Just seen something I REALLY want, so another price reduction to see if this will go part fund the new BC acquisition.
I have this lovely Aria, it's the discontinued 303/5, Korean built, bolt on, ash top on alder body. About 2003/4. Original retail £549. Great bass, great neck, but I'm a bit of a big girls blouse and found it got heavy towards the end of the night - it's not really heavy (think about 9lb (4.4Kg)), just didn't sit right with me balance wise.
Small amount of "imperfections" - Battery compartment lid missing, 5 way selector only works in 4 positions, some strange buckle rash on the back which I have tried to illustrate, and a very small dink on the edge of the neck at 4th fret.
Missed out on the Yamaha I had my heart set on, but now something else has really caught my eye.
Cash price now just £180
Trade - Lightweight fretless possibly?