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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Who is in charge? How many gigs booked? What's the financial split? (as opposed to how much do I get paid) What new repertoire is in the pipeline? But in my non-pro experience it really is down to how you get on with each other that is THE most important factor.
  2. Thanks - the online demo from EHX sounds good, may have to investigate!
  3. You use the same amp as me rungles. What do you use for dirt, the gain or a pedal?
  4. Pretty sure you didn't. Doesn't look like his Guitar Interactive reviews.
  5. Great example here of how what in theory should be dead simple can become quite demanding: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwws6XPZ1JM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwws6XPZ1JM[/url]
  6. Two great tracks there, love the guitar break in the first track - fits perfectly.
  7. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1450394832' post='2932475'] This is the second time this has happened with public domain material in videos I have uploaded. Is this YouTube finding any excuse to put ads in front of videos? Discuss. [/quote] When you upload is there any form filling/box ticking regarding copyright? In this instance you are the copyright owner of the recording. If you have significantly re-arranged the piece you can also claim the writing credit as Trad. Arr BassBus. I wouldn't think it was a Youtube ploy, just some smart@rse looking for unregistered work to claim as Naethru suggests, in the hope that if they do hundereds they may pick up a handful and get the ad revenue.
  8. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1450431339' post='2932661'] and turned up a little bit (for a bit more dynamic ability). [/quote] I did this a short while ago and loved the result. Stupidly gone back to turning down and digging in. Will make the effort to switch again. Met another bass playing Lockyer recently, over in Fareham - any relation?
  9. One of the combinations discussed in the Christmas thread was Nelson Riddle and the Capitol Studio - here they are doing what the do best - love the build up to the trombone, and then the ever so slightly cheesy, but beautifully executed final two bars, with that classic combination of double bass and triangle! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPu0zkfmglQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPu0zkfmglQ[/url]
  10. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1450392701' post='2932445'] You just can't argue with the sound of the first Boston album. Sublime. [/quote] Yep, 1976 and sounds bang up to date production wise. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1450428960' post='2932619'] One of my reference albums for good production and arrangements is Rickie Lee Jones' [i]Pirates [/i]from 1980. I borrowed it from my local library (along with Zappa's [i]Hot Rats[/i]) not long after it was released on the strength of liking the cover images and was completely bowled over by both albums - I don't think I've quite recovered since Most of Steely Dan present, including Steve Gadd drumming and Chuck Rainey on bass. Sublime [/quote] Love the way you can hear the album tracks marrying up to one another, and can hear a huge nod towards Chuck E's in Love from the previous album.
  11. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1450392196' post='2932440'] I just noticed something under your name, Mykesbass. [/quote] Guilty as charged
  12. Oh, and just so this doesn't take off as a 70s soul thread, here's the rather magnificent work of Arif Mardin, Jerry Wexler and Tom Dowd - check the snare accent - on the fifth beat of every two bars, best sounding waltz rhythm I've heard: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z28gt8wBNo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z28gt8wBNo[/url]
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450385407' post='2932358'] Or because the intended consumers can't (or won't) concentrate on anything for more than thirty seconds, so it's become unnecessary. [/quote] Surely it should have the opposite effect (and sorry for calling you Shirley), with a great arrangement making those changes, lifting a song in the right place, moving it in a completely new direction, not allowing those with a limited attention span time to get bored? Budget and technology I reckon.
  14. Picked up from a couple of posts on the best & worst Christmas song thread, I've always been a fan of great, older productions - Frank Sinatra with Billy May or Nelson Riddle, and a little later, some of the great overblown disco productions by the likes of Casablanca and Philadelphia Records. I'll kick things of with one of the latter but would love to hear your suggestions. (n.b. check that piano at 1:27)! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG4bfki_114"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG4bfki_114[/url]
  15. Essential Tension's post of Tennenbaum reminded me of the other classic German Christmas song, here in a very different guise: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgYFXCUEL4Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgYFXCUEL4Y[/url]
  16. Any of these the right size: [url="http://www.adamhall.com/en/Recessed_Castors.html"]http://www.adamhall.com/en/Recessed_Castors.html[/url]
  17. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1450376762' post='2932237'] I also thought MK had done session work in the 80s (possibly Nick Kershaw?) - around the time of the princes trust concert (incidentally at which you can see McCartney clearly quizzing MK about his technique when McCartney is on singing - I think in the last song) - I stand to be corrected however re Nick kershaw session. [/quote] Yep, All Music Guide which is usually pretty thorough, has him listed on The Riddle.(update, just checked my vinyl copy, he is listed as special guest on the track Easy).
  18. It sort of grew on me. As a guitarist I was never into the whole limelight game, played rhythm guitar in an 18 piece big band for years, then when that was over I picked up a bass and it just grew from there. I had previously dabbled at the age of 12 with double bass lessons at school.
  19. He was house bassist for the Prince's Trust All-Stars back in the day: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECqW4pt6-JQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECqW4pt6-JQ[/url]
  20. My Favourite: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8qE6WQmNus"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8qE6WQmNus[/url] As for worst, got to be Mistletoe and Wine
  21. Oh yes, and never managed to learn a single word of Swedish - you guys are way too good (even if you do have American accents)!!
  22. Hi Pelle, Orebro looks like it is in the middle of nowhere! Used to love visiting your country for work, mainly Malmo, but I did get to Gothenburg once. Plenty of rugby fans on here, but you may be the first Swede to list it as an interest!! Welcome to the forum, Mike
  23. Just realised - is this one and the same guitarist: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/274696-help-with-a-new-guitar/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/274696-help-with-a-new-guitar/[/url] ? So he knows nothing about guitars but knows exactly what "his tone" is? If so, your problem is greater than I originally thought
  24. A big part of the trouble with that tone is that he probably has no idea how it sounds in the mix. I'll never forget the first time I experienced this, a band had set up, all great gear, triggered drums, as each one of them did a line check the volume was huge. As soon as they started the first number it was as if someone had thrown a switch - the perceived sound level dropped leaving almost unaccompanied screaming vocals. Try recording the band from the back of the room so he can hear what the audience will be hearing - hopefully he won't be able to hear himself which is when you can reinforce the new eq message.
  25. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1450085809' post='2929330'] Looks lovely! smashing colour, and I really like that logo- made me chuckle [/quote] Thanks Marc - got some serious stick Facebook for that - some people eh!
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