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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Yes, was thinking along these lines, but was hoping someone would come along with some nice physics calculations to show me I have nothing to worry about!!
  2. Just got a Gator 2U 19" case for my VERY heavy Fender Pro 800 - solid state that could give most valve amps a run for their money when it comes to weight. Bolted the amp in this evening but was left worrying. All that force is being taken by four fairly decent, but quite small bolts. Any engineers, or physicists got any opinions on whether this may be an issue? Just to reiterate, the amp is crazy heavy, and a lot of the weight is at the back, adding to the load on the bolts. Thanks, Mike.
  3. Didn't the Basschat Arms close down? Not sure if it was noise complaints from new neighbours or something to do with a goat . . .
  4. Probably THE all time summer classic.
  5. Yes, I find the 17db moulded plugs I use keeps everything sounding the same, but completely saps the energy especially from the drums. I'm sticking with them though, as I don't want the very mild tinnitus I have getting any worse.
  6. Like the idea of that! (and skariachi is great).
  7. This. Dave hits the nail on the head. No matter how low you set your sights, you can never underestimate the musical perception of some punters. Listen to any non-specialist commercial radio station and yes, you will hear Kylie, Guns n Roses and Depeche Mode all on the same show, so why should people expect any different from a covers band? OK, it is a bit different for originals, but then again, if you are playing to people who haven't specifically come out to see you play your music then, again, there will be those that have a completely different perspective on music than we do as musicians.
  8. I love the Nordy in my Shuker. Full, warm, rounded. Not aggressive but then one person's "not aggressive" is another's "too polite"! Sorry, can't compare with the BK, but a lot less gnarly than the Kent Armstrong in my bitsa.
  9. Usually between 80% and fully open. As with volume, I like to have a little bit of tweaking room on the bass. Hate fiddling with the amp once I'm playing.
  10. Scroll a little way down the page - nothing specifically Kings Lynn, but a few in Peterborough. A little further afield, the guy listed in Glenham, Colin Fulton is a genius, especially with tracing unwanted noise. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/26654-recommended-luthiers/ As so many others have said, you will be hard pressed to upgrade those pickups.
  11. Nearly £300,000 turnover last year, shareholder dividend of £71,000, trading since 1997 - I think you should be OK!
  12. Having a real problem with this, having morphed from a blues band into an originals band. I usually say we're influenced by Rival Sons/Temperance Movement but with female vocals. If those bands have a specific genre please let me know 😀
  13. Yes, one of the best for a long time. Nothing I wanted to turn over for. Chas is suffering with a chest infection and has been cancelling gigs - usually they would hold their own on a show like that (light & shade IMO), but he really wasn't on form.
  14. I had the Fender Rumble V3 112 that had ceramic speakers - very light, and very sturdy.
  15. Well if you do I'll make sure I pay the seller's subscription, as that wasn't the intention of my post!!
  16. Talked him out of that VERY quickly 😁
  17. Just been fired up and it works!! Good start 😀
  18. Need some help with a value please - yes, sometime, many years ago, someone decided orange was not their colour 😩 and it needs some new valves, but I'm sure it is worth more than the £50 my singer's husband was going to sell it for!! Any ideas please? https://www.flickr.com/photos/151072544@N08/albums/72157696297974771
  19. Move along, nothing to see here...(desperately trying to flog a guitar to snaffle this - saw it on FB) 😎
  20. The 70s ones certainly could have been made by British Leyland.
  21. My band Lee Ainley's Blues Storm are playing the Harvey's Brewery beer tent on both the Friday and Saturday night of the show. If anyone is going and fancies a mix of less obvious blues-rock covers and originals then come along and say hi! https://www.facebook.com/LABluesStorm/
  22. Oh, and yes, pretty sure there is some info out there (I looked for something similar once) but it is paid for research and VERY expensive.
  23. A lot less than guitars, and I would put my neck on the line to say a lot more being made now than in the 70s.
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