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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Just saw this on Facebook and thought it needed sharing here: (Credit Goddard Cartoons)
  2. There was an ad on Facebook that took a hammering from group members - Fender Strat all original except neck and body!
  3. I think Shiply pricing is very much down to availability. If someone has space on a run to nearby locations you will get a good deal. Also being flexible on dates. I've had a great price from them for car transport and some eye watering quotes for other things.
  4. Update, Anyvan.com and shift.online Haven't used them but came across them as part of a little business we have running.
  5. There are a couple of furniture carriers out there who act a bit like Shiply.com I'll see if I can find links.
  6. but you're no five foot nothing, catsuit wearing, P Bass weilding Suzi Quatro! And I bet she used curly leads (although can't see her smoking a pipe)!
  7. Quite fancy an aluminium stem for long term stability...
  8. At least it's not for a curly lead!
  9. But you're no Donald Duck Dunn with some vintage Yamaha gear, curly lead, matching hair, pipe and shades.
  10. Wherever I Lay My Hat should get a look in. Won't top HMWYRS though.
  11. Subjectively I'd say you are absolutely correct.
  12. Shame someone had already taken The Real Thing.
  13. Well it is obviously a good time to buy kidneys - they were fetching over £3k (each) back in 1989!
  14. I think one of the reasons Bjorn Again hit the headlines is they very cleverly released an EP of Erasure covers as they would have been if Abba had recorded them. Got them into the charts. 1988 seems to have been a big year for tribute acts - I thought Australian Pink Floyd may have pre-dated BA, but they were both around the same time. Then there's Rutles of course, way earlier, and a Stones tribute who used to feature on Steve Wright's Radio 1 show.
  15. The other non tribute, with a tribute sounding name from around that time The Sid Presley Experience.
  16. All female (except when Ian Paice guests with them) Deep Purple tribute Strange Kind of Women. All top musicians, had the honour of doing a Blues tour with their guitarist, Eliana Cargnelutti, great player. Best made up one, which my pal refused to use, Schmeagles.
  17. Bit of an apples and oranges comparison. I like both.
  18. Only to the extent that they are not the Grateful Dead 😎
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