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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1340876471' post='1710767'] indeed thats exactly why i posted the other thread so we could all have a good old whinge and then come to this thread for calm reflection here's a nice picture of some dolphins which i took earlier. 22 years earlier to be more precise [/quote] Dolphins? Killer whales more like
  2. I got a Chord a while ago - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/109562-chord-5-bassguitar-stand-rack/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/109562-chord-5-bassguitar-stand-rack/[/url] it doesn't 'lock them in' at all but I've never had a problem with.
  3. It's a NO from me, TBH I would never have known it was Muse obviously I'm not a follower but not for me whoever.
  4. Cheerz WOT - I can see that now! thanks for explaining When in PMs the Members tag is highlighted as you say, I've never noticed that before, but when I press View New Content from PMs & get the Members list, the Members tag is not highlighted so next press & it reverts to Forums it seems.
  5. Yeah big shout for Status Flat Hot Wires too, excellent value, feelgood compared to GHS - LaBella's - TI Jazz all at twice the price.
  6. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1340747700' post='1709210'] Anything like the 9120's - and are they OK for 35" scale (Yammy TRB)? G. [/quote] GHS Black Nylons are really sweet, not as huge as Rotosounds & definitely fine for 35" scale, I had them on my Skjold, also strung through on Fenders, no problems, highly recommended. They're much smoother/flatter than 9120s, not so shiny or 'plasticy' much nicer strings IMHO. Cheerz, John
  7. Nothing to do with Kindle - but I think there's something strange about the members list, every time I've used Personal Message, if I then click on the 'View New Content' button it always takes me to the Members List, latest members, until I click View New Content a second time. That's on my PC, Chrome, Windows XP & Laptop with Vista.
  8. Haha! Not as cute as my 'little ones' though [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/050220121199.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [b][color=#FF0000][size=5]SOLD[/size][/color][/b] As sold on eBay for £25 - £30, has been on display & gathered a bit of dust no doubt - £10 + £2.50 postage UK. Black/White/Maple as shown here: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BA03-BABY-AXE-Mini-Guitar-Fender-Bass-BLACK-/350383546113?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item51947c9f01#ht_1041wt_850"]http://www.ebay.co.u...1#ht_1041wt_850[/url] Cheerz, John [b][size=5][color=#FF0000]SOLD[/color][/size][/b]
  10. WoW! great road trip girls by the sound of it, all we ever hear of that us blokes seem to do is meet up in dodgy car parks & swap basses for money (usually)
  11. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1340620332' post='1706979'] I was sure there'd be apps using the camera to check string height, neck relief, etc, but haven't found one so far. [/quote] Now that would be some tool!
  12. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1340562857' post='1706297'] The action is quite low(about 4-5mm) the tuner is a korg pitchblack. I suppose it's all about practising! Never attempted it before as I'm a ex drummer!! So all of the advice received is great, thanks. [/quote] I'd say 4-5mm at the 12th is quite high & you're going to struggle getting it right with that much movement, depending how you play of course, I use fingers 99% of the time & a very gentle touch or so I'm told & like about 1.5mm at the 12th. How's the rest of the neck? Have you adjusted the truss rod? A good set up involves balancing everything. Korg tuner is fine & [s] very[/s] extremely accurate so maybe you're worrying too much? I'd say get it as close as you can within reason then PLAY! If you find you're going up the fretboard & it's not sounding 'right' then have another look at things. Cheerz, John
  13. How is the action set - what gap is there between the 12th fret & the underside of the strings? The higher the action, the more the string has to move, from open/harmonic to fretted, the more tension is changed & the more difficult it is to set the intonation. Also make sure you're not pressing the string 'behind the fret' as you might when playing, just the most gentle touch to hold the string directly onto the fret is all you need. Also - what tuner are you using? Apologies if you know all this already, I'm guessing not? Cheerz, john
  14. I know [i][b]exactly [/b][/i]how you feel my rack overfloweth at the moment
  15. Sorry to hear it has to go Gary, it looks lovely & I'm sure it sounds great Best of luck with the sale, a lot of bass for the money I'd say! Cheerz, John
  16. KiOgon

    Low morale?

    No problem here, keeping my head down & my nose clean I hope Oh! & trying not to get involved in matters that don't concern me It's good to know someone out there cares Cheerz, John
  17. Yeah looks almost perfect (not prefect) apart from those pesky rear brakes
  18. Paul bought my fretless Precision, great comms, instant payment, a excellent smooth transaction, a pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  19. A big welcome from Sun City you're the second new Southener I've seen tonight! Cheerz, John
  20. Howdo & welcome Grim, from down here by the Sussex seaside Sun city enjoy! Oh yeah, keep on practising Cheerz, John
  21. Yes it fits any of my pockets, not as big as you think! Thinner than a broke bloke's 1/2 fold wallet & not so wide, maybe 30mm longer. 5.3" screen is like having 3 of my old Nokia X6 side by side
  22. Cheerz dood, I'll have a look for that Does anyone know of a decent tuner app?
  23. Sold some strings to Francis, excellent fellow to deal with, great comms, instant payment, another perfect basschatter Cheerz, John
  24. My eldest lad has had one for a while & reckons it's the best going, so as my old contract was just about finished I looked around a bit. Best deal I found with a [b][u][i] FREE [/i][/u][/b]fone is on O2 100 mins, unlimited txts, 100MB Data, £16 a month on 2 year contract. it'll probably take me 2 years to learn how to use 1/2 of it but it's bloody marvellous So what's the best apps for me to get? Bass related of course Cheerz, John
  25. I supplied a wiring kit to Andrew, it's a pleasure dealing with him, great communication, instant payment, top bloke, no problem recommending him to all. Cheerz, John
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