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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. No, I realised that we are all posting videos and don't put in our text what the track is, so there is no way for the search function to work it out.
  2. How did we miss it for so long? 😯😎 Edit: We didn't, it just didn't show up in the search. It's on the playlist though. Thought we wera all going mad overlooking such an important track!
  3. Talking of Lover's Rock, just did a quick search of the thread and this hasn't appeared yet!! Another huge South London track.
  4. Lovely feel to this. Shame it's not on Spotify. Would this be considered Lover's Rock?
  5. One of the Ceilidh bands I depped for the very experienced band leader described one of the key beats as being very much like Ska basslines.
  6. Just updating the playlist - can't find this track on Spotify. Added Does Dim Gwell by Tacsi instead. Do you have a title for this track @redstriper? Cheers.
  7. Yes, wasn't in the best of physical health when I worked with him.
  8. Just heard Peter Green has gone. He was still hugely talented despite all the damage when I met and worked with him and the fabulous @mybass late 90s early 2000s. Died peacefully in his sleep aged 73.
  9. Really liking that Juliette Ashby track. Cute can often seem like a derogatory or patronising description, so I hope I'm not hated for saying that there is just the right level of cuteness in her vocals - enough to make it poppy and catchy, but still lots of coolness in there too.
  10. Hopefully they'll react - I reported it earlier and it has stayed active.
  11. Here's a partial reason - I was quite surprised by a couple of the tracks included, but just look at how often the tracks get repeated. This is the same across all commercial radio now, albeit slight tweaks according to their format (can't find the same info for Planet Rock, but I know from previous listening the level of repeats on there is also ridiculously high). https://media.info/radio/stations/absolute-80s/playlist
  12. And a genuine 64 wouldn't have the decal anyway.
  13. This just appeared on my Facebook feed. Never heard of them before, but may have just discovered a new favourite. Real marriage of styles that works really well to my ears. OK, not the most 'Reggae' of tracks on here, but still got that vibe.
  14. There are some Jazz box sets out there that include everything - false starts, four or five takes, takes that get stopped - all in the name of completism. Crazy.
  15. Sad that Go Go never really made it in the mainstream. I seem to remember Chuck Brown's Bustin' Loose was promoted in the early 80s here, but can't see any evidence of it troubling the charts. Although it was an older track I think it came out amongst all the much smoother Jam & Lewis style tracks that dominated at the time. Shame, as there's some great tracks that we missed out on.
  16. And it's on Spotify, so it makes it on the playlist 😎
  17. Pretty sure Roger Glover contributed to Deep Purple lyrics. Hard to tell what as the band seemed quite democratic in their songwriting credits.
  18. Lauren Laverne played this today - a project by Coldcut. Sounded pretty good to me!
  19. Actually, thinking about it a bit more, if Nordstrand are only selling direct in the US (i.e. no retailer/distributor cut) then they may not have a huge margin to cut the price on exports, and Bass Direct do need to make some money, so may be a fair deal after all. Still doesn't detract from it being the first bass I have gassed after since getting my Shuker in 2012
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