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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Which is why streaming needs to be treated as third party income, treated differently from the royalty rate. Any music lawyers not negotiating this are way behind the times.
  2. We were doing this 20 years ago when, admittedly, streaming was In its infancy. The record company I worked for treated this as third party income, and as such was a 50/50 split. Amazing that the industry's top lawyers and managers have been settling for a royalty instead for so long.
  3. Think I'm in the same boat when it comes to points 3 & 4. Glad to see that even the big fans of the style seem to feel it is much more something to experience rather than listen to. Makes me feel better about not really liking what I hear on the radio. Really appreciate everyone's input. Thanks
  4. Compiled from the early days of @ReggaebassReggae thread. A bit of everything in this list! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/59RhYT5dLPwboS9u3njL4S?si=WHG8qho2Q2GrssAELJYnRQ&utm_source=copy-link
  5. Thanks Frank, will give Photek a listen. As for 'getting' d&b, I'm just curious to hear some of it working musically. At the moment, all I hear is the same rhythmic effect bulldozing its way through everything it encounters. There has to be more to it than that! Oh, and I don't want to be one of those prejudiced old boys sitting in the corner saying 'that's not music'!
  6. See, I can get my head around that track. It's when the drum pattern suddenly comes in at three times that speed that I don't get it.
  7. Although I wouldn't go as far as saying I like that, I can see how it fits together. The D&B that's giving me grief is what I keep hearing on 6Music, which seems to be that drum pattern, and very little else as like a breakdown within a track. Just all a little gratuitous. Looking forward to @Fishfacefour's examples.
  8. We were talking about Scottish Widows the other day - my daughter remembers the ads from when she was little. First and on Twitter when I next looked...
  9. I make a real point of not disliking any musical genre, but I have never been able to get what d&b is supposed to be doing. Anyone got any suggestions of what to listen to with the hope of understanding, and then possibly liking some of the stuff? Thanks, Mike.
  10. Mods, quick, it looks like Inti has hacked his way back into the site via @Dad3353's account 🤨
  11. The Nordstrand Jon put in mine is great if you are having to consider alternatives.
  12. Wow, that's coming from a very dark place. You OK Hun?!
  13. Seen clips in the past, but look forward to listening to the full show. Thanks for posting @julesb
  14. Anyone looking for a bit of an updated take on the Blues check out Fantastic Negrito. Quite a funky take but still firmly rooted in the genre.
  15. Trevor Horn did some fun stuff with the SACD mixes of the Frankie goes to Hollywood album.
  16. Err, no. Fretless has a fingerboard, just like classical stringed instruments.
  17. Nice, but the one I played had a very obvious edge to the fingerboard which I found a little uncomfortable.
  18. SX are another excellent budget brand. Just wish they had done the fade horizontally so it looked right when you are playing it.
  19. Brighton is full of young musos, both local and BIMM students. It is also an important stop on the new band tour circuit. But 13 miles inland we are a complete cultural desert 😕
  20. The Cluny in Newcastle. Don't have a lot of tributes, but cracking venue.
  21. I had this for house insurance - you might be seen on TV with one of your artists an people will know you are not at home 🧐 Only worked for a tiny independent label at the time.
  22. No, but if you do, let me know as you are fairly local, so I'll come and see you play!
  23. While the borrowing of backing tracks is common in Reggae, and Lover's Rock is full of covers of pop hits there is a huge wealth of original material in the genre. Give the Basschat playlist a whirl, plenty of original material on there.
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