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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Bump for some poorly played sound clips (it was cold, my fingers weren't working properly, and I never go up the dusty end, but did to give the full range)!!
  2. Identical measurement necks but one in each finish?
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1444707664' post='2885197'] [font=Arial] busy [/font] [/quote] You've answered your own question Blue!
  4. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1444464925' post='2883398'] I'm sure they'd relic an NOS guitar quite well.... [/quote] Probably do a much better job than most! Very nice guitar, GLWTS.
  5. I hate having my photograph taken, and I always seem to be looking down and miserable (and I really am not the latter all the time)! So I was really pleased with this one from Sunday's jaunt on Brighton seafront at the bikers' event, Brightona:
  6. Strange how a body that so authentically mimics years and years of wear and tear is matched to such an immaculate neck!
  7. About time you started reading more and posting less [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/270948-does-he-offer-a-pickup-replacement-service/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/270948-does-he-offer-a-pickup-replacement-service/[/url]
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1444650785' post='2884718'] I think on this you need a hot glue: [/quote] Says the man that put me off this idea in the first place
  9. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1444647853' post='2884692'] IMHO you want something without much flexibility, as it'll help stabilize the crack. The problem with PVA in this application is it's designed to work well between two bits of tighly clamped wood (where it'll be stronger than the wood itself in most cases) - but pouring it into a crack with no clamping it'll just end up a slightly flexible filler, with not much real improvement to the structural integrity of the crack (at least this is what I've seen with the PVA varieties I've used). If you want epoxy which isn't too brittle, try a slow cure variety, IME these are somewhat semi-flexible (moreso than the fast-cure kind), and can be turned into a good filler with the addition of a filling agent like "micro ballons". The other option as previously mentioned is to accurately machine a flat above the crack, then clamp a veneer with PVA so you regain the structural integrity via a solid non-cracked piece of wood, then sand to match the profile of the surrounding wood. [/quote] Thanks 6v6 - some good food for thought. Only issue I have now is getting the old PVA back out - seems to have softened during the second stripping!
  10. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1444598300' post='2884472'] Ha ha, imagine what mid-70s Fender motorcycles would have been like [/quote]
  11. Where are Fender currently at - I know their 2000-2010 period was way better than their 70s and 80s output. Have they continued? Then again, that's their guitars, the amps have been up and down with the cyber nonsense, although I love my Rumble cabs. I was saddened to hear from a dealer friend that Peavey are no longer their bomb proof former self.
  12. All the more reason to change that colour fast!! Look forward to seeing your updates.
  13. And hello from just a little way over to the west!
  14. Good luck with the restoration - will be a lovely player's bass when it's all done. As for the colour, just be glad your daughter isn't on solids yet
  15. Pete, may be worth asking a Mod to move this to amps and cabs - sure most power amps sell from there. Cheers, Mike
  16. [quote name='Stefanogregori' timestamp='1444498857' post='2883722'] Whereabouts are you based? [/quote] Burgess Hill, just 15 minutes inland from Brighton.
  17. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1444387315' post='2882770'] Maybe try filling with epoxy? (Just get some cheap Tommy Walsh epoxy glue from Poundland) [/quote] Unless go for some real specialist stuff, I was under the impression epoxy wouldn't be suitable as it has no flexibility. The PVA has worked on a couple of the cracks, it is just a couple of others that look like they need another go. Thanks for the idea though.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1444408843' post='2883098'] S'not yet 48 hours old; there's still time..! Patience, eh..? [/quote] Aagh, sorry, I honestly had 36 hours in my head - oh well, thanks for the extra one
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1444408472' post='2883093'] We also rely to a great extent on the wisdom and good taste of the regulars here to not let off incendiary devices in otherwise mundane threads. It doesn't always work, of course, but it's the preferred method, by far. [/quote] Thought I was being most discrete (not Discreet of course).
  20. Wow, 244 views and not a single comment - where did I go wrong folks?!
  21. [quote name='Manwithvan' timestamp='1444394273' post='2882865'] Yikes! Throw me a lifebelt (I'm way out of my depth)! [/quote] I'll PM you a brief history - unfair on newer members to make references to things long passed.
  22. Just seen a well known Ebay purveyor of fine, customised/professionally set up guitars flogging a standard HB Tele for £121!! (oh, plus carriage). Couldn't see if there was a Deko stamp n it.
  23. He who must not be mentioned on here (before the mods rap your knuckles)
  24. Stripping it all back down, shame, as my first attempts at spraying weren't too shabby at all! More PVA, and I must make sure I get it to stand proud of the wood this time. Got a second preamp from Osiris off here - had to really at the price he was selling! Onwards and, well, keeping level would be nice, upwards perhaps a little ambitious at this stage!!
  25. Just bought an Ibanez preamp from Sid, really fast delivery, and an excellent price. A pleasure doing business with you Sid!
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