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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I'm sure one of the speaker experts on here will correct me if I'm wrong, but my back of an envelope calculation shows that the surface area of the PJ cabs is very small - a couple of 112s will be significantly larger and give you a lot more movement of air.
  2. Have you heard your rig from the same distance that you have heard other bands' rigs? It could well sound very different when you are not next to it.
  3. Funnily enough, I was thinking it was time to change the title of the thread.
  4. I thought this was going to be a post about trying to resist buying more pickups, but then saw who the OP was and realised that was highly unlikely 😎
  5. In complete agreement with both parts of this post. Mine was two blues-rock bands, and a rock & roll band. I wasn't even on the CD that I was signing for two out of three! And the last thing I want when buying a CD to support a band at a gig, or a friend's band is for them to sign it.
  6. Think I'm with you on the all black look. Good luck with the project, it's going to look great 👍
  7. Thread update to recommend last year's Loyle Carner album, Hugo. Well worth a listen.
  8. Thanks for this - can't tell you how many times I've gone back to find an unusable bottle of the latter! Will get some for my woodwork projects.
  9. I guess it's just that I really don't need gentle if I'm about at that time of day - usually hot footing it from the south coast to Heathrow to pick up a passenger. Names in songs is good by comparison to his other features - the segue, or some really bland suggestion for a song for someone doing something very mundane. Oh, and that damned Shropshire advert... I do think he comes across as a very nice person. Just seems like the square peg in a round hole to me, and it really grates!
  10. What a shock to wake up to. Really sad news, a true great.
  11. Usually they are tied in with a manufacturer and/or retailer, so yes £35 is steep. Even a bit pricey for a gig in my book.
  12. A 112 could be a good option. I've happily gigged one for many years, only taking two out sometimes as it looks better 😎.
  13. I'm with Mrs Blackmore - this was her favourite, hence the band name.
  14. Love his specialist show, but yes, he has slight Steve Wright in the Afternoon tendencies on his daytime show. Once again, forgiven as the music and guests are great.
  15. HaHa. That's one of the things I hate the most when he pops up unexpectedly! The real thing in his defence is that he plays some great music. Just wish he didn't have to speak between tracks.
  16. Fair enough. The exact reason I like it!
  17. Wow, that's a huge spread of music you don't like!
  18. Yes, big fan of the majority of 6 Music. Just don't get up early, the bloke on before Lauren Lavern shouldn't even make it to hospital radio.
  19. I'm with @Muzzon the Magellan. Sure, no valve, but as warm and clean as my Carvin which does have the valve pre.
  20. That's a gorgeous colour. Congrats on the new bass.
  21. Oh my, I'm both!! Watching this thread with great interest (not to mention some envy).
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