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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453995706' post='2965142'] I really don't get why this thread has ended up this way and in an effort to stop any offense I may of caused [b]I am sorry maybe my posts didn't come over as intended[/b] I've always posted (most of the time) with only humour and respect on bc and I'm actually a bit upset that I may of annoyed anyone or came across with anything but respect. [/quote] This^ big time I'm afraid, but glad it wasn't what you intended, as what did come over wasn't very nice. So here's a virtual handshake from me, and onwards with the new competition
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453993316' post='2965108'] No you hold on there. As this was not directed at you in anyway shape or form so your reply made me laugh as that was egocentric! So honestly relax there I promise that was not directed at anyone. [/quote] I didn't for one moment think it was meant for me alone, so I'm glad you had a good laugh, all be it in error. My post fitted perfectly what you were moaning about - an opinion from someone with no interest in taking part in your new proposed challenge. It was, however, posted in a supportive spirit, which is why I took it personally, and felt stung by your petulant post. Glad to hear it wasn't directed at me, but perhaps you could sharpen your aim next time! I look forward to hearing the noodle posts, but retain the opinion that you should bite the bullet and put these raw tracks up against the others in the existing challenge.
  3. Thought you were going to save that money from the Telecaster Bass sale I've never worked out these sniping tools, but if you are keen, I'd just watch it in the final minutes and put your £250 on as late as possible (less than a minute from the end).
  4. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453941655' post='2964614'] Can I just say with all due respect. This thread really should be for people interested in the idea and to say there interested, so hopefully get something going. And not really for people who don't want to take part or voice there opinions on why and clutter up the thread. If not enough people are interested so be it. I Don't go on the composition challenge thread and say I won't be taking part and what my opinions are on why I won't be and why not many people take part etc. [/quote] Woah, hang on. My post is one that you are (supposedly "with due respect") referring to here, a post that was very positive and encouraging. In light of this, I find your response incredibly offensive. The thought that you don't want anybody contributing in this way is incredibly egocentric, and, to me, now brings in to question your motives behind setting up the proposed alternative challenge. It is a real shame you have responded this way, as I was genuinely looking forward to hearing musical contributions like you suggested in the current challenge.
  5. As a regular voter (but never an entrant) I'd welcome pieces like you are suggesting Twincam, but if you see how little traction this established competition gets I really can't see how an alternative version would work. Just use the picture as a starting point - I've never really taken too much notice, when it comes to voting, I just go with the compositions I like the most. Get stuck in, put your short, simple ideas up next month 0 I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the response.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1453930732' post='2964454'] Guys, I'm not old, I'm merely older. I'll never be old. Blue [/quote] I love the fact that you don't mind being a curmudgeon though Don't worry Blue, I've now reached the stage where I follow the mantra "You have to grow old, but you don't have to grow up"
  7. [quote name='Staggering on' timestamp='1453913535' post='2964175'] Thanks for the info,I didn't know about the surveys-guess I should have checked before I posted.Interesting stuff,kind of confirms my thoughts. How many actually replied to the survey compared to the number of users on the site?Maybe certain age groups have more time to spend on stuff like this-that includes me by the way. [/quote] By the looks of it, around 160 out of a total membership of 34,000!! Even if you take the most online figure, that's still 8,400, and there are twice as many people currently online as responded to the poll. If you think that's bad, go over and visit the Composition of the Month thread
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1453910165' post='2964122'] The last place I was in where they passed a jug round definitely wasn't a music venue... [/quote] I always thought the Corrs had made enough money without needing a pub collection
  9. Pretty sure he didn't exclude them with us, but it was very much on trust.
  10. We played there on the Friday - cracking pub, very different to the other one we discussed. Unfortunately the jug went out quite late and we did really badly on that but quite well on the bar take. Th landlord is a really decent guy, but he is having big problems with the PubCo, and you couldn't help but notice the residential development going up next door. We're back in May, and frankly, it is one I'd do for nothing, but I do hope he gets things sorted by then.
  11. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1453903472' post='2964016'] What's all this? Ah, just another 'ageing troll shakes fist at modern world' thread. Move on, nothing to see here. [/quote] That's not really fair. Blue has his share of being an old curmudgeon but not with this one. He has clearly set this out as a response to many threads that have bemoaned the demise of the gig circuit, and asked some very straight, pertinent questions, which have had some great replies.
  12. Bit steep you say - gone now, I wonder what for? One day...
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1453902698' post='2964002'] DJs and discos have been supposedly killing live music since at least the mid 70s. They can't be doing a very good job. [/quote] No idea how to put things into the Famous Quotes thread but this REALLY deserves to be in there!!
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1453897639' post='2963921'] [url="http://www.statista.com/statistics/319278/number-of-musicians-in-the-uk/"]http://www.statista....ians-in-the-uk/[/url] [url="http://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/media/320723/measuring_music_2015.pdf"]http://www.thecreati..._music_2015.pdf[/url] [url="http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/Files/Reports/Industry/The-Working-Musician-report.aspx"]http://www.musicians...ian-report.aspx[/url] MU you could consult their members directory to get an idea of how many are registered which would indicate how many on a pro/semipro basis as for the amateur side would be fairly tricky to guesstimate without some sort of straw poll [/quote] Steve, your big problem here (and speaking as someone who ran a music shop for a couple of years) is that you really are not going to make very much money out of that side of the market - the amateur and pub players are by far the biggest number (how many of us on here for example are MU members)?
  15. Gulp, looks like I traded way over the odds for one of these Still, great pedal, and very nice price
  16. Quite amazing that they signed a guitar that had pretty obviously only been bough for that purpose. No wonder some artists are becoming less approachable when it comes to autographs.
  17. May be worth trying the Music Industry Association (MIA) who are the trade body for UK#s music shops. They're all probably at NAMM (or recovering from it) so I'd be leaving it for a few days though.
  18. The OP is "What will replace gigging? One answer is Youtube - there is a whole generation that get their musical kicks through this platform, and from a new musician's perspective, apart from the income, it is an incredible medium, as they can be as creative as they want - no landlords (bar managers), agents, record companies or radio stations to pander to. They can create as much of their work as they want (multi-instrumentalist, videography etc.) or they can collaborate. Some of these Youtube stars have built such a following that they now do in fact gig, albeit a very different type of gig to your average pub/club/traditional music venue.
  19. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1453890694' post='2963784'] Then you'll probably love this one too... [/quote] Wrong decade, but yes, this version was the first time I knowingly heard a Neil Young song. A guy called George Carr, who I'm sure some of the North East Basschatters will know (he took over JG Windows at some point) had been involved with them and played this to me when we both worked at a terrible independent record distributor in Wembley
  20. A couple of Liverpool favourites: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgjH53M_E3Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgjH53M_E3Q[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO5-w3540H8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO5-w3540H8[/url]
  21. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1453844751' post='2963444'] Another big EBTG fan here but then I did go to school about 400 yds from where Tracey did. I think I've got every album... Now, 80s singles - there were some great forgotten singles from around that time... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB_5MhhS1x4&index=33&list=PL9A92B81E97E1D70C[/media] I could go on and on... [/quote] Oh wow, massive nostalgia spike with this one!!
  22. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1453834959' post='2963294'] Any of the singles from So are always going to get my vote. However, beyond that, there are many things that rate highly for me, not least of which is this completely rock mix of a Frankie Goes To Hollywood hit, featuring the late Gary Moore on guitar. [media]http://youtu.be/G0ErdO1hxdU[/media] [/quote][quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1453834959' post='2963294'] Any of the singles from So are always going to get my vote. However, beyond that, there are many things that rate highly for me, not least of which is this completely rock mix of a Frankie Goes To Hollywood hit, featuring the late Gary Moore on guitar. [/quote] FGTH were the absolute masters of the remix! (well, Trevor Horn probably)!
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