ? I knew someone who had one in his music room. The first thing you saw when you went into his flat was pinball machine in the entrance hall, it looked very cool. [/quote]
  7. I love listening to vinyl via separates and speakers but don't get enough chance to do so. My son has recently bought some rather superior (AKG) headphones, and I was seriously impressed with the sound, so may be investing in the near future.
  8. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1457178799' post='2996040'] Exactly - that confirms my point, doesn't it? [/quote] I thought it contradicted your point? edit - if this looks a little confrontational it isn't intended that way!
  9. Doesn't strike me as particularly high. There are a lot of members on here, many who don't contribute to threads, so the site may seem smaller than it is. Most members on line at any one moment was over 8,400. It is also a specialist market, so your £3,000 estimate could be one bass, could easily be two basses so the actual turnover is quite low IMO.
  10. Until quite recently I had been a one bass only person. I then built a bass as a project, but then couldn't sell it for a sensible price so started to use it. I now really love having two very distinct sounds to use in my band, and the rest of the band all really notice the difference. I'd say, depending on how many you have, work out a great second bass that is very different to number one, and then, if there is the range in your collection, and playing situations, chose a third on the same basis. Then sell off the rest.
  11. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1457167571' post='2995891'] As for dumbed down lyrics, at the risk of transatlantic ire 'Love me do' and 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' were not exactly Shakespeare. [/quote] "We all live in a yellow submarine...now what do I follow that line with"
  12. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1457164218' post='2995867'] Listen to Brian Mathews' Sounds of the Sixties and you will hear everything he has described in the video. [/quote] This has always been my response. Amazing how selective memory can be.
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1456753522' post='2991897'] Mostly this. Although for some people the TH500 is tonal nirvana (or today's version of it), some of us struggle to get on with the sound and the interactivity of the controls. In my personal case, the TH was incompatible with the cab I owned at the time. Values are still good, so it makes sense to sell and let someone else get the benefit! [/quote] Glad I'm not the only one. Really did not like the TH500 I tried when I bought my Carvin, but thought it must have been just me!
  14. [quote name='CletePurcel' timestamp='1456919809' post='2993485'] I have just started playing bass (moving over from guitar). I have an Ibanez SR500. This is my first post so apologies if these are dumb questions. In terms of power would a 100W amp still be OK for practice? So if my choice was between a Rumble 100 and BA-115 is the extra £100 or so worth it for the Ampeg over the Fender? As a guitarist who uses tube amps I would never use a 100W amp for practice so it seems a bit too much but this is for a bass and solid state so I don't really know - I guess it is apples and oranges. [/quote] Nothing dumb about these questions! Directly answering your point about the amp being too much for practice, no, you won't lose anything by playing a bigger solid state bass amp quietly, unlike your comparison of valve guitar amps, so nothing to worry about with 100 or even 200/500 watt amps. I use Rumble cabs which I am very happy with - great kit for the money.
  15. Not adverts, but my kids have discovered loads of great music through Dreamworks films.
  16. As apparently is Esperanza, that's another good thing!
  17. Mykesbass


    [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1456610248' post='2990820'] When exactly was it that the world decided that Precisions and Jazz Basses were no longer Fender products and the copies no longer rip-offs (however well-made and good to play)? [/quote] When the man whose name is on the headstock left (and the quality left with him)?
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1456605767' post='2990756'] Much to the surprise of absolutely no-one at all on BC, I've got one gathering dust in my spares box! PM me your address & I'll bung it in the post Jon. [/quote]
  19. Although fairly good with Ebay feedback, if you do read the one negative and two neutral and add those to your tale a picture starts to emerge (esp the comment about trying to get money off)!
  20. [quote name='AndrewR' timestamp='1456587223' post='2990540'] All I need now is the "Avon Rose Morris Japan" headstock badge to complete. This was always missing from when I bought the bass secondhand in the late 1970's - anyone know where I can get hold of one of these badges? [/quote] You may be able to get one of these 3D printed.
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1456509603' post='2989886'] I just like browsing. If you don't know what you want, then it makes sense to just browse, ignoring the ones that are out of your price range. [/quote] Me too. I always laugh when I see those adverts - "If you are reading this you'll know all about..." Err, no, I like gear, I like looking at all sorts, please tell me about it
  22. [size=3]Sorry Synthaside, but another reason why you should stick to writing code - what on earth is an upcoming pregnancy?[/size]
  23. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1456435914' post='2989116'] Hi Marvin, is the UK VAT include on Thomann prices? [/quote] Copied and pasted from Thomann: [color=#000000][font=verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica][size=6][b][center]€289[/center][/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica][size=5][center]£228.57[/center][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica][size=4] [size=2][center]Price includes VAT and free thomann[url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/helpdesk_shipping.html"]shipping[/url](where applicable) £ price - guideline price only[/center][/size][/size][/font][/color]
  24. [quote name='jrixn1' timestamp='1456429673' post='2989013'] Natural History Museum: Upstaged by Dippy the Diplodocus. [/quote] Beaten to it (and no camera phones and very little digital photography when I played there). Dreadful acoustics!!
  25. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1456413876' post='2988792'] Oh totally - wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same! Weight isn't a massive concern at the minute. But it would be weird to have an amp that weighs more than your cabs. As in weighs more than 2 retro 2x10s - only weight I can find for the ABM900 online is 28kg... the retros weigh 13kg! Horses for courses and all that! [/quote] Would have suggested you get to hear one before making your mind up, but they're pretty thin on the ground, so can't imagine much chance of finding one in Ballymena!!
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