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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. The seller looks like an established business, but seems to be based in Poland with a UK mobile number. Has some nice looking basses and guitars on his site.
  2. These guys in Sussex have a high end LTD version in their warehouse - might be worth seeing if you could try that one which should give you a very good idea what the ESP version will be like. [url="http://www.guitarsound.co.uk/electric-guitars-for-sale/brands/esp-and-ltd-electric-guitars-for-sale?guitar_type=201&p=2"]http://www.guitarsound.co.uk/electric-guitars-for-sale/brands/esp-and-ltd-electric-guitars-for-sale?guitar_type=201&p=2[/url]
  3. [quote name='petetexas' timestamp='1446831328' post='2902791'] Hi Guys , I have decided to "build " my own bass , I say " build " as really its an assembly , with a few vey critial holes , alignments etc . Nothwest Guitars manufacture excellent finished bodies ( gloss polyester £150 ) and necks ( satin polyester £110 ) both maple and rosewood fingerboard ALL MADE IN HOUSE . I have just purchased an Artic white Jazz Body ( gloss polyester ) and a vintage ( satin polyester ) one piece Maple Neck . By the time you purchase [u]all[/u] the hardware , pickups etc , it does come out at about £450 ! Expensive , but , something you make to your own requirements . Beware though , aligning neck to body , and drilling for mounting plate etc HAS TO BE DONE WITH CARE . Even drilling holes and mountng m/c heads has to be done with care , as a hole drilled through the headstock or fingerboard can be VERY expensive ! Assembly so far ...................( sorry about the quality of pics , dodgy phone camera ! ) [/quote] I found drilling through the finish to be the most difficult - even using masking tape and a new drill bit I got quite a lot of flaking. Hopefully your finish will be a little more forgiving. Nice work so far!
  4. Go on, do it! That camo job, especially running up the neck is great, and it looks as though it would perfectly suit the character in your avatar!!
  5. Agree with Machines on this - had the chance to compare a couple of same model 4 & 5 string basses and could find no discernible difference in the tone.
  6. I used to run a shop and stocked ESP - all LTD models except for one, and all great instruments. The genuine ESP really did have that thing you can't put your finger on which made it worth the £300 more than the most expensive LTD version. Also, a little after I closed my shop I went with a friend who A/B'd a 400 series LTD Surveyor and the ESP version. Again, the ESP had that little bit of magic. I'd be surprised if you were disappointed with the Viper.
  7. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1446721747' post='2901690'] U2? Me too. Also Elvis Costello cropped up in the household as he is touring soon - I like a good few of his tunes but find him such an arrogant little gobsh*te I can't bear to watch him. [/quote] Long time EC fan and still love a lot of his work but wild horses wouldn't drag me to see him now - final nail was an advert for one of those awful National Trust or Hampton Court style gigs sponsored by Waitrose. Just not the same as headlining a bill at the Hammersmith Palais with The Men They Couldn't Hang and The Pogues supporting!
  8. Sitting somewhere between Warmoth and the Ebay kits (pricewise at least) are Build Your Own Guitars [url="http://byoguitar.com"]http://byoguitar.com[/url] results of which can be seen in the for sale link below. Good price, and didn't get clobbered for a huge amount of import duty
  9. I take it you've seen this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/272344-p-bass-in-contemporary-jazz/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/272344-p-bass-in-contemporary-jazz/[/url]
  10. Seems mad to be going to gigs of that size and not going for the whole bill.
  11. What size gigs were these Marvin? A couple of years back I tour managed for a US blues guitarist supporting Gary Moore. He got great audiences every night until Hammersmith. I introduced the band on stage every night and when I stepped out on stage for that one I might as well have nipped around the hall and introduced the band personally to the few that were in there. Luckily, they were so good, within two songs they'd drawn a respectable crowd in from the bar!
  12. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1444159921' post='2880812'] I've seen quite a few "fave bass line" type threads on here. However, I've not spotted anything just focusing on amazing recorded bass tones. And what I mean by that is that irrespective of how good/complex/funky/simple/rubbish the bassline the simple sound of each note sends shivers down your spine. So often the bass is a fine sounding thud or dommmmmm and the interest is in the playing style. However, sometimes the tone is to die for! [/quote] Trevor, time for a quick thread resurrection, as this new thread from JulesB has picked up a stunner: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/272344-p-bass-in-contemporary-jazz/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/272344-p-bass-in-contemporary-jazz/[/url]
  13. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1446458986' post='2899428'] Back to the topic (cough)......why is it that a 200 Watt valve amp outperforms a 600Watt class D? I suspect manufacturers are prone to exaggeration, but is there any scientific explanation? [/quote] Hasn't really strayed off topic, I think the discussion has shown that watts do not equate directly to loudness, and that will probably be partly the answer to your question as well!
  14. I've been house bassist a few times in different jams, all of which had the same etiquette - bring your own instrument and don't touch the settings. If they really don't work for you, ask. Apart from that, as the others have said, couple of numbers in, couple of numbers out and support any others who need you.
  15. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1446374152' post='2898805'] there isn't really a definition of bass/middle/treble in truth. For most people the peak in hearing sensitivity is 3-4,000Hz as you see on the curves I linked to. If you are using the sort of Sennheiser in ears I use with my iPod then there are some very sharp resonances that you may be hearing, at the computer I use some fairly pricey Sennheiser HD595's. Funnily enough I was wondering if I ought to pm you to check for hearing loss problems but then thought 'he's using in-ears' I used to do this frequency test with students when I taught physics, and in those days my hearing followed the equal loudness curves curves in textbook fashion. Now there are all sorts of lumps and bumps in my hearing with age related hearing loss. [/quote] Wow, just tried again with some cheap Sony, big, over ear jobbies, the difference is quite striking. Peak sensitivity is still above average, but with the new headphones on there is a series of moderate peaks and troughs with a much wider range at similar volume. Perhaps this upper sensitivity explains why I hate Vox guitar amps and those horrid riveted cymbals Thanks for your time on this one Phil.
  16. Sunday morning up early for rugby training style bump (ouch)!
  17. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1446329015' post='2898666'] 7000 isn't really between 2000 and 40Hz I trust if you continue going up the sound level fades out again above 10,000Hz. this is also age dependant and to a certain extent an individual thing but here are the curves averaged out for the population. [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fletcher%E2%80%93Munson_curves"]https://en.wikipedia...93Munson_curves[/url] [/quote] Yes, taken, and I'm only asking as I find this very interesting. Yes, over 7000 it does start to fade, but my point was, contrary to your statement, that treble seems louder than mid to me. Between 2000 and say 300 there was no real noticeable difference, but over 2000 up to 7000 it seemed to increase substantially.
  18. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1446328427' post='2898662'] What phones were you using? [/quote] Just some Sennheiser in ears.
  19. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1446315882' post='2898569'] There's a bit of truth in the cool white/warm white analogy. It may explain some of the perceived differences between your amps. Our ears are much more sensitive to mid-range frequencies than extreme bass or treble, they are after all the human voice frequencies. The difference can be more than 12db. I don't know the acoustic amp but I used to have a MAG 600 and it was far from flat with the mids pulled back, even with the controls set for level. If the Acoustic was more mid prominent it would sound louder. If anyone is interested try this. [url="http://plasticity.szynalski.com/tone-generator.htm"]http://plasticity.sz...e-generator.htm[/url] Use headphones and turn the volume down. You have been warned!! Change the frequency to 2000Hz and turn the volume up so you can hear the tone. Drag the frequency down to 40Hz which is around bottom E and it will get quieter, maybe so quiet you can't hear it any more. The volume hasn't changed it's your ears that aren't working as well with the bass. [/quote] Just tried that link, but it seems to go against your third sentence, as I found around 7000 Hz by far the loudest. almost painful at a volume where the mid range sounded pretty quiet.
  20. You mention the .tk , but this, and the lack of information in the about section doesn't give anyone a clue where you are based until you go to the gigs page. I'd seriously think about getting a UK domain and flagging up your locality.
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