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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. The Gio at the cheapest end of the range is PJ.
  2. This (at least the bit about keeping rest of body warm). I was warned by consultant not to warm hands quickly (hand warmers/hot tap) as that can lead to pain when blood starts flowing again. I have used gloves with silver in them to keep hands warm before a gig. More recently, my overall circulation has improved courtesy of two dog walks a day, and the Raynaud's has been much better.
  3. Ah, that's the name, but it was Andi, his daughter I was thinking of. Thanks.
  4. Forgotten her name, but there's a sax player in Ipswich who will also let rip on a recorder. @Bilbo will hopefully know who I'm thinking of?
  5. Is this a classic case of what you hear onstage doesn't match what the audience hears?
  6. Thought this was going to be about Boris Johnson and Joanna Lumley's debacle...
  7. Love the Bad Self Portraits album, must get a listen to their new stuff. Funny, I found them through a horribly click bait video of a Michael Jackson cover.
  8. Great artist. Lots of his stuff you could possibly know, just didn't realise - from It Must be Love, to Something Inside So Strong.
  9. I'll be impressed when you get it all in a real mini 😏
  10. As for strings, I have LaBellas on my Shoulder 5 fretless P and Chrome's on my fretted bitsa 4 P. I'm going to put Chrome's on the Shuker when I start playing in anger again - really like them.
  11. Interesting line up - especially for sleepy Eastbourne!!!
  12. He is great, and plays a lot with pianist Monty Alexander who takes things even further down the Jazz route.
  13. That's a train well worth catching! Have a blast Raslee.
  14. Newtone Strings do a set. Only used their acoustic guitar strings, but their service and range are excellent.
  15. Love it. Bound body would look gorgeous.
  16. This (plus the fact that it looks absolute 💩)
  17. Thundercat put a nice top 10 together on YouTube. A favourite of mine which is on there is Narada Michael Walden, I Shoulda Loved You. I may have put a link to it in the above thread by@Reggaebass
  18. Thanks. Will give this a listen later.
  19. Heard this yesterday - bass tone is so good. Warm and fat with just a tiny bit of percussive attack.
  20. Oh yes, fabulous stuff. Came across him in the late 80s on French label Carrere.
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