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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Thanks Gents for the nice posts above - thought it had gone via Facebook, but that's all gone quiet, so still available.
  2. Got to disagree with RhysP on LTD - I used to stock them when I had a music shop and rated them highly - did have one problem guitar, but that was sorted by the distributor. There is always that little bit of extra magic with the real deal ESP, but a 600 series LTD will be a very fine guitar.
  3. Get my blues band, which is now settled in nicely, gigging 2/3 times a month, and to see if we can start cracking some better gigs - local festivals, beer festivals etc. instead of just pub gigs. Other target is purely reliant on finances, but is to get a DB and start playing that.
  4. Hi Tony, I ran a small music shop for a couple of years and one of my pet hates was the sound of electro acoustic guitars plugged in In particular, I felt that a couple of the big brand name acoustic guitar amps were awful - the sound just never worked for me. One day while a customer was trying one out and I didn't have any acoustic amps in stock I plugged the guitar into a bass amp. To my ears it sounded way better, far more natural than any of the cheaper acoustic amps. OK, it may have struggled next to an AER, but compared to Marshall, Fender and Ashdown it sounded so much more natural and acoustic. Give it a go - hopefully you'll enjoy the results as much as I did!
  5. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1451256229' post='2939184'] His normal bassist, Gail Ann Dorsey is playing rhythm on that track. I presume she doesn't slap, bit like me really....although I have more hair! [/quote] You're right, quick check of Heroes from the same gig and she is back on bass.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451146006' post='2938549'] Don't quite see what's funny about it. That was the Carvin B2000 monoblock. A good amp, but circumstances change and I've owned and used (and reviewed) quite a few amps since then. I wouldn't much fancy hauling that Carvin around in a rack case now to be honest - and it wouldn't suit my current needs. Just because I find one amp that I like several years ago doesn't mean I'm not going to try others and change if I think it necessary. And where else would I post my findings if not in the Amps and Cabs section of a bass guitar forum? [/quote] Sorry, didn't mean to get your back up, just speaking figuratively. Was just making conversation, based on remembering that you and I were both staunch supporters of the Carvin brand back then.
  7. Funny that a while back you were extolling the virtues of Carvin, and this was the amp I A/B'ed with the Carvin BX500, choosing the latter. Still very happy with my choice three years later!
  8. Well after many months this turned up courtesy of my Christmas list - thoroughly enjoying it, so thanks for the suggestions folks: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpmRU2TPJ-Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpmRU2TPJ-Y[/url]
  9. Nice work. Quite sophisticated lines when compared to the likes of The Beat and The Selecter.
  10. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1450997876' post='2937813'] I've had this for a month or so, but it's my Christmas present from my lovely wife. She saw me looking at it online and said it was too lovely not to buy. It's a cracking bass as well...but I knew that as I have a black one already I'm a very lucky man indeed. [/quote] Lovely, but completely intrigued - is your tree potted in a floor tom?
  11. Got some music (CDs and vinyl) on the way, but just seen the Barefaced Facebook post, and now have serious GS for next year!!
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1450970165' post='2937507'] Well done, y'all. [/quote] In hiding this month? Fortunately there was so much good stuff this month I managed to use all three votes even without you!
  13. Thanks for sbrag for reminding me about the Manhattans: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4vlthJImVw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4vlthJImVw[/url]
  14. Ah, the Manhattans, classy stuff. Just off to post one of theirs here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275180-amazing-vintage-productions/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275180-amazing-vintage-productions/[/url]
  15. Well, the slightly more serious threads are getting ignored so I thought I'd enter into the spirit.
  16. Little heartwarming tale for Christmas: [url="http://swns.com/news/95-year-old-pianist-in-care-home-overwhelmed-after-gumtree-advert-sees-80-musicians-come-to-jam-with-him-69990/"]http://swns.com/news/95-year-old-pianist-in-care-home-overwhelmed-after-gumtree-advert-sees-80-musicians-come-to-jam-with-him-69990/[/url]
  17. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1450879903' post='2936643'] You haven't experienced my current band (me and Mrs Zero) or former club band (drummer and keyboard player) then. [/quote] I did think about you, and delighted to be proved wrong, but I'd still be very wary joining a band with partners in the line-up.
  18. Back having listened to the Soundcloud recording - that's cool, love the interval played on guitar at 0.17 (ish). As per my previous post, I now definitely think you should have the songs written and demoed first, so they are your songs, and then the band can put their collective stamp on it so they have creative input, but they are your songs.
  19. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1450863888' post='2936454'] If you genuinely want a collective effort, I would record your basic ideas so that there is enough of each tune for others to grasp but that there is not so much that they feel inhibited about suggesting changes. [/quote] +1 on this, or a hybrid of the two, where you get tracks to a certain standard and then "sell" it to others but with the proviso you want their input on developing the tunes. Good luck with the project, some great inspiration there to work from. Off to listen to your Soundcloud track now.
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1450799202' post='2935987'] My next potential project involves a couple, one of whom plays a bit of keys. Maybe I should just sack it off before we even start rehearsing? [/quote] Well the way this thread is running... Then again Kev, people play the lottery every week and the odds there are probably even worse!
  21. Such a shame I don't have the required EBS gear to play it through
  22. When I replied earlier I forgot my golden rule - is there a couple in the band? Never a good idea in my experience.
  23. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450782467' post='2935774'] I did try a search but found loads of stuff about Fender Jazz bass so decided to simply ask [/quote] [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1450780658' post='2935746'] You sound like a grumpy old man. I'm happy for a new thread to happen, happy to participate and read it. Even if I wasn't it isn't causing anyone any harm other than maybe costing an extra 0.0001p in server space. [/quote] Touche! And yes, the above is probably a fair defence. But there is a lot of great information on the forum and it just seems a shame if it doesn't get used when people need it. Got a supermarket trip looming - time to get seriously grouchy
  24. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man (especially this close to the season of goodwill) how about trying a forum search - this subject has been covered several times, once pretty recently: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/274641-god-help-me-think-im-starting-to-like-jazz/page__hl__jazz"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/274641-god-help-me-think-im-starting-to-like-jazz/page__hl__jazz[/url] which includes a link to Bilbo's God, I Love Jazz.
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