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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1455618623' post='2980667'] I sort of feel sorry for liverpool actually - its a microcosm of the general british 'hey, remember in the past when we did something good?' er, no, i wasn't born and neither were you..? Do a new thing, liverpool! [/quote] I do wish sometimes I could shake off the old woolly liberal shroud and say stuff like this!
  2. Some have a distinct tone, also some players find them more comfortable to play. I tried a Guild Starfire recently and didn't really notice any major difference in how it played.
  3. What's Shuka? (apart from a Masai blanket apparently)!
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1455530308' post='2979805'] Did you know that Ken Dodd's dad's dog's dead? [/quote] He died did 'e?
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1455527205' post='2979751'] True enough, but there are loads of other places of broader interest: for example ... Two cathedrals Albert dock Lots of galleries and museums e.g. the Walker, the Tate, the Lady Lever Gallery, etc. etc., the International Slavery Museum, the Port Sunlight Museum, etc. etc. Two top football grounds A ferry across the Mersey Radio City tower ... and many more. [/quote] Ken Dodd
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1455525680' post='2979723'] Yes, I found the article interesting. Most tourist-focussed cities have a broader range of reasons for people to visit, so it puts Liverpool in a fairly unique situation. There must be other notable things about the history and culture of the city, but the Beatles are the first thing we all think of. [/quote] Surely some of the history and culture of the city (much of which ET has now listed) is what allowed the Beatles to thrive - the docks, the immigration, the strong sense of identity? So by celebrating the Beatles the city is also celebrating its greater history and culture.
  7. Was involved in a big gig up there a few years back and Mike McGear introduced the band on stage - incredible reception he got from the locals.
  8. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1455454241' post='2979185'] Much prefer this - [/quote] +1. The Bottom 40 version has great musicianship, but this grooves beautifully!
  9. Great work Ant, nice to see from your previous thread that this came together so quickly. Liked your FB page, and listened to the tracks, loved your version of White Room.
  10. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1455394939' post='2978837'] I'm talking about radio stations taking relatively modern chart singles and remixing. Just listen to kiss FM. Interestingly we have been out in the car and when they play their remixed version of "what do you mean" my daughter turns it off! lol [/quote] As I thought, got the wrong end of the stick first time. Yes, remixes will be part of an artist's contract negotiation, and with so little competition among labels these days, I would imagine it would only be a really hot act or a strong, well known manager who would manage to get full artist consent over remixes, licensing and so on. Has been a few years since I was in the industry, but these were rights labels always wanted, but would often concede, as there were always other companies for the artists to turn to. Now the choice for major labels has shrunk to Sony and Universal, so the artist has much less bargaining power.
  11. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1455362674' post='2978386'] Fixed again. [/quote] HaHa, just read across in the topics and saw "describe the modern bass player" followed by Rich. Oh that it were true!!
  12. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1455313587' post='2978199'] Not sure if this should go in general discussion but I'd be interested in everyones opinion. Having a teenage daughter in the car usually means listening to Kiss FM, and their remixes. She asked me if the original artist has any control over the remix of a track, and the extent to which it can be changed? And what happens if they heard a remixed track of there's that they didn't like. I'm guessing they have no control and its hard cheese regardless of how awful it is? [/quote] Sorry mentalextra, I may have misinterpreted your post - are we talking about remixes under the artist's own name, or those tracks (usually old tracks) that get ripped apart and put back together under a new artist vs or featuring the original? My post was really addressing the latter, when, reading mike257's post he, and very probably you were talking of the former?
  13. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1455319189' post='2978245'] You can't just barge in with a post like that, you need to understand what weir on about first. [/quote] Ah, but I'd been quietly perched on the side waiting to make a splash!
  14. Looks fabulous, and would love to hear sound samples of those pickups. Edit - just went off and found some - very tasty!
  15. I think from the Fender site it is a pan pot, and pots 2 & 3 are the three band eq.
  16. Often it will be the record company that holds the rights, not the artist, especially with older contracts. Usually the finished track will be submitted for approval, but as you can imagine, if the artist is no longer with the label they will be happy to take the money. I used to be involved in licensing in record companies, fortunately never did anything quite so unethical!
  17. This thread is starting to flounder - I think I'll salmon up the courage to ask a mod to loch it.
  18. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1455236417' post='2977452'] You spoke actual words and stuff with Mike Rutherford. Envy. [/quote] [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1455278699' post='2977702'] Nice guy. Mike and the Mechanics were on tour. We had a chat about how it felt to be in a more "straightforward" - his word - band, he was interesting and engaging. [/quote] Was introduced to him by my old school mate who has been his drummer for last 21 years with "this is the guy I was in my first band with". His singer, Andrew Roachford was completely down to earth too.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1455292266' post='2977918'] Someone with a music degree. . . . who can't play Mustang Sally without slapping. [/quote] ...
  20. The modern bass player - someone who isn't on here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277926-2016-poll-how-old-are-you/page__st__30__p__2968557__hl__poll__fromsearch__1#entry2968557"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277926-2016-poll-how-old-are-you/page__st__30__p__2968557__hl__poll__fromsearch__1#entry2968557[/url]
  21. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1455197903' post='2976934'] Yeah, the more I look into it, the more expensive it becomes. Previous builds, I managed to keep down to £2-300, but then I was happy to use a lot of inexpensive hardware - whereas on this I'd like a pair of T-bird pickups...and I'd probably want something more substantial than a "BBOT" bridge, for example! Plunger's advice above sounds quite sensible, though it then makes me wonder whether I'd have the time to fashion a quick-and-dirty neck out of softwood. Perhaps I would be better off approaching someone who does this professionally. [/quote] Don't forget, you can re-use these parts on the final build.
  22. Any use: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/5-String-ML-Factory-Through-active-electronic/dp/B00SNMRW44"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/5-String-ML-Factory-Through-active-electronic/dp/B00SNMRW44[/url] ?
  23. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1455191857' post='2976814'] Prompted by the recent Adam Clayton post (re The Edge playing bass occasionally) who else do we know of who's taken on the regular bass players parts? Ronnie Wood - bass on Maggie May. [/quote] Wasn't Ron(nie) Wood actually a pretty regular bass player?
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