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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='CyberBass' timestamp='1453194240' post='2957183'] When playing a cover to you play note for note accuracy or your take of the song? Any tips or advice welcome and appreciated. [/quote] As others have already said, if it is a stand out/important part of the song then make sure you have nailed it. The rest, I'm pretty much on the side of playing something that fits well and feels right, but not getting too wound up about note for note accuracy. I'm sure I'm not the only bass player who has had the accusing glare followed by "Why weren't you playing in the verse" from a guitarist in Alright Now
  2. Hi Gingelock, Can I suggest you change your thread title to Strings for CGCF Tuning (not Strings for Yamaha RBX170). This will hopefully mean that the guys who drop tune will see the post and respond. Oh, and welcome to Basschat
  3. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1453055635' post='2956008'] ive got a couple of the Entwistle PBXN`s sat around if thats what your after. [/quote] Ooh, interesting - he's not listing the neo anymore. PM on its way.
  4. Well, having built this for the fun of building it, and then putting it up, unsuccessfully for sale, I took this to a local blues jam today, to see if I should keep it and find a place in my band for it. Guess what? It's a keeper!! Needs a more vintage sounding pup, this one has that lovely 70s shout, but that's not what I'm about, so much choice, but cheap and cheerful Entwistle is top of the list, and if that doesn't do the trick, then one from Hot Rod who have taken over the Wizzard designs and tooling.
  5. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1452993783' post='2955427'] The 1975 sound a bit like Walk The Moon to me. I don't think they have much to offer other than nostalgia but then I can be very critical. [/quote] I thought the wore their influences well - little bit of Bowie's Fame, little bit of Gary Numan, as well as the large dose of Peter Gabriel. I think it must be incredibly difficult for new bands to come up with something completely new, and even if they did, it would be very unlikely to get any traction in today's highly homogenised market.
  6. Of course, I've completely overlooked Ian Dury - yes, the band are phenomenal, but this is an example for me where the lyrics are absolutely paramount, and the music would not be the same without them.
  7. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1453025713' post='2955541'] I listen to both but it takes really bad lyrics to ruin a good tune for me whilst really good lyrics won't make me enjoy a tune I don't like. [/quote] [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1453026011' post='2955555'] Exactly. [/quote] Hadn't thought of it that way, but yes, great point. (Although there are a couple which even the finest musical score couldn't rescue - Adrian Gurvitz "Classic" anyone)?!
  8. Great track, and superb playing, but Ouch!, going to have to go and listen to that on vinyl now - the reproduction on that has got to be one of the worst Youtube uploads I've heard.
  9. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1452953444' post='2955013'] Could it be that (dons flat cap) music were better int' old days? and modern music is just sh*te? Compare Nicki Minaj to Hazel O'Connor. One Direction to Led Zeppelin. Any one of a thousand and one identical 'trance djs' to Pink Floyd. Could this be why a modern music festival wont get punters, yet a tribute festival might? Discuss. [/quote] But the modern festivals are huge at the moment, the biggest earner for all the big names. OK, they chuck in some "heritage" acts but they are way outnumbered by those new-fangled outfits that I haven't heard of!
  10. I always thought music first, but then there are always the exceptions - one of my favourite artists in my 20s was Elvis Costello, and now I'm a big fan of Dylan and later Bruce Springsteen, where the lyrics are pretty essential!
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1452951186' post='2954986'] the groove is sacrificed for the fluff in that example... IMO [/quote] [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1452958448' post='2955086'] Yeah possibly - but this really is more towards the pop end of the soul/R and B spectrum - however it's a pretty good copy of the original (with a few fluffs), which does have that extended 16th note groove at the end - the timing and accents of the original sound a bit unusual - this was one of a number of Chic/Sister Sledge/Sheila B Devotion/Diane Ross Edwards/Rogers produced covers which I played in a touring covers band at the end of the 70s and that song certainly got people up dancing - I think the bass 16th note groove just adds to the intensity - quite clever the way it's restricted only to one bar every twelve until the end when it cuts loose. Very clever guys as writers, arrangers and musicians. [/quote] Compared to most of their work, even on the original version the bass doesn't sit quite as nicely on this particular track to my ears.
  12. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1452906475' post='2954732'] Just suppose I'll have to look even dafter than usual now, then. [/quote] Not you Vinny - if you check your post the link is indeed the sofa, I've now edited the original which somehow changed between me posting, h.k.h viewing and quoting and then you viewing. Time to call in Mulder & Sculley
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452887712' post='2954538'] The seller says it's been made to look like a 60s bass, but of course it's been made to look like a 70s bass. Trouble is the attempt has failed whichever time period it's supposed to be from. [/quote] I dunno, pretty sure Fender must have made several basses as bad as this in the 70s
  14. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1452854456' post='2954057'] One of these events is happening in my local park this summer. Presumably only fake people will be able to attend. Apparently some lucky local bands will have the privilege of supporting said fakers... sheeesh. [/quote] I do fully appreciate your exasperation with this whole concept JellyKnees, it is sad that new music isn't supported in the same way that tributes are, and that they have also now taken over these local park events, but without the support of public money (councils, Arts Council etc.) market forces are always going to prevail.
  15. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1452877757' post='2954402'] Ah, but is it art or is it entertainment? OH NO, I SAID IT! [/quote] You're not going to become a banned Basschatter tribute are you?
  16. [quote name='linear' timestamp='1452878644' post='2954414'] It's all a pantomime anyway. All of it. [/quote] Oh no it isn't!
  17. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1452872514' post='2954330'] Even weirder....when I clicked your link, it took me to the stand you mentioned! [/quote] You don't know how pleased I am to see you confirm that! Thought I was being even less competent than I thought!
  18. Leave one in the back pocket of your jeans when you next put them in the washing machine
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1452848743' post='2953983'] I have some massive holes in my listening experience. I hadn't heard Dark Side of The Moon until I was 48, only heard the White Album after it appeared on Spotify a few weeks back, never heard a Bob Dylan album, a Stones album or had anything other than superficial contact with any number of 'legends' including Bowie, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, The Eagles, The Band etc etc. There is more music out there that any one of us can consume. Our own journies are what make us 'us'. I have a truckload of obscure artists I have loved and soaked up over the years and have no real sense that I am missing out. My own perspective is that I cannot say that I 'don't like' Bowie, Elton John etc etc, it's more that I cannot listen to everything, so when I do, I go for stuff that I love rather than stuff that I like or think is OK. 'Life On Mars' is a great piece of music but I would never pick it up by chouce because I get to hear it every now and then as I go through life and, when the choice is mine, will go for things that work more for me. The 'choice' is not 'good' vs 'bad' but 'most loved' vs. 'that's nice'. [/quote] Great Perspective Bilbo.
  20. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1452841692' post='2953908'] You take a sofa to gigs? Bet you're popular! [/quote] That is so weird, I'm positive I posted a link to Amazon for the Hercules Mini!! In fact if you look at post #3 Hiram seems to know what I was talking about, so no idea how that link got there. Ah, technology in the hands of a Luddite, got to love it
  21. Can't tell without seeing one for real, as they don't look that robust from the pictures. These ones [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/HERCULES-STANDS-ELECTRIC-Guitars-accessories/dp/B000NHB9BE/ref=sr_1_4?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1452844610&sr=1-4&keywords=hercules+guitar+stand"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/HERCULES-STANDS-ELECTRIC-Guitars-accessories/dp/B000NHB9BE/ref=sr_1_4?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1452844610&sr=1-4&keywords=hercules+guitar+stand[/url] are pretty solid and fold up to very little.
  22. That is an excellent way of doing an a/b comparison of two basses - great work. Preferred the classic in the first style, but thought the standard was a little more versatile, and sounded better in all the others, although it was the first style that was my favourite of all.
  23. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452787790' post='2953535'] The sosososososo guy I mentioned earlier (whose name I can't remember. I could have a guess but I'd be very embarrassed if I got it wrong) insisted that music wasn't entertainment and that if you enjoy it you're doing it wrong. He was very quickly told just how far up his arse his head was... [/quote] [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452809075' post='2953795'] Link please! This thread passed me by. [/quote] Inti? Accused WaterofTyne (if I recall) among others of being a clown. Charmer.
  24. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1452718120' post='2952909'] hear what Bernard was doing and what a genius he was. [/quote] A big part of that genius for me, having heard the isolated/playalong version is in his composing of the part - it just sounds so odd on its own, not a natural choice of notes/lines, but once it is in the mix, wow!
  25. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1452779366' post='2953402'] The masking tape badge to "attract" the girls is genius [/quote] Although the concept of tasting drinks as a pulling technique is baffling me, but then perhaps I've led a sheltered life
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