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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Not a great example - the only clip available, but the album is available on Spotify - I found it very reminiscent of this:
  2. Do go along to Webby's jam even if you aren't ready to join in. I helped him set this up many years back. It was always a very supportive atmosphere and it is a great way to network and meet other players of all abilities. Will Hessey is a good call. @pete.young do you know a guy Mick someone also in Felixstowe - he used to teach at The Guitar Shop when I had it, but I can't remember his surname. Few years ago now, mind you.
  3. Just that I worked (and am still friends) with the guy who put the whole thing together. If it was them they have no need to blush, they were great musicians.
  4. Were they part of a Brit-Funk outfit Midnight Express?
  5. This might come across as a bit mean, but it isn't meant that way, as I've always enjoyed your musical postings, and so have followed quite a lot of your other threads. It seems to me that you have found it hard to find what you want to do ever since I've been on Basschat. Are you too hard to please? Are you unable to compromise? This latest oufit did seem to have promise, but yes, the original stuff you posted did need some work. Can you try and take on a leadership/mentor role with these guys. Tell them they have great potential but need to work a lot harder? Good luck!
  6. Six posts and no Sweet Home Alabama yet - what's with you guys? 😀
  7. Aria resale values are terrible sadly. Which model is it? Some great basses in the IGB series.
  8. Just looked this place up and now want a gig there!
  9. Have no idea what a Mandolele is, but what I really meant was that sometimes both fretted and fretless just sound like bass. I have (until recently) played fretless exclusively. However, that "fretless" tone has not been part of my sound. I would imagine that with flats on a fretted P bass I'd sound exactly the same!
  10. This ^ There are things on one you can't do the other, however there is plenty you can do on both.
  11. Here's the bass player - 62 P Bass, D'addario Chromes and Fender Bassman, but who knows what he used in the studio. http://www.richardstudholme.com/equipment.htm
  12. One of the biggest drawbacks of luthier built bass is the resale value. Hang on to it - Shukers are way better than Fender in every respect apart from the one just mentioned 😎
  13. So a couple of emojis allow you to be rude about someone and it somehow doesn't count?
  14. Had a look at that album after you posted the JJ track. The album also has Louis Johnson on. Not a bad bass line up!
  15. Fantastic Negrito Britney Howard (Alabama Shakes) Both have roots in the Blues but are by no means Blues albums.
  16. So, having slightly hijacked this thread with an Ian Dury lyric love in, @miles'tone is this the same bass a few years earlier when NWR was in Glencoe?
  17. Me too, but thought the profanity filter wouldn't like it! Van Gogh did some eyeball pleasers. He must have been a pencil squeezer. He didn't do the Mona Lisa, That was an Italian geezer.
  18. Don't forget the B side (or double A as I believe it was) for some of the finest rhyming couplets to ever grace a pop song!
  19. Just remembered the acid test...has to be written in an attic 😎
  20. This. How on earth can we be having this NWOCR thing happening - Classic surely gives an idea of age, so new music cannot be instantly classed as such?
  21. Several threads on here extolling their virtues - great place.
  22. That's what is so great about sharing music on here. Couldn't get through more than a few bars of the first one, but then check out the second one and I love it!
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