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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Yes, another big fan - only got rid of mine as I couldn't get a second one, now they seem to be readily available GLWTS
  2. It does feel like the right choice, and I think with a bain marie I should be able to make some (fairly confident cook)!
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1442248546' post='2865491'] 'd welly some PVA glue in there, maybe water it down very slight for the first 1 or 2 applications, so it sinks into the bottom of the splits better. This has the makings of a really nice bass though. [/quote] Thanks Grangur, I'll add that to the ideas bank - was actually going to start seeking opinions on what to fill the cracks with. Current front runner is polyester resin or hot hide glue. PVA certainly sounds more attractive than the hot hide, and more straightforward than the resin.
  4. OK, pics so far: [url="http://s892.photobucket.com/user/mike_howell1/library/"]http://s892.photobucket.com/user/mike_howell1/library/[/url]
  5. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1442222985' post='2865188'] BTW, we need pics now. Good to hear the neck is good. That would be the only fatal defect, the rest I'm sure is just elbow grease. [/quote] Pics this afternoon - meanwhile I have completely and utterly lucked out on the electronics. Popped in too see my mate in the local music shop and told him about the project and his first reaction was "are the electronics OK?" when I said no he went to his drawer of "stuff that will come in handy one day" to produce a preamp from, yes, and Ibanez SR800, that had been there for some 10+ years!!
  6. Great pictures - one of them reminds me of PeteAcademy's old thread on gearstalkers Also good to see Roland Gift in action - what a great voice, and such a shame he disappeared from the public eye. My nephew's band opened the main stage - been on all the Madness outdoor gigs this summer.
  7. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1442221098' post='2865164'] Considered a toggle switch instead? Soloing pickups is very useful. That's what I've got in my P Lyte and works very well. With 2 volumes, it's very versatile. You might have to drill another hole for it if you want 2 volumes, though. Got Koigon to make one up for me. If you tell him what you want it for, I'm sure he can do it so you can drop it straight in. [/quote] Interesting idea, got plenty of time before I make a decision on this bit. And yes, Koigon is a good call, and only a short trip away for me.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1442212046' post='2865097'] Well there's your problem. Which of those three, if any, was actually a live recording? I'm very familiar with The Last Waltz. One of my favourite activities used to be watching the DVD and trying to spot any moment where what the bass could be seen to be playing matched the notes I could hear on the soundtrack. [/quote] Ah, OK, hadn't scrutinised the Last Waltz, but pretty sure the Led Zep was genuine live footage, and I know from having worked on the catalogue, including sorting out some remixing and mastering of the Deep Purple live catalogue that Live in Japan was exactly that. Not going to watch Last Waltz too closely now, love the show and don't want the illusion shattered
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1442177600' post='2864973'] Are you suggesting that OGWT was actually playing live and not miming to a prerecording? [/quote] Careful, I got into serious hot water with the BBC who threatened to take us to court when we told them the "live at the BBC" tapes of a well known band they had supplied us turned out to be the original CBS masters!
  10. Just had a quick listen to Deep Purple Made in Japan, a Led Zep track from Danish TV and The Band, the Last Waltz, all sounding pretty decent off youtube through in-ear bud earphones. I'd beg to differ with The Badderer and say that it has probably deteriorated through later transfers, and not the earlier BBC work. I'd imagine channels like Yesterday are working to tight budgets, so ensuring top quality masters isn't going to be high on their agenda.
  11. [quote name='TheKcrimsonKing' timestamp='1442077313' post='2864292'] Any idea what electronics you're going to put in? [/quote] Only interesting affordable option I've seen so far is a Stinger, but will email Retrovibe to see if a blend pot can be added. All suggestions gratefully received!
  12. Well, not quite Milwaukee Harley Davidson gig, but we did have some local motorbike instructors in at the Duke of Wellington in Shoreham! Great pub - part of the Dark Star brewery (they make some incredible beers if you ever get the chance - the bottles espresso beer is great, and if you like strong stout, try the Imperial, but tread with care it is nearly wine strength)!! We picked the gig up at last minute as the booked band had to drop out, otherwise they are booked up for months ahead.
  13. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1442071549' post='2864248'] It's a bass I'm hoping to grow into [/quote][quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1442020135' post='2863914'] Yes - and especially the cake.... [/quote] Sounds like you're working on it!
  14. Not so keen on the version but love the very natural tone of the bass drum (at 1:04). I wish all sound engineers knew how to mic them this way instead of turning them into a purely electronic sound.
  15. Now is third maple or rosewood? I can never remember...
  16. Got me scratching around now - this? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNYcviXK4rg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNYcviXK4rg[/url]
  17. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1441916670' post='2863007'] Interesting lyrically but I don't think they have the [i]sonic novelty[/i] to put them in my [i]wanted[/i] pile! [/quote] Now that is niche
  18. Yep, preamp is missing. That's a disappointment. Oh well, all adds to the experience!
  19. Are these two along the lines you're looking for: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFYxCIr-Byo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFYxCIr-Byo[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qrriKcwvlY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qrriKcwvlY[/url]
  20. Well it's here, and is in a very sorry state. As sort of expected with cracking as bad as that a lot has gone through to the wood. Active electronics don't look very active, but it is stripping easily, and the neck seems in good nick. Will post some picks in the morning.
  21. What do the rest of the band look like? Personally I'd think that the older singer with the stage presence would beat the inexperienced younger singer in this situation.
  22. Brand new from Thomann for another £30. A lot of people on here rate them highly for a cheap, well made bass.
  23. When I tried out a bunch of Squiers a couple of years back the winners were the CVs rather than the VMs - here's a beaut: [url="http://www.reidys.com/pr/electric-guitars/squier-classic-vibe-p-bass-butterscotch-blonde-12267/?&utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=Feed&utm_campaign=PriceComparison&catargetid=120170320000003002&cadevice=c&gclid=Cj0KEQjwsb-vBRCLj7TvqpGx_MoBEiQALgFGnu9_1HCIlD-67_BHHouxpIJm03gmERJgkJ6W3vpxUBYaAvlf8P8HAQ"]http://www.reidys.co...xUBYaAvlf8P8HAQ[/url]
  24. Hasn't turned up yet, was due yesterday
  25. Absolutely stunning Andy, love the headstock shape and decal - funny how difficult headstocks seem to be for so many luthiers and mass-manufacturers alike.
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