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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. BigRedX's post in the earlier 80's Albums thread has prompted me to put up the singles version. I loved both of his choices but was completely oblivious to the albums, only knowing the singles. So mine to kick things off: I'm sure plenty of people loved the album, but this was definitely a single release for me [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHppIFO2gaU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHppIFO2gaU[/url] and this one, I thought the rest of the album was a bit disappointing, but the single superb: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL5L5Y61Jyk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL5L5Y61Jyk[/url]
  2. Some great diversity this month, and struggled to get down from five, but all decided and voted for now!
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1453733428' post='2962232'] According to their "definitive" GH sleeve notes "The Night" was recorded in '72 but bombed in the US due to lack of promotion. It was re-released in the UK in '75 when it was a hit. Fantastic song; a frequent speaker tester for me. It was always a floor-filler at Wigan and still is at soul revival nights in Blackpool. [/quote] Yes, my source agrees with 72, but is frustratingly shy about a bass player (3 guitarists though)! Which is why I suggested this Fonce Mizell, who I must admit, I hadn't heard of: [url="http://www.allmusic.com/album/chameleon-mw0000845089"]http://www.allmusic.com/album/chameleon-mw0000845089[/url]
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1453759613' post='2962589'] On a different route, I decided seeing as everyone had black (so loads on stage at any one time), I`d get an orange one. Easily identified on stage, easy to see where it`s plugged into, and I got one with a surge protector as well. [/quote] I can see the sense in that, especially late, when ALL the cables (speakers, mics, instruments) are black, but I want them to be unseen on stage.
  5. 5 exclusively until recently when I decided to hang on to the parts build project I made. I love the use the fifth position for playing in E, and regularly use a low D and C in several songs in our blues sets.
  6. Get an Ampeg 8x10, urinate in it copiously, and leave it at the bottom of the stairs - everyone will just think it's another non-working lift! On a more sensible note (and I hope your council estate is nothing like the ones where I grew up), a combo with headphone socket, so that you can use it for small rehearsals/jams, and use headphones at home, as, like others have said, even quiet bass travels and annoys.
  7. He does have a very valid point though. Where else are such high levels of distress/relicing thought to be such a good thing? Classic cars are all valued for their originality, but no-one would cherish a dented wing, or scuffed hubcaps on a Lotus Cortina. Antique furniture is worth more if it hasn't been tampered with, and has patina, but nothing like the levels of a Rory Gallagher Stratocaster. So basically, it really is only some of us players, and a handful of hardcore music fans that perpetuate this idea that a beat up guitar is more desirable than a shiny refinished one. p.s. I'm also a 64 vintage, and glad I'm in slightly better shape
  8. Not Babbitt, at least he didn't claim it on his website list of credits - the only Frankie Valli track he did was Our Day Will Come. Hadn't Jamerson also finished working at Motown by then? According to All Music Guide, the production of the track was by The Corporation, so could have been Fonce Mizell.
  9. Another 6 Music listener - my last "discovery" on there was Songhoy Blues.
  10. Another for ABC - particularly liked this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzf8SqlzbPQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzf8SqlzbPQ[/url] Sade: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Yh9VgB58w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Yh9VgB58w[/url] and Working Week: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5mtH3_439s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5mtH3_439s[/url]
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453632678' post='2961135'] Our solution is to have short-lead multi-plugs, and a variety of extension cable lengths to fit any venue. A mix of 5m, 10m, 20m leads and a 100m reel give us enough flexibility, and are easier to store than long-lead multi-plugs, which are never the optimum length, anyway. Keep 'em short, I say (well, 2-3m or so...) [/quote] Another eminently sensible suggestion, I'm glad I asked now
  12. [quote name='five-string.co.uk' timestamp='1453586506' post='2960907'] or 4 mtr [url="https://www.tool-net.co.uk/p-354681/sealey-el5-1-5-4r-230v-4mtr-industrial-extension-cable-4-outlet-sockets-fused.html"]https://www.tool-net...kets-fused.html[/url] Sealy seem to be a fairly reputable brand nowadays [/quote] Now that's the sort, thanks. Although the make your own option is so ridiculously obvious now it has been suggested!
  13. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1453584324' post='2960880'] Why not get some 2.5-sq.mm. rubber covered cable and make them longer? [/quote] That probably is the sensible option - sort of got out of the habit with everything being moulded these days!
  14. [quote name='five-string.co.uk' timestamp='1453584525' post='2960883'] I see Argos have some too... [/quote] Worried about their quality!
  15. [quote name='five-string.co.uk' timestamp='1453581929' post='2960854'] Or this one: [url="https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/AARS4slashL.html"]https://www.tlc-dire...ARS4slashL.html[/url] [/quote] These are my local suppliers, brilliant company and my first point of call, but they only had a limited range in black, and they are all very short (2 metres). Thanks though.
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453580070' post='2960830'] Me too in County Durham. Fret work (leveling, crowning, 4 stage polish see pics), general set up work, some small repair work, some soldering, Amp capacitor replacement etc. Recent example of work. BEFORE AND AFTER [/quote] Excellent job there Twincam!
  17. Can anyone recommend a decent source for some heavy duty black extension leads please? I have a great one but it is only 2 gang, and realised last night that as a band we need some more. Tried both trade suppliers and B&Q locally but they only have white or really cheap and nasty. I want black so they aren't so obvious on stage, and heavy duty so they don't shatter the first time the drummer stamps on one! Online searches have left me unsure as to the quality on offer, hence the request for recommendations. Thanks.
  18. Great idea Rich - happy to go on the list for basic set-up work (truss rods, intonation, action). In Sussex, halfway between Crawley and Brighton.
  19. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1453563995' post='2960621'] I would try and get a second hand fretless neck rather than defretting as you can always switch it back if you wanted to sell it on. Get the Squire as planned or why not get a fretless Squire? [/quote] Yes on the new fretless neck as the OP could then get a nice ebony board, which is why I'd then say no to the fretless Squier - I really didn't like the ebanol board. Too "twangy" and wore very quickly. As for the fretless making the JB dull, there is no reason why a nice board will do this, but you may have to experiment with strings to get what you are looking for.
  20. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1453543333' post='2960382'] I say , ask him how much he would pay for five plumbers to come out on a Saturday night! People don't seem to realise the work involved, plus the personal expense. Functions are notoriously hard to play especially as some folk feel you are their captive band and you have to do their bidding without argument. 400 quid sounds reasonable to me, but if you charge 200 for a pub, then maybe go for 250-300 [/quote] Although the plumbers wouldn't have done the pub gig for that rate either!
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1453373549' post='2958808'] Reverting to another post by the OP (above), if we were to turn up and play for £250 and then find that she had also engaged a DJ and was paying him £500, that wouldn't worry me. I'm not concerned about how much others earn. [/quote] It would be nice to think that we (collectively) were being treated fairly though. I got stung with a wedding gig, where I got a decent enough fee, but then found out what the band got paid. Now I can understand the bandleader taking some extra, even an extra split, but this was more than that, AND we'd all contributed to the rehearsal room.
  22. I wouldn't have thought there was much you can do once the guy has been told how much you go out for in pubs - in his mind there isn't going to be much difference. Fault lies with the guitarist, so make him do it for free and then split the £200 one less way.
  23. Can't load the plug in on your last response to me - any chance of a link?
  24. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1453288304' post='2958057'] The idea is that it's up to the conductor to decide which part you play next. He may just have one part of the ensemble play one section, while another plays a different section. [/quote] Now I'll admit to being slightly out of my depth here, but isn't that how Terry Riley's In C works? I'm pretty sure I saw something along those lines on a Culture Show a couple of years back.
  25. That's not what I was expecting - I was thinking they would be traditional scores that created a very graphic look from the patterns of the notes. They really are something else! Are they fairly easy to understand and follow for a competent reader?
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