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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Now I understand, thanks for that, does look good, colour me tempted
  2. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1343669294' post='1753447'] This is my modded JV Precision, it's an '83 model made in Japan ofcourse and has all the ID stamps on the body, neck butt, etc, plus the usual Fender stamped shim in the neck pocket. I bought this because it has such a lovely neck and at the time I hadn't played a decent fretless before. The board is unlined ebony and has dots on the side to indicate the marker positions - not each fret, I have found it an easy bass to play and very intuitive. The second mod is that the original pickups have been replaced with EMGs with a matching Jazz pickup at the bridge. The electrics are a simple volume, volume, tone - the active pickups really bring out the fretless 'mwar' sound beloved of Jaco, Pino, et al. Like all the JV series construction is second to none with excellent balance and a light weight. The bass has the usual JV hardware - reverse tuners, threaded bridge, extra strap button behind the headstock. The scratch plate is a replacement as when I bought it it had a horrible home made one on it and non matching controls. The neck plate has the JV serial stamped on it. Condition wise it has quite a few dings and scrapes and where the Jazz pickup was routed there was a chunk out of the wood subsequently filled and varnished in an attempt to disguise it. It doesn't detract from the overall 'vibe' of the instrument and it could be quite honestly called 'road worn' without being near an over zealous belt sander! The back of the neck is beautifully figured and has barely a mark on it. This is a great sounding instrument and very easy to play but presently neglected so I'd like to gauge interest in a potential sale to perhaps free up some cash. I'm looking at £450 and am not interested in trades as I really need to trim down my collection of gear! [/quote] I like this a lot! Can you tell me what the first mod is? What am I missing? If the second mod is the pick ups? Sorry if I'm being thick but I keep reading it & don't get it Oh yeah - where's the battery fitted? Cheerz, John
  3. So sad to have to sell, that is one beautiful Jazz, really lovely. Best of luck with the sale & your new business venture. Cheerz, John
  4. KiOgon


    Must be one of those 'rare breed' wifes, I've heard about them - never had one ATB
  5. I wouldn't worry, if you've been trying to tighten it without taking the strain off, it will feel tight, most unlikely to be a problem IMO
  6. To me - not cool at all! Looks a Feckin mess, neck is totally wrong & far too wide, (at the heel at least) complete abortion of fitting a P-bass pup, how the hell can it be cool? Sort of thing I wouldn't give a Fiver for at a boot sale, must be the most unbalanced POS ever. YHMV John
  7. Fair enough What might help & is worth always doing - is to - if you're working on your own, position the bass so that you can apply hand pressure to the neck to relieve the stress from the rod before you try turning the adjuster. In other words if you want to tighten the rod, put a backwards bow into the neck with hand pressure first. After loosening everything as above If you've got someone with you to help then it's easier Hope this helps, John
  8. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1343735000' post='1754301'] I shall try I'll give them at least a week. I know that if I do switch back to rounds I'll be annoyed that I have to raise my action haha! But I am very concerned about not being able to turn my truss rod any further... [/quote] How exactly are you trying to adjust the truss rod? Not being funny, serious question.
  9. It has to be said - these are terrific basses for the money - someone's going to get a beauty GLWTS Cheerz, John
  10. It depends where you draw the expensive line I only use Fender Bass specific cables, the Gold being my favourite, Platinum is a bit too stiff. Just lately I've been thinking about trying a Asterope - good enough for Bob Babbit (rest his soul) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNENWcEwazk&feature=relmfu"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNENWcEwazk&feature=relmfu[/url]
  11. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1343570831' post='1752163'] Great to see the USA P still with you - great decision. [/quote] [quote name='Pentode' timestamp='1343572826' post='1752193'] Very tidy playing Mel! [/quote] [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1343572857' post='1752196'] That's the clearest I've ever heard that bassline. Nice. [/quote] [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1343573359' post='1752199'] Very nice playing, sounds clean and you have a nice economical style with your fingers... no waggling! Good stuff! [/quote] + 1 to everything already said
  12. The seller has a point, if you went & saw it, tested it - said 'everything seems perfect' - I don't think you've got a leg to stand on regarding a claim against him. If something has broken, it's probably only a wire off or battery problem.
  13. That is very very very very very sweet Nick enjoy Cheerz, John
  14. Some great advice above Looking at your build spec I'd offer 2 particular requirements for the pots, CTS are without question the best BUT check your rear routed cavity is wide enough for them & make sure you get long enough threads to go through the body. The hardest part is soldering to the pot bodies without a proper iron, you need to heat it enough & quickly to avoid damaging the pot's internals. If you need any more advise/info please feel free to PM me. Cheerz, John Edit: Your 2 posts above came in while I was typing must type faster
  15. Have you seen this? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157460-stageclix-jack-wireless-system/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157460-stageclix-jack-wireless-system/[/url]
  16. Yep use as required & if you want a cheap recommendation = [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Planet-Waves-NS-Capo-Lite/dp/B0037MA69I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343323277&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Planet-Waves-NS-Capo-Lite/dp/B0037MA69I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343323277&sr=8-1[/url] works beautifully, simple & it works on 7&1/4" radii Fenders
  17. I've got the Fender Custom Shop registration & Lifetime Warranty on mine & have read about their Free Collect/Return Courier Service, that's the first time I've heard of anyone using it. Nice one Fender
  18. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1343000983' post='1743771'] You need purple rain. [/quote] Methylated spirits rain - that would work
  19. Mmmmmmm! Loving the old blue P, damn you Nick I can feel GAS stirring
  20. [quote name='dunnymod' timestamp='1342700728' post='1739526'] Hello everyone, just a quickie. Ive just picked up a Fender Jazz JB62 (which is lovely!!!) with the serial number P023208, "Crafted in Japan". Attempting to date the guitar online suggests that the P serial number was between 1993-1994, however it contradicts itself by saying only "crafted" models were made after 1996-1997. So was there ever a P series CIJ? If so anyone have any crack about them??? cheers [/quote] Take the neck off & have a look, my MIJ has a date stamp which contradicts what the website & the shop say it was.
  21. [quote name='Eljay' timestamp='1342630284' post='1738304'] Yes, you totally missed out. You MISSED that it was all in good fun, and that I think those straps are kool, and thought some might like seeing pics of what I think is a nice product. Have you an issue with that? Is there a problem?? Do you REALLY think I'm trying to SELL something or get free advertising on this board?? Are you nuts?? Greedy, suspicious, insecure people think like that I guess, and can't see what good cheer is. I can, so Cheers and cheerio to your ridiculous theory! Holy Stratford-Upon-Avon! I totally dug the people I met in Britain, from the maid at the Hotel in Bath, to the Old Folks in Devonshire, to the hipsters in London- But some of youse guys here on this Forum.... Wow wow wow. Don't make me do Lexingon/Concord on you bad-attitude Brits; there's too many Goodfellows here, I trust!!! here- Here's a pic of a strap I had custom-made by a guy in Texas- It has my initials so I won't ever sell it of course. The Shamrock on it was a homage to my trip/visit to Ireland (I'm not Irish. alas) Get it???? See I like straps, that's about it, and I'm lucky enuff to work as a rep for a made-in-usa not china strap company that has a heritage. Yes they're distributed in England, am I trying to get you to buy one??? PLEASE! I could care less, thought someone might chime in "Nice!" Just as the Spectra-Sonic is NICE! that ain't for sale either. Here's another one, made for me by a great gal in Australia, Chantal. The deal with that- THAT is a Native American "Katchina", the Eagle Dancer Spirit. Concept was it FLIES over BS rather than engage it. Those Injuns knew wassup, huh??? Kewl Huh?? Jeesh. [/quote] Now you see, before you start name calling - like 'greedy, suspicious, insecure' whatever - may I refer you to a thread I ran a few days ago, in a similar vein - that is 'for a bit of fun'. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181309-new-day-guess-the-weight-just-for-a-laugh-%3B-won-by-discreet/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Where the lucky 'winner' did in fact get his prize Maybe us Brits do things differently
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342623738' post='1738085'] I don't get this. The OP says hi to the UK, poses a question and offers a prize to the winner. The question is duly answered (with bells on)... and surprise surprise by a UK dude. But then it is revealed that his prize cannot be posted to the UK... but there may be distributors somewhere. Huh? Is this an advert? Did I miss something? [/quote] Yes - strange
  23. Better than having Volkswagen across the front of it
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