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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Fretless 5, not 4. Never seen an "ordinary" Sei before, don't think I'm much of a fan.
  2. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1447419954' post='2907529'] These may well do the trick: [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html"]http://www.status-gr...index_home.html[/url] [/quote] [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1447422709' post='2907560'] Status hotwire flats are thumpy, not very bright. I have some on a short scale. I believe its because they are stiff and wound tight - you can't see any gaps between the windings. [/quote] Sorry, link hasn't worked quite as I expected - I did intend to link directly to the Half-Round page - these should be brighter than the flats, the longscale ones I tried were.
  3. These may well do the trick: [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html"]http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html[/url]
  4. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1447412130' post='2907424'] They're Gotoh GB11W tuners. Lovely collection of ESPs there, the guitars too. I've had an ESP J since the early 90's. Many have come and go in that time, the likes of Fender, Sadowsky and their ilk, but the ESP is still the best J bass I've ever played. [/quote] Thanks Doc! Just had a look on the Gotoh site, funny, they look quite three dimensional in the photos, but in the diagram they're perfectly flat. Still like them, nice to see something a little different.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1447332479' post='2906753'] Sims Custom. [/quote] These guys have a great reputation - only seen one of their refin necks up close, but the work was stunning.
  6. Love that Vintage 4, and the machine heads on the Amaze are, well, just amazing!
  7. Here's mine - great bass playing: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LNB6M7yTBo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LNB6M7yTBo[/url]
  8. If you like what the amp is doing don't you want a neutral cab? By looking for a cab that adds character you could well find yourself getting away from what you originally liked in the amp.
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1447205953' post='2905844'] They are tricky little devils [/quote] Yes, but lovely looking things! Hope you find something.
  10. Just finished Robert Cray's latest on vinyl, now for the one before
  11. If you are in the East Midlands, Dave Mann Music - [url="http://davemann.co.uk"]http://davemann.co.uk[/url]
  12. New pickup - Bartolini always seems to suit Cort, new nut, bridge and tuners and off you go. Or, go the whole hog and put in some Wal pickups and pre-amp
  13. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1447104571' post='2904975'] But if they weren't drunk in the first place then it wouldn't have happened. Like drink driving... [/quote] Then you are opening a can of worms with the venue possibly being liable as it is an offence to allow customers to get drunk - never seen that one policed!!
  14. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1447104097' post='2904966'] I don't think so. The body is less than 6cm deep (front to back), so the 16- or 18cm acoustic cases look to me as if the bass will not be properly supported. I may yet have to go that route and build a (removable) false bottom in an acoustic case, but that's a lot of work for a case which is going to take up more space than I can spare. [/quote] Ah, sorry, they've always looked deeper than that in pictures.
  15. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1447089852' post='2904758'] Well that was a fourgonne conclusion, wasnt it! Je vais prendre mon manteau.... [/quote] Quiet day in the office Ivansc? Must be if you've read that far back in this thread
  16. I know from previous experience that shops as an example, even if they display "breakages must be paid for" notices cannot make customers liable for accidental damage. I'd imagine that unless any damage in your case was malicious, and thereby becoming criminal damage, you don't have any redress to either the drunk lady or your client.
  17. [quote name='jeffjohnson' timestamp='1447083684' post='2904675'] Done [/quote] Now to get one with Beano #1242 - the British Blues Edition!!
  18. For that bass aren't you going to need a full size acoustic bass guitar case, rather than the semi-acoustic styles that have been suggested? [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kinsman-Premium-Shaped-Acoustic-Guitar/dp/B005F40M1I"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kinsman-Premium-Shaped-Acoustic-Guitar/dp/B005F40M1I[/url]
  19. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1447062745' post='2904425'] Just remember that you are a bass player. I found this quote on fretboard.co.uk which, as I'm really a bass player, made me smile. [size=5][color=#34495E][font=Lato, sans-serif]"You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."[/font][/color][/size] Anyone know who said it in the first place? [/quote] Want that on a t-shirt!!
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1447007482' post='2904120'] Where are you? Maybe somebody who does their own set ups could take a look at it for you. [/quote] [quote name='Bassanoid' timestamp='1447007763' post='2904127'] I live near Manchester. I can't really afford to get it set up properly at the moment so I thought I'd do it myself [/quote] I think what RhysP is getting at is that someone from the Basschat community - not a shop or luthier - could have a look for you to give some advice (we're pretty good at that sort of thing on here). Without being with the bass there's far too much room for guesswork. Hope someone local can step up and help
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1447006488' post='2904106'] Great idea though. A cheaper option would be to pick up a chest of drawers or printers chest from an auction and convert [/quote] Funny, first thing I thought of when I saw it - the old drying drawers in the art classrooms at school 30+ years ago!
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