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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='JoeEvans' timestamp='1449166073' post='2921270'] One definition of a professional musician is someone who earns more from music than they spend on equipment. [/quote] [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1449226064' post='2921667'] .......sod all money and a terrible credit rating. [/quote] Found one!!
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1449239301' post='2921870'] Perhaps you're not out of touch but merely, like me, you have no idea what deathcore is and maybe also have no interest in knowing. Or is it metalcore? I wouldn't know the difference. [/quote] 1.4 million Twitter followers - imagine how big this band would be if they all went out and bought their records!! (Sorry, thread hi-jack, different conversation entirely).
  3. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1449236279' post='2921830'] Has anyone else noticed that bigger bands... Bring Me The Horizon [/quote] I've just realised how hopelessly out of touch I've become
  4. Yep, bass playing, the last great taboo! Welcome - you're among friends here
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449072470' post='2920565'] However, I'd be hard to convince that a [s]young[/s] guy with a family is going to have free reigns to bar gig all weekend. Blue [/quote] I've been lucky there, my wife isn't really into going out and loves being at home with the kids, so evenings are pretty much ok for me. It is weekend daytime that is completely off limits, that's family time.
  6. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1449065084' post='2920484'] The reason the vanilla whinging strummer man bun brigade as so popular is that they are not engaging at all... and therefore can be easily ignored. [/quote] Got to be a contender for the Basschat Famous Quotes thread!!
  7. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1449048811' post='2920281'] I honestly don't know...though that may be partly down to my ignorance of modern chart music, and it's a very good question in any case! I'm tempted to say that it might be Ed Sheeran and Mumford clones - "nice young men" with acoustic guitars and just the right amount of facial hair. The best indicator is usually the heavily manufactured model the record company pops out within six months of a fad becoming popular, and I think Sam Smith's sudden appearance is probably the result of the big labels trying to create their own Mr Sheeran. [/quote] Cheap and easy to develop in the first stages - two guys with acoustic guitars can probably get two or three gigs a week and run an open mic session or two every month. Less cost to landlord, less intrusive, so can fit in as background music, and without meaning to sound disparaging as it isn't meant that way, it appeals more to people who wouldn't go out specifically for music.
  8. I've seen ads like the one Blue refers to, only it takes it further by adding a drinking element to the deal - something along the lines of "rehearse once a week, have a laugh and a few beers". Great having a laugh with your bandmates (which I certainly do) but to me this type of ad does make it very much part of a Boys Nigh Out culture.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448913168' post='2919166'] Next time, try 'My Boy Lollipop', then..? [/quote] Or something from Abbey Road!
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448880969' post='2918733'] Ignore the Elite and carry on with having fun and bringing pleasure to others; not a bad thing at all in current times, or any time, I'd say. There's still much to be wrung out of any and all 'standards', in whatever genre; they have become 'classics' in the same way as classical music. That's because they're popular, not because they're intellectually high faluting. Rock on, I say. [/quote] +1 (and anyway, JBG is Rock & Roll)
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448763109' post='2918010'] Oh dear. [/quote] Doh!
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1448714074' post='2917585'] Holy sh*t. Sold for £19.99. Did anyone take Kev up on his bet? [/quote] Hope not, as if you check his wording he will have won
  13. From the description it sounds as if you are not using your thumb to pluck the lower octave note. Is that correct? If so, how about trying that?
  14. Looks great! Worth putting a specific help thread in repairs and technical - a lot the right people may miss this thread. Hope you get it sorted, Mike
  15. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1448632187' post='2916999'] Perhaps we should all chip in a fiver and buy one? [/quote] WHAT!!! It costs THAT MUCH!!!
  16. Got to love an artist who does stuff like this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yL7VP4-kP4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yL7VP4-kP4[/url]
  17. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1448582169' post='2916699'] I don't share the sentiment of looking down the nose at bargain basement entry level stuff and presuming it will be no good. [/quote] Some of the posts on here (mine included) are completely at odds with this statement, comparing Stagg to other budget brands who are making great instruments at a low price point (obviously not Ibanez though) Also, I have had plenty of first hand experience with Stagg product, the last being a great looking, but completely unplayable SG guitar that had an up bow in the neck and only a single action truss rod. I have realised however that I have mixed some ill advised metaphors, and wouldn't recommend using a polished turd as kindling
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1448563061' post='2916523'] Try not to let it happen again. It will only end in tears. [/quote] And Then There Was One...
  19. For something as niche as this shops do seem to have a better chance of getting a good price. I sold a high end Yamaha SG through Wunjo and then my brother sold a 1964 Epiphone Rivoli bass through them (before they had the bass shop) and both got good prices on commission deals. Got to be worth asking the Gallery or Bass Direct seeing as your based in London & Birmingham.
  20. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1448463254' post='2915635'] Pictures don't do it justice, [/quote] Having just seen the one Naetharu has posted you are right - the publicity shot has proved that you can actually polish a turd! I really struggle to comprehend, now that there are brands like Harley Benton, Revelation and SX all making great budget guitars and basses, how Stagg continue to create next week's kindling.
  21. Love mine - 5 string, fretless P as seen in the avatar. Don't know what else to add to that, apart from I have no desire for another bass guitar (DB is a different story), and I'd never part with it
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448546939' post='2916333'] The original thinking behind the '3 votes' was, if I recall correctly, to have a wider distribution such that most entrants had at least some recognition of their toil, thus encouraging motivation to continue to contribute, although, as stated above, [/quote] And there's me thinking it was so that you and Bilbo had better chance of avoiding [i]nul points[/i] (p.s. I have voted for both of you in the past)!
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448496171' post='2915992'] Once again (at midnight, 25th...), the votes don't add up to a multiple of three..! Spooky..! [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1448496535' post='2915994'] Yup. Some people just don't oblige with the whole 'vote for three' thing. Not so much 'spooky' as simply indicative of humankind's perpetual failing to read the small print. We must keep calm and continue [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448522706' post='2916047'] I just find it curious (spooky, even..!) that there could be some folks unable to prefer [i]any [/i]of the remaining works, however bad they find them. [/quote] Afternoon all. As a regular voter (missed one month, but otherwise always contribute to the voting, and often the thread and soundcloud comments). Most months I usually have one outright winner and at least two others that I would be happy to vote for. This month there were only two tracks that I liked, and to do as Dad3353 suggests, and add a third vote for the remaining one I disliked least just wouldn't make sense to me at all. Sorry if I've messed up the maths, and I'm sure next month I'll be cursing the fact that I'm going to have to whittle my votes down! Keep up the great work, Mike
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