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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I used Privilege for years when I worked in record companies as I had issues with other companies not wanting to cover me. Might be worth a look.
  2. Swing Low was a rugby drinking game for years before becoming used by England fans. Along with its gestures it really has become outdated (like the Black & White Minstrel Show) and should be quietly let out to pasture.
  3. Hmm, don't think the music segments in Tiswas were really that big an influence (certainly not in my school). Conversely, kids films these days do provide a rich soundtrack. My kids grew up with Pixar and DreamWorks films and picked up a wide appreciation of music from them.
  4. Heard a demo of one of the top end SRs that has big singles in and it sounded lovely. Sorry, never did find the clip a second time.
  5. His version of Stormy Monday Blues is pretty much the go to version for most Blues bands.
  6. Guess I should have seen the writing on the wall with my old band when they all wanted to do the Coverdale version of Ain't no Love 😕
  7. I think (trying to listen on my phone at Heathrow arrivals hall) around 1.30 when drums double time.
  8. As per the title of the thread, yes, I love Jazz, but sometimes... This track has such a nice feel. Grooves along beautifully, and then, absolute blooming carnage. Why? It ain't big, and it ain't clever. Grump over for now.
  9. Check out the sale of goods act rather than rely on any guarantees. You may still be able to claim.
  10. Surgical spirit will help the finger but not the cause.
  11. Nice guy. Race horse ownership was the subject of the day when I met him.
  12. What's the mojo like on them?
  13. Lee Ryan (boy band Blue) - 'who gives a .... About New Yorkers when elephants are dying? (in wake of 9/11).
  14. Specific gig, Duke Ellington at Newport 56, backing Paul Gonzales on Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue.
  15. Welcome to this thread and to the site.
  16. Oh dear, was looking forward to Diana Ross all week, and this is awful 😕
  17. That is something that really puts me off the idea of going to a festival. I want to hear the paid professionals do the singing, not some p155ed up punter.
  18. Only seen Plant and Krauss so far. Fabulous set, great playing, but thought they would have worked far better on a smaller stage.
  19. Only scanned the thread quickly, has Burning Spear Marcus Garvey (Garvey's Ghost) been mentioned? Cracking album, and equally great dub version.
  20. He also used to employ a group of musos to go out and play pub gigs with.
  21. Worst kind of snobbery, and sad how many musicians suffer from it.
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