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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. And the vast majority of customers.
  2. One of the higher end SR series (1600 possibly) has Nordstrand pickups and they sounded great on a clip I heard. Made me gas for one, but the necks don't suit me.
  3. Wunjo in Denmark Street. Lovely people, and some interesting basses.
  4. Al di Meola - try the albums Elegant Gypsy and Splendido Hotel.
  5. Over £500 for a new one, so yes, well worth getting a tech to look at it. If it is not viable a decent tech will tell you before spending much of your money.
  6. Approach this in the right way and none of your band mates should have any problem with this. As BRX says, getting the right sounds for the songs is a very important part of rehearsing.
  7. Pretty sure @BigRedXhas the answers for this.
  8. Saw/heard Dave Bronze at a gig last night. Blooming good isn't he?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gjones


      I saw him playing with Andy Fairweather Low, a few years ago. They were supporting Robert Cray.


      He just brought a little Markbass amp on stage with him. No huge 8x10 for Dave.

    3. Mickeyboro


      I really rate him. And he plays interesting basses. One show a Jazz pre interval, Precision after (Laklands?)

    4. Mykesbass


      I did think the headstock which was all I could see looked like a Lakland.

  9. I looked this up the other day - Hip Hop is the overall culture (music, fashion etc) and Rap was originally the music. Obviously there is Rap that isn't Hip Hop.
  10. Zombie thread resurrection as I'm loving Little Simz:
  11. I was the complete opposite - went in with an open mind, was losing the will to live after 10 minutes. Abba on the other hand I have gone from hating as a kid/teen through admiring and on to actually liking.
  12. Going to get a copy - sounded great. And checking out the dates.
  13. For the exact same reason many cover bands play the same material - it is what the punters want. Believe me, I ran a small guitar shop for two years with no Epiphone or Squier product. Everyone loved the Godins, Arias, Gordon Smiths et al but didn't buy the b*gg3rs.
  14. Had two fail on me. Early Class D Yamaha and a Hartke 2500 (which must have known how much I hated it)! On the other hand, my Carvin, which has a very bad reputation, is still going strong after many years, and a decent amount of gigs
  15. Used to gig the 112 Rumble. Had two, but really didn't need the second, just liked the look!! Wasn't the loudest band in the world but I always had plenty of volume to spare.
  16. They were very new to the market at the outset of Punk, so availability, price, and even desirability were probably factors.
  17. Slight (well, pretty massive) thread derail, but @skilamalinkdo come and visit the Reggae thread: Https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/395084-the-reggae-thread/?do=findComment&comment=3968614
  18. You're ok there - it's a jazz band 😉
  19. Hadn't heard much lately, but caught Rodigan yesterday, then 6Music very early this morning, so caught some really nice stuff. This was the track from 6Music, doing a roundup of BBC Introducing. This was from BBC Scotland - nice pop/reggae vibe:
  20. I know he sadly doesn't make them any more, but I'll check which cable @obbm used for my longer bass cable - it is a softer material so doesn't curl or knot itself, and is very tough.
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