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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. With the possible exception of Snooker Loopy, they were way beyond novelty records. But yes, he'll certainly be remembered fondly by me.
  2. I'll just search your facebook posts then 😁 But yes, had those issues there before. Nothing crazy, just a little tingling on the lips - fairly innocuous for Kemptown on a Friday night!!
  3. Was this at the Ranelagh @phil.c60? If so, there's your answer!
  4. He is one hell of a class act. I had the privilege of working with him back in about 88/89 when I was at a small independent record company. Unfortunately we had neither the budget, nor the know how to match his talent. Lovely guy too.
  5. Didn't they use basswood for these? I know they did for some of the high end, solid finish guitars like the Luke. Or is basswood another name for poplar?
  6. Yes, but what drums! So nice to see someone of MF's ilk enjoying themselves so much.
  7. Got to ask, @MoJo, 7 Yamaha Bb414s, what's going on there?!
  8. It really should have been a pearl finish Dean bass.
  9. Again, if it doesn't have to be US, Shuker should be on your list to take a look at.
  10. From the few I tried I would agree with this - all the CVs I tried were noticeably superior to the VMs. I bought a VM as it was the style I wanted, but upgraded soon after. I think a CV would have stayed a lot longer.
  11. Can't hear Dark Side without Dub Side playing in my head!
  12. If you fancy trying a pair of Purple Chili cabs, mine are NOT for sale, but if you are near the south coast you are welcome to try them.
  13. Heard the Beatles Dear Prudence on the radio - must say Souxsie did a much better version (runs for cover hoping Blue doesn't see this)
  14. One of those is a mattock 😎
  15. Absolutely love my 112s, but OP wants vertically aligned. Likewise, I'd love one if they were, to run one with one of my 112s - think that would be pretty glorious!
  16. Very esteemed innovators - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordoff-Robbins_music_therapy
  17. Nordoff Robbins and the Drake Music Project are two organisations to take a look at.
  18. Means nothing to me but I salute your pursuit of knowledge. Not encouraged enough these days with the emphasis on learning having vocational outcomes.
  19. Aagh, don't. I had tickets for the Hammersmith Odeon gig. Forgot to go 😪
  20. The Brew have the same - 3 piece, guitarist/singer's dad on bass.
  21. BB King & the Crusaders live at the QEH, and John Mayall's 70th Birthday with Eric Clapton in Liverpool, but then I did have a small part to play in that happening. Oh, and Therapy? Scopophobia DVD.
  22. I'm 54 and will be going out on tour for the first time ever this year. Just need to find the right people.
  23. Cort - probably made some of those already listed, and make great basses under their own name. Secondhand you should easily find some good examples in that price range.
  24. I thought it was a British army term for IRA/Irish Catholics during the troubles. Was told this by someone who served then. Anyone here confirm or refute?
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