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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Very cool. Sad that the lovely wood grain is on the back.
  2. Started working on Memphis Soul Stew by the great Tommy Cogbill (been getting a lot of radio play and is also on a TV and). Blimey, it's a lot faster than it sounds on the radio. Good job it's only a short track as I'm finding it a really physical work out!
  3. Just saw this on Facebook. Very sad.
  4. Unsung, yes. But not sure the rest of the thread title applies to my nomination: Purple Chili cabs. I had one (112), couldn't get a second anywhere so sold it. Then a pair came up and I had to have them. They never seem to appear in threads, perhaps there are just too few of them out there. They may also be too big for some in comparison to other 112s on the market, but they are light and sound absolutely wonderful. This pair are staying with me. Oh, and they were built by Mike Walsh - @Cosmicrain maker of the very fine Zoot basses.
  5. The guys from The Detectorists are on tour?!
  6. Welcome back @FlatEric I've enjoyed reading your blog in the past. Those latest Axis basses are extraordinary in that they are pretty much what I have in mind if I can ever get another custom build sorted.
  7. If it was a British bass I'd expect tidepool to be a murky brown 🤨
  8. Depends. My absolute favourites are the ones with a great audience response. I have, however, thoroughly enjoyed gigs where, due to the room set up, or being booked by people who loved the band, but we were completely unsuitable for the event, we've had a great time being totally ignored!
  9. There are some very knowledgeable types over on the amps and cabs section who could probably give you advice on viable replacement drivers. They may turn up here, but worth putting a 'what replacement driver for my EA Wizzy' thread on there.
  10. Played Butlins Skegness Great British Rock and Blues Weekend. Was a great concept, but it was on its last legs and I'm not sure if it has returned post lockdown. There was good support for the new bands on the Introducing stage, and a good spread of old names - Nazareth, 9 Below Zero are the first to come to mind.
  11. Can't link to the track, but Third World, 96 Degrees in the Shade at this year's Glastonbury was an absolute masterclass of space and feel. Here's the whole set (which I haven't watched) on iPlayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0ft6tc0/glastonbury-third-world
  12. Oh wow, that sounds like it should be a fabulous set up. All the best with the recovery.
  13. You are lucky. Our frozen dog food was out for delivery, got message it was delayed, then didn't turn up until next day. Good job it was January's delivery and not this month's!
  14. Pretty sure it was @fleabag who found a different type of service - fixed fee most of UK. Sorry for the tag Fleabag if it wasn't you.
  15. I'll second all of this. Had the 350 (only sold as needed cash early in lockdown and will replace with the same as soon as I get into a band again). Oh, and cheaper than a lot of amps getting mentioned on this thread.
  16. I think @Dad3353 may have the answer here. Someone with better than my very old Grade E physics A level may be able to shed more light on this, but sound travels faster in hotter temperatures, and I'm pretty sure this would be more noticeable in the higher frequencies. You probably sounded great out front.
  17. Last band the guitarist (young lad, full on gear geek) got a Kemper and powered speaker. I was sceptical but it sounded great.
  18. I'm waiting for the Mallory Park model - lovely vintage sound, but some truly dreadful corners! Seriously, this looks like yet more great work from @stevie
  19. Oh, and two cabs are just great (no science behind this one at all)!
  20. Vertical - one cone wide, four high. Lots of science behind why this is better. Have a search of @Bill Fitzmaurice posts to get the full story.
  21. If you like the Yamaha then consider going up the range. They are very good value second hand.
  22. They're not the IBMs are they - intense, bearded men? Usually avidly watching the guitarist's fingers, and wanting a set list at the end of the night. To be found at EVERY blues club, and most classic rock gigs.
  23. This one will hopefully meet the approval of many of you - new material from Meshell Ndegeocello. Jazz/Soul, just beautiful, and one of the best bass centric tracks I've heard. Thanks to Cerys Matthews who played this today.
  24. Being Glastonbury wouldn't there also be a tofu raffle?
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