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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. We are just about to launch our first self promoted show. Anyone have any experience of using any of the ticketing platforms? Eventbrite seems to be the industry leader, but takes 49p per sale (which isn't bad, but significant on a lower ticket price). So has anyone had any good experience with any alternatives? Thanks.
  2. I agree, sounds like something has definitely got to you about them getting the gig, not you. Don't take it out on them. The promoter thinks they are suitable and you are not. He may be wrong but it is his call. Don't let this fester and spoil your relationship with the guys. Go and support them and enjoy the gig.
  3. As already said, stainless steel strings are much tougher on the fingers than nickel. Before switching to flats I often ended up with bloody fingertips. I will try another set now I've started to use a lighter touch to see if they are still as brutal!
  4. Local Hero. Of its time, but Knopfler's theme fitted perfectly.
  5. or - Brand new, I've only had it for three months...
  6. Isn't this mainly in Boston (and not the one in Lincolnshire) where they also dye the river green?
  7. No Fields of Athenry?
  8. HaHa, my mate's drum shop in Ipswich was such an establishment prior to his moving in. Did get some befuddled looking folk turning up in the first few months (and no, they weren't all drummers)
  9. Increased access to the 25th (yes, 25 of the blighters) fret apparently.
  10. These are really good: http://www.csp.org.uk/publications/carpal-tunnel-syndrome-exercises
  11. This. I play fretless, but only have one song in our repertoire where I use it in an obviously fretless way. Oh, and it is my only gigging bass, blues/rock type band.
  12. I've happily sold through Wunjo - a high (ish) end Yamaha SG guitar, and was very happy to pay their commission, as their footfall and clientèle was better than anything I could attract elsewhere. Also, a shop like Wunjo will usually get a higher price, offsetting some, if not all of the charge. Out of interest @TheGreek, what would you feel was a fair rate?
  13. OK, honest answer, I don't think I could tell. First listen I hadn't read the instructions, so didn't know where the breaks were. On second listening I thought 1 was slightly "plummier" than 2, therefore rosewood, but I think I was trying to convince myself I could hear a difference, whereas, when I didn't know what I was listening for I couldn't tell.
  14. The YOB thing is not something I'd ever go for, but wouldn't knock anybody for feeling this way. O just get the feeling that it could be for you that it is an itch you are going to have to scratch! Personally, at that budget, I'd go back to Jon Shuker for another of his masterpieces.
  15. Blimey @Delberthot, you make it sound that I'm on some jihadist mission to rid the world of bass players that dig in Point of the OP was that I realised that I could make the sound I want using a technique that, although I knew to be good practice, had previously not felt right.
  16. Nice one Lozz. Let me know how it goes. I'm sticking with it, but still got big meaty flats on!
  17. Can't argue with that! (Well, I'm sure on here someone can but it won't be me )
  18. And have you, or your bandmates noticed any great difference in the sound?
  19. That's exactly what I thought, but watching him has changed my mind. He was getting a powerful, driving sound, and, from having a good view in a relatively small venue (Concord 2, Brighton) am confident he was playing with a light touch - he was just stroking the strings, a bit like the demo videos you see of fusion players with ramps on their basses, which is what I thought this technique was all about.
  20. This is the very reason for my OP. I have been very much the same, including blisters (with flatwounds!), But watching Nick made me realise you could sound right on any song without getting too physical. Turning up shouldn't make you louder if you compensate with the amount of energy you use in the right hand. After last night I would seriously recommend you give it a go.
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