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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. So, just back from first rehearsal since deciding to give this a go - and not too bad. Only got stuck in once and caught myself doing it so backed straight off again. Drummer thought I may have been just a touch too loud, but said feel and sound was fine, guitarist thought that the sound had more clarity (only using rehearsal studio's H&K combo), and to his ears, a less compressed sound. Going to chalk this one up as a success, but the real test will be when adrenaline kicks in at a gig!
  2. This. Which is why I can't stand the concept of "battle of the band's".
  3. Yes, know what you mean, but at nearly 54 I thought it was probably time I tried to get it right!!
  4. That's what I always thought @Lozz196 but watching Nick last night made me realise that it can be done. I know I'm going to struggle, but really going to give it a go.
  5. Saw the Temperance Movement last night, great gig, brilliant front man and every song had groove and feel to it. Bass player is probably better known around here from his work with Jamiroquai, and I must admit, I was a little surprised by his pedigree. What really stood out for me was just how much energy and drive he created without much physical effort - i.e. not digging in. Now I know this is good technique, but I've never mastered it. Having seen what Nick could do I think it is time to turn the amp up and give it another go!
  6. Might not have upset anyone, but saying you don't want to plug in must certainly have perplexed a few. I've certainly been greeted with a certain level of disbelief when declining the offer to be plugged in straight away.
  7. Quite right. Who needs cricket when you can watch shinty Vs hurling on BBC Alba!!
  8. Ooh, can't really agree with you on this - many of the posts are criticising specifics, not attacking different genres. My post was about inappropriate bass playing - one highly skilled and respected player doing the wrong thing in the wrong song.
  9. Sorry to be pedantic, but this has been bothering me. This is surely late Dire Straits, not early? Apart from that, great post, which has led to one of the best responses to a music based post on here for ages.
  10. Classy, classy pop song. Will have to check out the baseline later.
  11. Papa Was a Rolling Stone - same three notes, same pattern for the entire song, and still fabulous after all these years.
  12. Maverick - King of knobs.
  13. This - the rubber on most hangers can make a nasty mess of nitro finishes. Wrapping the rubber in silk may be slightly more aesthetically pleasing than crepe bandages though!!
  14. Great intro - used to be a long period of silence on the radio when this first came out. Complete waste of time back then :-o
  15. If you just want a great sounding bass, and like everything else about the Cort (which, yes, electronics aside, they make great basses) I'd put some Nordstrands in. They sound amazing, and are the only reason I fancy another bass!
  16. And I was the previous owner who had the repair done by Mike Still, who is legendary in these parts. Buy this amp with confidence!
  17. I foolishly sold my single Purple Chili 112 (the current name for Zoot) and regretted it enormously. They are amazing cabs for the price. Fortunately I managed to get a pair and I don't think I'll ever want to swap. If you're just changing for the sake of a change be prepared to regret your decision
  18. Must check lots of these out (been laptop-less for a few weeks, so catching up). But here's one I heard on Huey's show on 6 Music this morning - lovely jazz sample (no idea what it is though). How do we embed youtube videos on the new site? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EC8lBwroOc
  19. Bass heaven Bob Babbitt. Bass hell - Marcus Miller slapping on a Jeff Healey performance of See the Light.
  20. I quite like those pickups and inlays. But the headstock, lobster claw lower horn and that door knocker - what on earth...
  21. So true. Time to revive your wonderful thread but I can't remember what it was titled?
  22. That has to be the worst product staging I've seen for a long time
  23. Just make sure you are happy with the neck size and string spacing on the SR. After that Aria it could seem tiny.
  24. Josh Groban came across much like James Blunt when he appeared on Buzcocks. Very self-deprecating.
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