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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Me too. And although it gets regularly slated on here, I find at least one new act every year that I like through Later.
  2. There's also some full blown old rubbish in there too though! Topol, a pretty dreadful Tom Jones offering (and I like quite a lot of his stuff), The Bachelors, Englebert and the Mike Samme Singers. Pretty dreadful, easily taking the shine off the good stuff.
  3. Schertler are pretty rare here, but are very high quality and sound great, and there's one up for sale on here for a very good price.
  4. IMO acoustic guitar can sound quite nice through a bass amp - nicer than an electric guitar through bass, or acoustic through standard guitar amp.
  5. I'm 55. I've recently come across Fantastic Negrito, White Denim, and solo material from Britney Howard of Alabama Shakes. All with roots in the Blues and Classic Rock. And there's plenty more where they came from. Give Fantastic Negrito a whirl Dave - might just be the right thing for you.
  6. There's great music being made currently. We just have to look harder to find it.
  7. Updating old bass lines especially root five, where the original player didn't have the luxury of going down to the five - commonly G to D - without the fifth string.
  8. And I'd counter your argument to say the OP's suggestion is far more significant. The amplification in my opinion led the changes. Recording technology had to keep pace.
  9. Take a look at Cort especially secondhand, where they spectacularly fail to hold their real value, having never been fashionable.
  10. A commodity broker friend of mine who played a bit of saxophone in an amateur big band was talking to a client with whom the conversation turned to playing music. After asking my friend what he did he said his wife was a singer. My friend did the obvious - oh, she could come and sing with us. Turned out the client, a Norwegian shipping magnate was married to Diana Ross 😄
  11. EHX bass Soul Food. Popular "always on" drive. Really quite subtle and warm. Will post.
  12. Yep, gigging is where it is at for me. Playing original music to 100+ punters who have never heard of you and who absolutely love what you put in front of them - doesn't get better than that! Makes up for all the grotty pub gigs!
  13. The Gallagher that plays guitar is probably responsible for one of the biggest booms in sales of semi-acoustic guitars.
  14. Just found out we are moving again (second time in less than two years that a landlord has decided to sell up) 😕 Time to make that offer if you were holding back 😎
  15. Brighton Road, just off the A23. http://www.brightonroadrecordingstudios.com/ Jake's a lovely guy.
  16. It was more the healthy finances I was pointing out. I've no beef with charities if they are run well and fairly. The latter is not the case here.
  17. They are a registered charity with income over £1m above their expenditure last year. https://www.oscr.org.uk/about-charities/search-the-register/charity-details?number=18377
  18. The Nordstrand pickups are great. Would love a pair of the Big Singles in a Jazz bass. Now we need to start a tuba section for you
  19. I'm probably one of the more left leaning members on here, and very anti-patriotic, but buying from local shops and local companies seems the right thing to do, especially if they make good stuff!
  20. I play a Shuker bass (which has a Nordstrand pickup) and Purple Chili cabs (which have Chinese Celestion drivers). Did try a Bassics amp but it didn't do it for me, and in my opinion, looks completely ridiculous 😕. I use OBBM cables, but again, non British parts, and my guitar amp is an old Award Session.
  21. Under all that kit and make up there's probably a young dep!
  22. Yes, weight certainly isn't everything. My bass is heavier than the previous one which I found uncomfortable on gigs, but this one is fine. A lot to say for a nicely balanced bass.
  23. Do you think this could ever be done as a real experiment? Asked this before seeing your later post, but would still be interested in your opinion of whether a valid experiment could be set up.
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