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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. I answered a call for help with a wiring loom for Ad's ESP, we had superb communications, sorted it all out 'on t'back of a fag packet' then it was done - delivered - installed = smiles all round . Top bloke to deal with, absolutely recommended, diamond geezer Cheerz, John
  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1348042885' post='1808344'] Someone has an auto bid on it. Their max bid is higher than yours each time, when you place a bid they automatically outbid you. It will keep on happening until you outbid them. [/quote] I don't see how that stops my bids showing on the item, or the item showing in my bidding list?
  3. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1348038162' post='1808283'] Presumably if someone else placed a (higher) bid just a split second before yours, then this would happen. But I can't see that happening very often, and certainly not twice on one item. [/quote] Yes that's what I thought may have happened the first time, but not twice as you say!
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120987810706#ht_500wt_1201"]http://cgi.ebay.co.u...6#ht_500wt_1201[/url] When I try to place a bid on this I get a message "please place a bid higher than the current" or similar, each time I look back & the bid shown has increased but my ID is not shown in the bidder list? It's not 'normal' Edit: So I have increased the bidding on this by about £40 from when I first saw it bu my ID or abbreviated ID doesn't show in the list - I checked again - something definitely ain't right Edit 2: Even stranger - it's not showing up in my bidding list, so the seller has just had the bidding increased by an invisible bidder? Looks like something similar has already happened with the previous bidder making 3 bids but at least his/her ID is shown. REPORTED to eBay!
  5. I made a P-bass wiring kit for Andy's perspex P, hope it looks good when it's in A real pleasure to deal with another of the forum's "proper gents" Cheerz, John
  6. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1347840327' post='1805743'] What should I put on my new PJ project then? :/ [/quote][quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1347840327' post='1805743'] What should I put on my new PJ project then? :/ [/quote] GHS Black Nylons of course
  7. I made a P-bass wiring kit for Dean, he's a pleasure to deal with - great comms, instant payment - recommended top bloke. Cheerz, John
  8. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347744330' post='1804644'] I've been buying/selling on ebay for donkeys years and never heard of a sellers cap? I've sold things from 1p start price to £8500 start price, never had any contact from ebay telling me there are limits? I'm not doubting the story, just never heard of it myself. [/quote] Same here, wondered if it's connected to the sellers low feedback?
  9. Try uncle horrid he's a top bloke - The Bass Doc, give him a PM
  10. [quote name='pjcarty1' timestamp='1347733178' post='1804482'] Just to clear things up. I wanted to sell the guitar on Ebay but they wouldn't upgrade my sellers allowance. So I thought I would make it clear in the item description exactly how much I wanted for the guitar and could any potential buyers contact me personally. I honestly didn't expect anybody who read the description to then go ahead and place a bid. Nothing sinister chaps. [/quote] It doesn't matter what you write in a description - if you put it on ebay with no reserve & a starting bid of 1p - what the heck do you expect people to do? IT'S AN AUCTION SITE PEOPLE BID THAT'S HOW IT WORKS
  11. So it was on ebay - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280966608520?nma=true&si=RMlvwmcSQ%2FvlKvDXCNRlpv0ruzY%3D&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2557&orig_cvip=true#ht_500wt_1201"]http://www.ebay.co.u...e#ht_500wt_1201[/url] I got a message from the seller after I placed my bid - "Hi, I see you have bid on the Fender Jazz. Please read the item description carefully, and withdraw your bid. Thank You." Then a message from ebay - "[font=Arial, Verdana][size=1]Dear eBay Community Member, [/size][/font] [font=Arial, Verdana][size=2]The bid that you entered for the item ([url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280966608520"]280966608520[/url]) has been cancelled. You can view the reason provided for the cancellation by selecting the (bid history) link from the individual item page. [color=#ff0000][b]Please be cautious if you are contacted about purchasing this item after the bid has been cancelled[/b] and as always, avoid paying for your eBay item using instant wire transfer services through Western Union or MoneyGram as these payment methods are unsafe when paying someone you do not know.[/color] Regards, eBay "[/size][/font] [size=3][size=4][font=Arial, Verdana]The reason given was that the item is no longer available - [/font][/size][/size] [font=Arial, Verdana][size=1] [size=4]Now it turns up here[/size][/size][/font][font=Arial, Verdana][size=1] [/size][/font] [font=Arial, Verdana][size=1][size=5]Strange[/size] [/size][/font]
  12. Here I is been putting up a fence all day OK then supervising mostly it's the only way to get things done right innit. PM incoming Ad. Cheerz, John
  13. TI Jazz Flats for a Jazz bass - GHS Precision Flats for a Precision, simple, can't be beat IMHO of course
  14. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1347419954' post='1800584'] Hi all, I've got a '09 Mex precision I've been modding for some time now and it's almost done. Plays like an absolute dream and I'm actually tempted to start using it more instead of my Jazz. Only thing is I've never had a tone from it that I'm entirely happy with. The original mex fender pickups sounded downright awful, lots of clanky mids and absolutely nothing else, so I swapped them out for a set of DiMarzios. The DM's are better, but now instead I'm finding them too dull, dark and muted sounding. So basically what is the most aggressive, ballsy-sounding p pickup out there under the £100 mark? I'm after that aggressive, punky tone similar to Mike Dirnt etc, but without loosing the bottom end like the stock pups. Difficult to explain really, sorta need the grit in the lower mids and not higher? I'm not sure whether I'd need a vintage style pup like an SD Antiquity II or something scarier looking like the Quarter Pounder series..? Cheers! [/quote] If the DiMarzio is as bad as you say - I'd say it ain't working right, or there's something wrong with the rest of your circuitry!
  15. I really like the GHS best of all - [url="http://www.ghsstrings.com/strings/bass"]http://www.ghsstrings.com/strings/bass[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d6lb0-VZ5Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d6lb0-VZ5Y[/url]
  16. [quote name='slystewart' timestamp='1347125767' post='1797254'] I have just started playing bass I have a Lakland 55 02 and have just changed the strings to Ernie Ball Cobolts putting the strings through the body rather than just feeding them in from the end..as the old strings were. I noticed as the new strings went through nut the E and B string seems to tapper down in size...this seems to cause a fre buzz on these 2 strings. [color=#ff0000]The strings seem to tapper down about 1/2 inch from the nut..[/color]...am i doing some thing wrong with fitting the stings thanks for any help [/quote] Which side of the nut? Sounds like the strings are not long enough to string through, you might be better trying them through the bridge, top mounting.
  17. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1347111169' post='1797062'] Pity I can't see this around here in Belgium :-( [/quote] Can't you access the bbc iplayer? [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01mhlkq/The_One_Show_07_09_2012/"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01mhlkq/The_One_Show_07_09_2012/[/url]
  18. Did you find it in a skip? It should have been
  19. KiOgon

    JB, what year?

    Show us the serial number
  20. If it's a Highway 1 I'd say it's Satin Nitro finish, not matte - technically they tend to gloss up after a good polish, (not T cut or compound just ordinary polish), then revert to Satin. Cheerz, John
  21. Yes they'll fit the CTS pots fine ( & thanks Gary). Cheerz, John
  22. I sent a text on the 25th & a PM on 26th, no reply yet, guessing the seller may be on holiday?
  23. I made a wiring kit for Karl's Mustang, great comms. & instant payment, a real pleasure to deal with all the way. Cheerz, John
  24. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1346255469' post='1787090'] Very, err, sparkly, and red. [/quote] Indeed! & very nice
  25. That's a bit good Nige ended much too soon was just getting absorbed! Edit: 2nd listen - the start reminded me of Dave Gilmour's On A Island
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