OK, up to and including page 10 now on the spotify playlist - 136 songs, 9+ hours of reggae!
There have been a few more I couldn't find on this tranche - @ubit you seem to like some rarities that don't seem to have made their way on to Spotify, apologies for their omission. If the artist but not the track is on Spotify (e.g. @Reggaebass one of your B sides) I have put a substitute track in, usually the most popular.
Take 5 - whilst I am not doing any editing except for only adding one song per artist, I have culled the multiple versions of Take 5. If anyone who contributed a version wants the band they posted represented on the playlist please post a new track by them here and I'll hapily add.
Will see if I can reach the end this evening (if you all stop posting for a few hours ).