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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. My brother picked up a 1964 Epiphone Rivoli from a junk shop about 15 years ago for £35. Sold it lastr year in Denmark Street for £1200! I managed to pick up a lovely Jap Strat from Cash Converters in Ipswich for £180 - sold it 3 days later in my shop for £399.
  2. Had some dealings with him in the past - absolute gentleman, will be greatly missed.
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='770490' date='Mar 10 2010, 03:00 PM']I'm not offended I just didn't understand why a shop would need to defend its discounts (unless the suplier was shirty about it)[/quote] This can be the case with some of the bigger brands and their punishing dealership systems. (Glad I'm out of retail)
  4. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='769936' date='Mar 9 2010, 11:51 PM']How so? Surely groove and riff are part of the feel?[/quote] I know this is always going to be SO subjective, but I'm of the opinion that "feel" really counts when all the other elements are not there - someone just holding down a really simple I V or a walking bass but making it sound just right and being "in the pocket. So far, it's the reggae examples (plus Zappa) that are doin it for me - not to take anything away from the groove based examples but perhaps in those cases the feel is not the key element.
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='769887' date='Mar 9 2010, 10:59 PM'] [/quote] Bang on the money - and a great track to go with it. 1982 - now they all want to speak like that - scary
  6. Not my usual thing, but this is what I had in mind - no great Funk & Groove (although those posted are very tasty) just holding down a solid riff with some occasional decoration, letting the others get out there and make fools of themselves
  7. OK, seen many examples of amazing technique then getting shot down in flames complaining of the lack of feeling in the playing but let's have your top examples of that magical, mystical quality, Feel, please.
  8. [quote name='BIG.J' post='762470' date='Mar 3 2010, 01:31 AM']I tweeked the settings in the vintage mode and got a pretty good sound, Although the horns were wound up allmost to the max and with the Treble & Hi Mid pushing 3 o clock i could have still done with some more top end as my bass was rolled to max treble. The amp was quiet in this mode?[/quote] I use the BBT500 with just the 110 cab - enough for what I need. I've found that the settings, even in manual are really weird. Try getting the sound you like, rolling off the Master, switch off, switch back on again, then bring the master back up. Even in manual, when you select a mode it will go to that mode's default, playing around with it like this does seem to make a difference. Sorry if this is as clear as mud, its just one of those things you can do when the amp is up and running but trying to describe it doesn't really work! Mike
  9. Spanish Guitar Center used to be in the side street opposite Selfridges - amazing specialist store, had everything from Flamenco dresses and shoes (not my size I'm afraid) and some really top end guitars - did a photo shoot there some years ago for a CD cover. As far as I know, Andysguitarnet is run by what used to be Andys in Denmark St - those of that slightly iffy reputation, but the website is some sort of third party deal so they are acting as a broker. If you can, contact the Spanish Guitar Centre direct.
  10. Many (many) years ago (I was about 13, now 45) I was rehearsing in a big old hall in South London during a thunder storm. There was this almighty flash of lightning accompanied by a loud cracking sound from my (guitar) amp. I apparently had turned as white as a sheet and we decided to call it a day. Next day, I plugged in to practice at around 7pm and all I got through the amp was the theme tune to the Archers!! Managed to trade the amp, but I believe that the problem is possibly down to a capacitor somewhere.
  11. Tour managed a Texan Blues guitarist last year - had loads of these, also watching every last move - the band referred to these guys as IBM's - Intense Bearded Men!
  12. Sounds that way!! Let me know what you get quoted price wise - my mate is a Cort dealer down here in Sussex, always ready to do a deal and about an hour from central London by train. Mike
  13. I've got the GB 75 - really well made bass, nicely balanced, nice wood, excellent value. My only quibble is with the over complicated electronics - too many switches but I am a bit of a Luddite! Would strongly reccommend them. Mike
  14. [quote name='OldGit' post='754792' date='Feb 23 2010, 10:46 AM']that's still outside of normal musician's etiquette.[/quote] Therin lies the problem OldGit - we're talking drummer here
  15. Used Parcel2Go - chose Home Delivery Network from their list (well Amazon use them so thought they would be OK). Sent heavy Yorkville 15" cab to Scotland for under £7. Picked up when requested, was on the 48 Hour service, was a day late but it was during the horrendous weather. Will happily use them again. Mike
  16. Thanks for highlighting BurritoBass, just signed up.
  17. Never understood it, but love the theory that Palladio designed rooms to have harmonic proportions. Could certainly feel it in some of his buildings but could never really explain it!
  18. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='748864' date='Feb 17 2010, 08:00 PM']I liked the original post on this thread... The truth is that "Joe Public" fails to notice not only clever bassists, but good musicians in general. As an example in question, I used to fill in as a geetardist in a sixties trio. Now, first of all I'm no guitarist at all. I can manage chords and the odd solo. That's about it. Not a patch on my bass playing. The lead singer/bass player was awful. Terrible singer & possibly the worst bass player I've ever heard. Ever. The girl on drums could just about hold an eight-beat rock rhythm together with a dodgy fill around the kit. Nothing else! But we played 60's soul hits that Joe Public knew & could sing along to. [u]We cleaned up![/u] So the moral of the tale is that it doesn't matter if you're a top line professional player or a mere simple plodder just starting out. As long as you play tunes that Joe Public knows, you'll go far. As a little epitaph, I also used to play at a jam session in a Nottingham suburbs pub on a Thursday night many years ago. If the band were struggling to get it together, the two old hecklers at the back would shout, [b]"Play something we know!"[/b] If the band was really really bad, they'd shout, [b]"Play something YOU know!"[/b] [/quote] Couldn't agree more - the most succesful band I've been in was a very shabby outfit in East Anglia - we played straight up old school rock & roll - nothing super authentic with slap double bass or anything like that, just a whole load of Elvis, Buddy Holly, Little Richard etc. The singer had a tiny PA and we all had to keep it way down for him to be heard but the comments we got from the Legions and Social Clubs was unbelievable, just because we played what they liked to hear.
  19. Pretty sure you can't do a £100,000 cash transaction these days due to money laundering controls.
  20. Having just listened to David Hood on Stevie's post, and rated Son of A Preacher Man in the "basslines that surprise you" thread, I thought this guy needs more exposure on here - OK he made it on an Unsung Players list last year but IMHO this guy should be up there with Mr Jamerson! [url="http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:fvfixqr5ldke~T4"]http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&a...fvfixqr5ldke~T4[/url] And yes, confession time, until 10 minutes ago, having loved so much of his work, I'd never heard of the guy!
  21. Thanks for the post Stevie but now I realise I should know more about Tommy Cogbill - will set up a new thread.
  22. Just want to say thanks Jake for the community spirit - those pictures are really helpful. Will let you know how I get on with the new technique (hope it's not like it was when I was taught how to play squash properly - didn't win a single game after that)
  23. I still can't get my head around Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (well, it diversifies the musical content of the thread if nothing else)!
  24. Is this not refering to playing in front, on, or behind the beat rather than speeding up/slowing down? I did read a whole load of stuff once about which famous players did what but my sad old addled brain can't remember where it was. Quite a few discussions out there if you google "playing behind the beat".
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