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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. I'm sure we can find some bass related luthier tomfoolery. Disappearing frets, whammy bars on bass, Wishbass (although they have their fans on here), and of course there are a couple of favourites in the Ebay section - the Tennessee, and he who shan't be named.
  2. Thanks Lozz - email already sent to the King Billy.
  3. Thrilled to say that my band will be playing the Introducing Stage at the Great British Rock & Blues Festival, Skegness in January. Would love to find a gig on the way up from Sussex, so Peterborough, Cambridge, Corby, Northampton all seem like sensible choices. Anyone have any suggestions/contacts they would care to share - looking for Friday 18th Jan, original Blues Rock, but can throw some covers in. Thanks!
  4. This. Don't understand economics, especially the constant need for growth. Small company building highly desirable items at a high, but reasonable cost. What's wrong with that?
  5. Went to a gig a couple of weeks ago at Under the Bridge (under Chelsea Football Club). Fabulous venue, no expense spared on sound and lighting. There were a group of people at the back, talking loudly all night. I went up to the promoter who asked security to have a word with them. Security asked me to point them out. When I did he said sorry, not a lot I can do, they are the club management!
  6. Me. I own an EHX Soul Food, but usually forget to plug it in (or don't have enough sockets). Have dabbled with effects, but haven't had much joy getting the right sounds out of them.
  7. Not his Jazziest tune (whatever that might be) but I'm "digging" Kamasi Washington and looking forward to the new album in June. Here's the very short Youtube pre-release taster:
  8. Aren't they just reflecting the language of their target audience?
  9. Did they do the guitar solo in Goodbye to Love?
  10. Putting on our own run of gigs at the Latest Music Bar in Brighton. First one is a double header of my band, Lee Ainley's Blues Storm and the Brent Hutchinson Band. Details here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/live-the-latest-music-bar-tickets-44672345187?aff=efbeventtix
  11. Thanks. We're going with Eventbrite this time, but will compare with See Tickets for the next one (there's optimism for you)!
  12. No, we pay them for the sound engineer then everything else is down to us. Quite liberating in a way!
  13. I meant a ticketed gig at a venue rather than a pub gig. Yes, we've always promoted our free pub gigs, but have changed out material and mindset.
  14. There's a Fiat 500 red/pink that I keep seeing, giving me gas for a Jazz Bass. Great colours, shame the cars look so nice but are do badly built!!
  15. An amp and cabs that sound just right to my ears with minimal tweaking, and easy to use controls. A bass that is just like a comfortable old jumper. I still get ridiculous gas for odd fripperies, but the above is really all I need.
  16. Shame the 5 string Precision doesn't have a Precision pickup, and I'd have to remove the frets. So sort of a no, but with some compromise, yes.
  17. I'd repost this in the build section - will get plenty of advice and interest over there.
  18. Only once since playing regularly again - that was when a dep drummer was booked. Turned out her regular gig was with Hebie Flowers. No pressure there then!
  19. Great isn't it? Early days for us, but I keep thinking "how on earth did that happen?"
  20. Yes, originals is a much harder one to pigeonhole. Was very much in the hobbyist camp, and now in my mid fifties, didn't think it would ever be more. All of a sudden, our band having moved over to writing our own material, have a 9 date tour booked in November, a festival in January and are running our own self-promoted nights in Brighton. Still a long way from giving up the day job though
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