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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Despite having a copy tucked away somewhere, I hadn't ever twigged that It Hurt's So Good was a Millie Jackson hit. Here's a nice little evolution of the song from the original: through the Millie Jackson hit: and on to the version we all love:
  2. Merlin (Michael) got himself a new job and new band back before lockdown. I know him through local jams - lovely bloke.
  3. BB King - Completely Well (includes The Thrill Has Gone).
  4. I'd stick the Genzler Magellan on your list. I had and lived the smaller version (sold due to lockdown, but top of my list once gigging again) and your budget will cover the 800w version. Will be great with all the styles you mentioned.
  5. Hope you love it! Remember, pics or it didn't happen!
  6. You might be able to get the Aria down a bit. As per my previous post, great basses, but awful resale value.
  7. Those Aria IGBs are great, but won't be a P with flats on!
  8. Another possibility is Wunjo. They do (did) comission sales and seem to achieve good prices.
  9. Get in touch with the guys at Session.
  10. Surgical spirit all the way for me (well the fingertips have gone soft during lockdown).
  11. You need to read @Happy Jackthread on back pain and posture. Hopefully he'll see this and post a link.
  12. Plenty of them playing in the pubs down here.
  13. Calling @Reggaebass and @taunton-hobbit
  14. Was a big fan - still love the two early albums. Stupidly never got around to listening to the later stuff which is also meant to be good.
  15. Pretty sure @Chimike did/does. Are you still on here Mike?
  16. It's all down to the tonewood used in the building...
  17. Fine tribute from Rodigan on Twitter
  18. Dreadful news. Love this gig 😢
  19. How many basses have National made? Still, the idea could 'resonate' with some...
  20. A different approach is to get the lead guitarist to tailor his soloing ( caveat, there will be some bits that will need to be played note for note) to take up some of the slack.
  21. Always get grief for buying CDs and then not wanting anything for Christmas, so most of them are on my list this year so will have to report back in the new year. From what I've heard on the radio I think Little Simz is the leading contender at the moment. Great year for new music to my ears.
  22. Give my buddy Webby a call. He'll talk you through the options and sort you out a deal. Nice guy - he knows Bilbo and Dood of this parish! http://thedrummingshop.co.uk/contact
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