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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Possibly one of the reasons it became the classic that it now is, is the structure of Stairway to Heaven, including the come down at the end.
  2. Apparently he has now corrected this.
  3. OK @Frank Blank, do you really want a negative? That blooming 4 dot logo on the body! That's all I can come up with 😁
  4. I did think about editing, swapping unusual and interesting around. In fact, I will, as that will make more sense. And yes, nothing wrong with your choice of words!
  5. consanguineous! Interesting, but nice use of an unusual word (had to look it up). Yes, that's one hell of a 'command performance'
  6. Did a search and did not find this. Heard this by First Aid Kit on the radio the other night. Fabulous harmonies, and a lovely version of a great song.
  7. I ain't making any rules! Love Gogol Bordello, and Les Negresses Verte. Wouldn't include them personally, but better than the Wurzels or D1ck van Dyke! Profanity filter 😒
  8. Seven and a half minutes in and enjoying every second - give us a chance 😀
  9. Got his autograph from the Capital Radio Jazz Festival when I was about 14. Great show. Had John Etheridge on guitar (sorry, can't remember who was on bass).
  10. 'Pedantry is something up with which I will not put.' That and Jon blooming Anderson (First bit Churchill, second bit me, having had a run in with the annoying twerp). Great call on both Sophie Ellis Bextor and John Martyn. Two fabulous voices.
  11. Again, are we looking at his natural Kent accent here?
  12. That would be Shane's Kent accent Good call on Sting - it does come through every now and then.
  13. Joe Dolce, now this. Is it some sort of fetish we should know about?
  14. That was in my mind when I posted, but didn't want to set any parameters.
  15. OK, but that sounds like a bit of a spoof. Not so noticeable on their better known stuff was it?
  16. Not really that strong are they? (Sorry, not a fan so haven't listened that closely).
  17. La Fontaines - I see a trend starting here.
  18. Chas n Dave didn't have accents - they talk proper like wot I do.
  19. Exactly this. Most singers tend to find a neutral singing voice despite their natural speaking one.
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