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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I have one Eminence Basslite and one Peavey Black Widow 12" drivers that I need gone. Free to anyone who will take both and can pick up. Burgess Hill - half way between Gatwick and Brighton. https://www.flickr.com/photos/151072544@N08/sets/72157697252644934
  2. Stunningly bad. Have up on it years ago, still get the odd email from them.
  3. Well as you were the other party in my first transaction on here I've got to second this! Oh, and re my previous post, yes, you did leave feedback all those years ago!
  4. Just a thought, from those pictures, the body looks much nicer than the neck, espcially the headstock. Any chance it is a bitsa?
  5. Never had a bad experience, but would love to have three pages of feedback! A lot of people don't remember that bit 🤨
  6. Changed sex in the 80's and has never looked back!
  7. I can't believe people can have such closed minds towards any musical form...except Country
  8. Bridge pins can break very easily. On a £99 acoustic bass it would probably be an idea to upgrade them - allparts have some for £3.99.
  9. I have one of these, recommended on here when I was looking, and been very happy with it for years: https://dslstraps.com.au/product-category/premium-straps/garment/padded-garment/
  10. Funnily enough, my reaction after a rehearsal a few weeks back was"Wow, I'd have loved to have been watching that set". I guess, after a lot of hard work my band is getting to be where I want it.
  11. Nice to see Tim in action - cracking guitarist. Oh, bass player was OK too
  12. Loads more work for acoustic duo/trio being advertised. I don't think anyone is excluding bass players, but it is them and drummers who are going to go first, and the drummers (not so daft despite all the jokes) have come up with the cajon, an effective tool to keep them in. Shame for us an upright is so big and expensive, and everything else needs plugging in.
  13. No, strings were OK, just for me, a completely uninspiring instrument. I'm sure someone else would have loved it, but it didn't do it for me even before I knew how much it was selling for!!
  14. Played an F Bass in Bass Gear when I bought my Carvin amp there. £4000+ and was very ordinary. Amp was great though, and still use it.
  15. Bob Dylan's Must Be Santa - could take you all to Christmas to nail the vocals
  16. Shuker. My 5 string fretless is all the way up at the traditional end of the spectrum, but Jon makes great basses in many shapes and sizes. Quality is fantastic and he is a great guy to deal with.
  17. Very happy with the carbon reinforced neck in my Shuker 5 string P bass. Very stable, no floppy B, and almost comical how well it stays in tune.
  18. Yep, can't beat a pleasant surprise. Played a pub in Bognor Regis - really no what to compare Bognor to for you @blue but it is a rundown seaside town that doesn't have a great reputation. Got to the pub - it was a strange Sunday early evening gig - 7 to 9. Pub had about 5 punters in. Joe Longthorne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Longthorne) was playing on the jukebox, and three people at the bar were discussing the merits of Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Dean Martin. We were due to play some blues-rock, having made our set a little heavier from what it originally was. Discussed this with the singer, and we decided to keep volume down, and kick off with a couple of lighter songs. Played the first song, and, from out of nowhere, the pub had filled up. Raucous applause for the first number, so we launched into the full set. People dancing from the second number, and the most amazing response we've ever had. Played the place once more - not quite as good, but still a great gig. Unfortunately the pub was yet another victim of the greedy Pub Co syndrome, and closed as the managers couldn't agree new lease terms.
  19. Sorry, I didn't mean it that way at all, was just trying to continue the conversation, hence quoting Cato's post. For any bad experience we have in a music shop the guys in the shop can probably trump us every time.
  20. And just think of what the shops have to put up with. My mate could fill a very entertaining book with some of the punters he gets.
  21. Not the luthier's madness in this case though...
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