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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. They need to make a bigger amp - that one looks a bit daft 🤨
  2. Went to see MM at the Cricketers, Oval. Listing had got the date wrong. Me, my mate and the DJ were the only ones in there. Fortunately he played some early Al Jarreau, first time I'd heard him. Did get to see MM and AJ another time!
  3. Interesting to see Carvin Amps are back. I'm a very happy owner of a BX500. Apparently there were a lot of QC issues, but if you got a good one, as I did, then they are great. Company closed temporarily, but back, with family at the helm.
  4. Been done to death on here by some of our esteemed cab builders. In a nutshell, if you like one cab a second identical one will work perfectly with it and give you more of the same. A different cab might work just as well/better, but may not. Matching cabs removes the unknown.
  5. Just a quick tip on tuning lower frequencies - don't let the note ring. Pluck lightly and often. A long note will allow the tuner to pick up harmonics and get confused.
  6. This resonates so strongly with me - but for Peavey T40/T60. Also the 'what was that guitar' moment, but for me was the geeky bit of the gig reviews in Musicians Only which listed all the gear that favourite bands were using.
  7. Big problem is the small print on any parcel insurance. I understand Interparcel (who BC have a deal with) do offer full cover, but all the main carriers, if they insure at all, will only insure for a limited amouont for loss and theft, not damage.
  8. Original lawsuit only covered headstock...
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. It's coming, but what is really odd is what has been suggested by @Doddy and @TKenrick is I am having to use the same fingering otherwise it is messing with my head/muscle memory across the changes!
  10. Personally I think it depends on the particular bass, and its potential market. Commission sales for high end and vintage. Wunjo were (was a few years ago) very good. Moved on a couple of things that I'd struggled to get a good price elsewhere.
  11. Was a bit of a mad task to take on, glad you appreciated it! I know this wasn't directed at me, but yes, BEAD on a four string. Quite a few players do this. The tension will actually be lower (ever seen the amount of tension in a mandolin string?!). You will possibly need to tweak the set up - larger slots in the nut, may need to raise the action slightly, and adjust the truss rod.
  12. Perhaps nobody can find it 😄
  13. Interestingly, one of the best attributions is for Tommy Tedesco (Wrecking Crew) and seems to refer to guitar as much as bass.
  14. ^This. Don't know the actual origin, but certainly from the session industry.
  15. I wouldn't worry @beastie, nobody leaves any these days 😕
  16. Here you go Caz - the idea was just one song per artist but it wasn't a hard and fast rule, just a good place to get some ideas. Turned into a fairly substantial playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/59RhYT5dLPwboS9u3njL4S?si=lVSyQRB2QXS_y7rlFfRCMA
  17. Kind of agree with that sentiment. Not knocking those posts - very nice grooves, very nice playing, but yes, a strong song/melody will always win the day for me.
  18. I don't think this is a QC issue. Some just feel nicer by a quirk of nature. The three cheap Yammy basses I used as my example had no faults. And chances are, although two of us agreed, others would have preferred a different one, or not noticed any difference.
  19. Thanks for the response. Most of the song is the root-5-octave-9, with a flat 9 on the V. I'm basically struggling to find the shape consistently across th ethree chords. I'll definitely work on the light touch. I know (especially on the right hand) that I have always been very physical, and I also know this is wrong!
  20. That's one of the issues I'm seeing - I change between the two as I change position!
  21. Ah, just watched - wrong hand. Nice exercise and I will use it for the right hand but my main issue is with left hand speed and dexterity (and finger choice). Thanks all the same for posting.
  22. Sorry, too many words in the OP that I no longer recognise...
  23. Ran a shop for a short time. The one that struck me most was getting in 3 of the entry level Yamaha basses (RBX170 from memory). All were OK set up wise, nothing bad about any of them. But one just played and so much nicer than the other two. Wasn't just me - the guy that worked with me tried them out and independently came to the same conclusion.
  24. Having played mainly Blues, Blues Rock, Rock & Roll and Americana for the last few years I finally (after lockdown) have the chance to play one of the musical forms I really love - Disco. Problem is, one song in particular has highlighted my sloppy/non-existant left hand technique - Moloko, Sing it Back. Does anyone have any good exercises to raise my left hand speed and dexterity? And any suggestions on how I should be fretting this particular song would also be appreciated. Thanks!
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