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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. One of the biggest disappointments of my years in record companies was turning down a Ray Charles album (turned out to be his last) that really needed some filtering. Horn arrangements were all played on the cheesiest of synths. I suggested to his management that we'd take the album if we could put real horns on but they said they couldn't relay this back to Mr Charles. Album came out a few months later and got slated for the awful horn lines!
  2. [quote name='epic576' timestamp='1442836507' post='2869820'] It was £100 with a trade in and I had to barter down to that. It wasn't anywhere near in the best of nick, advertised at £300. I've found a luthier relatively near me (Bristol area ish) charging £25 not including pickup for routing and wiring. Like I said before, I have no intention of selling this bass so the 'butchery' some may call it isn't too much of an issue about the resell value. About the respray, I don't think I'll bother if it's just the route that'll be bare wood. [/quote] Fair enough - sorry, from your first post it almost sounded like you were doing this as it was only a cheap bass rather than it being a keeper.
  3. £100 for an MIJ? Sounds to me like a bargain, and I'd have thought the bass would be worth a fair bit more. If you are going to have to pay for routing, respray, pick-up etc., wouldn't it be better selling the P as is and with the money you get for it and the money you would be putting into the mods you should have enough for a nice PJ?
  4. C'mon, this is included so must bump the price up significantly: [color=#333333] "Teach yourself to play bass" starter book w/CD"[/color]
  5. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1442783742' post='2869515'] That Atk from GAK with the maple neck looks like an Atk 1200 with the neck pick up I dont think the 200 or 300 had neck p.u. or clear pick guard [/quote] Looking closer, the text reads that it is black! Then, clicking on the natural option the bass has the right pick-up configuration and a rosewood neck.
  6. [url="http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-14753-Ibanez-ATK-Series-Left-Handed-4-String-Bass"]http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-14753-Ibanez-ATK-Series-Left-Handed-4-String-Bass[/url] [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-atk200/45307"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-atk200/45307[/url]
  7. To be honest, the only two I could hear any difference from were the Tonecraft which happened to be my favourite and the Neve which sounded just a tiny bit thinner/weaker than the rest. But then we are talking such crazy tiny amounts, and yes, your MarkBass and Mindprint certainly didn't disgrace themselves. Nice, concise demoing style by the way.
  8. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1442334094' post='2866149'] It was, one of those 'contractual obligation' releases recorded on the tour to support the 'White Fourway Mains Splitter' album of the previous year. We won't see the likes of Black Spaghetti again. I think Tony Goggle might have been in one lineup. [/quote] Tony Goggle - great reference. A man we don't hear anywhere near enough of these days!
  9. [url="http://www.hellborg.com/index.php/en/equipment"]http://www.hellborg.com/index.php/en/equipment[/url]
  10. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1442571950' post='2867855'] Interesting bound neck & headstock. Wonder what it is? I'd punt £25 on it on the very vague offchance that the pickups are DiMarzio Model Js. Most of the very cheap basses I've had have been absolutely filthy - give this a quick clean and setup and you could probably flip it for a £50 profit. Jon. [/quote] Is it a Peavey neck? That headstock looks familiar.
  11. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1442574475' post='2867892'] If we manage to find out we can email him and ask him to put moondance in the set. [/quote] I know a few of the Far East blues players, so wondered if it was anyone I knew, and yes, that would be tempting...
  12. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1442409514' post='2866751'] This is why I generally try not to play sports pubs & going on at 11 just isn't for me. Good luck with it though! [/quote] Trouble with a big tournament though is almost every pub becomes a sports pub.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1442410443' post='2866764'] [i][color=#666666][font=arial]"Interestingly, the Welsh name for badgers is ‘moch daear’ which translates to ‘earth pig’."[/font][/color][/i] [color=#666666][font=arial]And here's another interesting fact ... not.[/font][/color] [/quote] Earth Pig - Sort of name you'd expect a band using a badger encased theremin would call themselves.
  14. Thanks Andy - really appreciate that. Actually a new one with restoration date now sounds like a nice idea.
  15. It'll probably be even messier if you start before then!! But yes, will be a problem, especially if (when) the home nations progress through the tournament, as pubs will feel compelled to show the matches and cancel bands.
  16. For the man/woman who has everything...but taste!
  17. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1442393413' post='2866541'] Hmmm, never had to do anything like that but I would try sanding (or any other method) around it carefully, then using a stanley knife (with a steel rule) to neaten the edges. It will hopefully look like an applied sticker. Either that or make a new one? [/quote] Yes, the problem is that I can't mask against heat and the chemical stripper doesn't want to touch the top layer. I may risk lifting the entire remaining piece in one and trimming it off the headstock and glueing it back on afterwards,
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1442342920' post='2866271'] I recon you've done about the best that's possible. Either heat or Nitromores would run the risk of you losing those. But I have been known to be wrong. [/quote] Heat has been working well, but I'd love to get it neater/closer. Funny, the gel stripper hasn't touched the top surface, but has been great for cleaning the little bits of undercoat and filler. Thanks for your support on this so far - great to hear from others who have had a go!
  19. Why has this thread got such a silly title? Surely if it is a play on words it should read "no eyed deer"? (Waiting for PVA to dry, so no, I don't have anything better to do)!
  20. Question time - I'm trying to save the Made in Japan and serial number on the headstock. Any ideas how I can get the paint stripped neatly around it?
  21. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1442334713' post='2866159'] You might find using a paintbrush more effective. Really did the trick when fixing a cab with watered down PVA glue. Can really poke it into the cracks and avoid air bubbles. [/quote] Thanks Sharkfinger, going quite well so far. Trying to get it proud but it is still sinking in. Guess it will be 3 or four applications as the cracks are pretty deep.
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1442260529' post='2865625'] Certainly a hot glue would be great if you have access to some. I was assuming you don't. [/quote] In the end impatience won the day - didn't want to lose another 72 hours obtaining and then preparing the hot hide glue, and PVA is way cheaper. Just found some sealed syringes and needles from a 1994 holiday to India so have injected some watered down PVA, now waiting for it to dry before the next sanding.
  23. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/269542-weird-yes-wonderful/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/269542-weird-yes-wonderful/[/url]
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