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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Played this little beauty today, now have serious gas. Trouble is 1) broke, 2) next purchase must be double bass, 3) fortunately it is a year older than me so doesn't have the draw of a year of birth bass (phew)!!
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1440673291' post='2852826'] As the OP is apparently female, I think 'manning it out' would be unlikely. As is having a ball in your shoulder, but that would be unusual regardless. [/quote] a) I didn't read that bit Many odd profiles on here with people being daft about age, area and gender c) OK, we need a new name for it as it isn't entirely exclusive but is a very male phenomenon! Pegleg42, I'll rephrase - don't act like a bloke about this and not seek medical advice
  3. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1440659098' post='2852669'] I would seek some professional advice on this, either/or GP or an osteopath. There will be plenty of useful advice on here which might help. Osteopaths can manipulate joints which can help release trapped nerves which might or might not be causing your problem. Most of all get some help and don't be a bloke and just "man it out". That might only allow it to get worse. [/quote] This, especially the "man it out" bit - and I'll add don't self diagnose. Over 15,000 young people & children are affected by arthritis every year.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1440519116' post='2851494'] Of course, but those TV appearances put the whole of a nation in a room together, across generations. That's a huge event, and part of why it had such a profound effect on so many people. Nothing else like it. [/quote] Sure, if you are only measuring instant impact then no-one can argue with a TV audience of 40% of the population. But for a lasting legacy and global change, it may well have been the Americans who instigated that.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1440515451' post='2851440'] Initially localised around the bases. The Beatles got off the plane and within hours had played to pretty much the whole population. [/quote] Initially, but then it was shipments of American music post-war to those GIs where McCartney said he first got to hear the likes of Arthur Alexander. It was the GIs who spread Jazz, Blues and RnB, bringing Black music to white audiences which opened the door to the Beatles with their new take on this sound. OK, it may not have been so instant but it may well have been equally, or even more significant.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1440514581' post='2851427'] I only have video archives, anecdotes, books and the music to base it on, but I really can't think of a culture shock comparable to the Beatles getting off that plane in 1963. I don't think anything comes close. [/quote] Funny, was thinking about this thread last night whilst reading a few pages of Andrew Marr's A History of Britain in the 20th Century. There could be an argument for the GIs landing in the UK bringing about a larger cultural change than anything that has come since.
  7. Is it this one? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/54998-simmons-basses/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/54998-simmons-basses/[/url]
  8. Classic Vibe? That'll be Squier then
  9. And not even the original finish!! Seriously though, I'd have thought that this will sell to a very different buyer than either a serious collector or player. Someone looking for something a bit unusual and retro looking for TV/publicity shoot this could be ideal.
  10. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1440110103' post='2848456'] And here is my Faith Neptune Titan (bought for plugged unplugged sessions and because the Revell is a bit to precious to take to gigs!) Playing at an acoustic night at church... [/quote] Sensible idea playing those types of rough houses :-D
  11. Good luck with it, looks great. Get a make sure we get pictures (either way)!
  12. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1439990669' post='2847307'] And to make the thread more interesting here's a picture... [/quote] Playing all the way up there it'll sound more like a Strat anyway
  13. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1440077643' post='2848078'] It doesn't look too difficult to do and I would just want to do it with one colour, can you do that? [/quote] I admire your positive mental attitude!! I bet that is a lot harder than they have made it look. (Love their Pete & Dud style commentary)!
  14. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1439935875' post='2847000'] How many roads must a man walk down? [/quote] Sorry Seashell - that has been definitively answered
  15. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1439917606' post='2846774'] Once again I have to play Devil's advocate on here and say yes, while its a compliment personally I wouldn't like it. Solid implies boring to me. I play like Jamerson, very syncopated and busy .... and hopefully tight as well! [/quote] Saw a great quote today that this fits perfectly: "One man's groove is another's rut".
  16. Lots of people disliking large, ugly headstocks, but nobody has named my number 1 culprit for this, marring what would otherwise top my GAS list - Wal. Sorry Wal owners (esp CamdenRob who seems to be on the receiving end in this thread) but, when you consider the care and attention that has gone into the rest of the bass the headstock looks like an afterthought. Also another vote for the Lakland bridge, did actually put me off when I was looking for a bass in that price range.
  17. Check the recording section, in fact, get this thread moved there - loads of advice and this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248509-beginners-guide-to-home-recording/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248509-beginners-guide-to-home-recording/[/url]
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1439895663' post='2846507'] I play in a group with two electro-acoustic guitars, electric piano, and small drum kit. I vary between upright, fretless Takamine B10, Precision with flats and used to have fretless Precision. They all worked fine. [/quote] Let me know the next time you're gigging the B10, always loved the look of them, would love to hear one in action. (Sorry for brief thread hijack Pinball)!
  19. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1439891465' post='2846451'] BC strikes again! Question asked at 8:15 and dannybuoy gives the answer that was being sourced at 8:46; what a community. Group hug [/quote]
  20. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1439883987' post='2846391'] He also has some solo stuff out as The Nightwatchman. [/quote] Now that's what I'm looking for, thanks. Have had a quick skim through all the other work, and, to be honest, whilst I can hear it is great stuff it doesn't really float my boat, whereas the Nightwatchman material is coming from the same place as the work with Springsteen. Interestingly, I thought Renegades would be close, but was possibly what I liked least!
  21. My only bass is a 5 string fretless P Bass which I have used in full electric band and stripped down acoustic settings. I'm now depping with a ceilidh & traditional Irish band - fiddle, accordion, mandolin, acoustic guitar, and the sound works fine. With flatwound strings I can get a nice little percussive edge that works very nicely without a drummer.
  22. OK, confession time, I've never heard any RATM, but as a fan of more recent Bruce Springsteen albums, love what Morello does as a guest, especially his vocals on Tom Joad. So I really ought to listen to some more of his work, and know he has a few fans on here, so what should I listen to first? Thanks.
  23. Love the fact they show which car paints they originally were, but that also shows that it is very unlikely to be the very dark green, as even an old nitro finish probably wouldn't change this much [url="http://car-from-uk.com/sale.php?id=106264"]http://car-from-uk.com/sale.php?id=106264[/url]
  24. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1439416131' post='2842780'] What are your favourite albums/songs of this genre/s. ? this for some maybe a classic. [/quote] What is your definition of Classic Soul? For me I'd be looking at (or rather listening to) Teddy Pendergrass (TP album), Maze (Live in New Orleans), Al Green (Let's Stay Together) or even a bit of Lou Rawls. I do like a lot of the Acid Jazz and Neo Soul that you post, but have to say I found that one a bit bland, sorry.
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