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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I think that was a number once. Curious as to why it has been removed. That's where it should be.
  2. You say no serial, but what is under the Made in Japan wording?
  3. I'd forgotten an absolute cracker - Skunk Anansie at the Pinnacle Records sales conference, in the Bierkellar bar at the Coppid Beech Hotel, Bracknell. The album hadn't been released, and their label put them on for the Pinnacle's (distributor) sales staff, retail buyers, and us other lucky labels. I watched about a metre away from Skin in a crowded but tiny room. Amazing show.
  4. You may struggle for an inexpensive 5 string P pickup.
  5. Saw a just signed Pogues (along with The Men They Couldn't Hang) opening for Elvis Costello at the Hammersmith Palais. Think there were more fans for the two openers than for Costello that night.
  6. Another great source of ethical wood supply has previously been demonstrated by @Jabba_the_gut in this build diary!
  7. Love this Peterbuilt Dynamite Bass: https://images.app.goo.gl/yDF8NYfaHL7qr68P9
  8. Matt is the guy to speak to but difficult to get hold of. They'd like you if it's still the same band I saw in Brighton.
  9. Great Shoreham by Sea music pub, the Duke of Wellington is under threat from, yes, you've guessed it, developers, turning old non-residential buildings into flats. This is an absolutely great, proper old school music boozer, with punk, blues and sea shanties appearing regularly. Please support by signing and sharing the online petition. Thanks. http://chng.it/mrr8X46RJc
  10. Think this is going to be the first time I've disagreed with you on here - not bad going! There are plenty of cases where legal does not equal ethical, and I'd be surprised if there were not a large number of people who feel that the ethics in timber production still need to be raised.
  11. Try tuning by plucking short, repeating notes rather than letting one note ring. The latter starts picking up harmonics.
  12. A lot of decorative woods are from diseased trees, so shouldn't really be an ethical issue. As for tonewood, I'd love to see a highly controlled blind test to see if there is any difference between woods. So in answer to your questions: Yes, Yes, Yes, Not at all, I like figured woods (spalted, birdseye, but not flamed, but I also like (and have, exclusively) simple finished basses. Good luck with your venture.
  13. When you are the wrong band for the gig. In a previous band we had a handful of bookings for parties from people who knew and liked us. Unfortunately, Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Creedence covers don't exactly cut it at mixed age family events (wedding anniversaies, birthdays), so we'd end up playing to ourselves and then watch the floor fill during our breaks when someone put music through the PA from their iPod 😕 I did try an persuade the band leader not to take these bookings, but they were often his friends and really wanted us to play, but it never worked.
  14. True. Sorry, momentary lapse of concentration.
  15. The GK mini head is 200w at 4 ohms so you would be OK with one 8ohm cab as it will put out 100w. With two cabs you will be running at 4 ohms so the risk of too much power from the amp becomes an issue. But the best test is to use your ears. You will hear very quickly if you are overloading the speakers, and if you are only playing quietly then this should be fine. My only worry is, if you are only playing quietly then why are you shouting 😏
  16. Great the way music links uo @DaveFry Some dodgy record company BS later in that video which is a shame. Will watch the whole thing later.
  17. Got to say that I did have one that held its own with a very loud drummer - it was the short-lived venture into class D by Yamaha, the BB500. I used it with the matching 110 cab and it was crazy. At the jam night I used to help run with said drummer the pub had a Hartke rig with 410 and 115. There were notes left on this amp by the landlady forbidding the 115 to be plugged in and the amp not to be turned up over a certain volume. One night she came storming down with a face like thunder, walked straight up to the pub amp to turn it down and was totally flummoxed as she hadn't even seen my little rig. Fortunately she found it funny, and couldn't believe her eyes or ears, and ended up staying downstairs and enjoyed the rest of the jam 😃
  18. 'I sing out of tune and you play out of tune...'
  19. A friend just posted this on facebook - great 52 minute documentary free from the BFI. https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-ian-dury-1983-online?fbclid=IwAR2-t1TMLoqhaR-212MHnDZPKwhWlCOCRVrwkVK45K2erF85hsfio5TLhJ0
  20. I know a DJ booking service that has a 'must play' 'this is what we like' and 'don't play even if the bride's mother requests it' section of their booking form.
  21. They were obliged to due to an agreement between the BBC and the MU. What happened in reality was the band would book in to a studio. The MU would come down to see the recording in process. Th erecord company would then take the MU rep to the pub and get back just in time for the "new" recording to be handed over, which of course was just a fresh copy of th emaster. IIRC this would not have been an issue with non UK acts.
  22. Cracking gig this afternoon at Blues at Barleylands - a regular Saturday afternoon club in Billericay. Great turnout with members paying £6 a ticket. A real testimony to the club management, proving that if a venue can build a reputation then the punters will come, and pay for the privilige. We played a couple of great sets, mix of originals and crowd pleasing blues/rock covers. First time out as a three piece, worked really well, and got an amazing response from the audience.
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