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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. He did or still has indeed, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117779-herbie-flowers-jazz-bass-replica/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117779-herbie-flowers-jazz-bass-replica/[/url] I was just reading it again
  2. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1338570490' post='1676648'] Herbie's is autumn of '59, oldest one I've ever heard of (he paid well over the odds for it as well $79!). [/quote] Here's a very interesting article & wonderful photo's of Herbie's Jazz [url="http://curtisnovak.com/vintage/JazzBass59/"]http://curtisnovak.com/vintage/JazzBass59/[/url] Cheerz, John
  3. It ended with no bids 1/2 hr before your post! I've seen it before quite recently - there's probably an earlier thread about it. Try a search
  4. The socket pictured is most likely a 'stereo' type but used as mono output the 2nd contact is generally used to switch the battery circuit on when a mono jack is inserted. If you use a stereo jack plug it probably doesn't make the contacts properly, could even be putting the - negative side of the battery to your amp, maybe worth getting the wiring in the bass checked, but for now, just ditch the stereo lead. Edit, + what Ou7shined said!
  5. I reckon the jack socket is a normal mono & don't like stereo plugs does it look a normal Fender / Switchcraft type socket?
  6. [quote name='TinRoofCeilidh' timestamp='1338223277' post='1671079'] As a beginner on bass 2 years ago (at 65 then), I think you youngsters need to reconsider your use of the word "old". I did consider starting an "arthritis" thread on this forum but decided against. Happy playing John [/quote] + 1 from another John (& only 61)
  7. Looks a lovely bit of spalted, reminds me of my old Skjold, which has Walnut core, personally I'd like to see a good strong hi-gloss finish on it & no pickguard
  8. Has anyone tried the 220 with the mi10 cab? I'm interested in a small portable kit & something 'different' to my Little Bastard rig
  9. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]I've never tried EUB but that looks fab-u-lous, hope it fulfils all that's required in playability & sounds. Just a slight niggle, that thumb-wheel to the demountable cross piece, [/font][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]that is truly horrible, surely it should have a bespoke 'knob'. Attention to detail & all that[/font]
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1338367678' post='1673231'] ... but will it have echo location facilities? [/quote] No - Wayne will have to grow some of these:
  11. Wayne - your bass is like a stream of Bat's piss - - - - - It will shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark
  12. Did it die suddenly? Have you tried another lead? Proper speaker lead not instrument cable! Can you see the jack contacts? Checked each wire termination to each speaker? Is there a tweeter & crossover or just 2x10s?
  13. Nice to get a personal answer "No problem John I'll make sure you get the JF344. This order will be despatched today for you. Regards Paul Jefford Director Strings Direct"
  14. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00162XVNY/ref=dra_a_rv_fb_on_it_P1400_1000?tag=dradis-21"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00162XVNY/ref=dra_a_rv_fb_on_it_P1400_1000?tag=dradis-21[/url] What strings are Amazon advertising for sale? Picture shows a pack of JF324, text says JF344, also says X-Long? As it happens i ordered a set from Stringbusters via Amazon yesterday, (as I had vouchers to spend), befor I saw their advert onsite & I've emailed them asking to make sure I get JF344!
  15. Somehow I watched/listened for 30 seconds some things shouldn't be[size=6].[/size][size=6] [/size][size=6] [/size]
  16. [i]In case you were wondering like I played the same stage as Jimi Hendrix in 1969 & it wasn't mine (Hastings Pier Ballroom, not Woodstock though) [/i]
  17. In the 70's I had a 2 x 18 Orange cab driven by 2 x Hiwatt 100s, it certainly shifted some air but weighed a ton. I just had to have the biggest stack on stage I remember having a Cortina estate which was pretty much full up with just my gear in.
  18. [quote name='KASH' timestamp='1337859952' post='1666480'] Got confirmation, it is actually an Affinity series. How much would you pay for this? [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/squire-p-bass-fender-black-wtortoiseshell-pick-guard-seymour-duncan-quarter-pounders-badass-bridge/101652852"]http://www.gumtree.c...ridge/101652852[/url] [/quote] I wouldn't touch it, if you want a Squier Affinity level bass, you can get a new one for £130 IIRC? Or 2nd hand for well under £100 in excellent condition. My advice would be look for a 2nd hand bargain then upgrade it as/when & if necessary. Many parts come up in the bits for sale at prices far below what the seller is quoting. You were hoping for a MiM? Keep searching, if you're luck you could find one around the £200.
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337861435' post='1666503'] Firstly, sorry you have a disability, but as Francesca Martinez said recently, once someone told her 'you are NOT disabled, you are FRANCESCA and you are unique' it changed her life completely. Again with respect, you have sort of reinforced my point somewhat, in that (intentionally or otherwise) you imply you only enjoy things you feel you might be capable of or do already. Although I feel sure that's can't really be the case. [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337863009' post='1666537'] Well if you listen to LBC of course you are going to hear sh*te like that. There is a great deal of adult and child poverty, and deprivation, in the UK. You won't see these people in Nandos, or driving anything at all. Or shopping. I see an enormous amount of disabled parking spaces now, but I haven't seen any of those little pale blue three wheel cars for donkey's years. That must mean medical and technological advancement has reduced the number of people with disabilities to almost nothing. [/quote] Hey Nige, No need for any sorry's thanks mate, I did what I did on a Norton in 1970 & I've been ME ever since, in fact before & after no worries I don't share your point of view, I consider my 42 years since '70 have been full of many many things, various jobs, here & overseas, hobbies, marriage-kids-divorce, in bands out of bands etc. etc. & my taste in music is I would say right across the board. Just because I heard something on a TV show, a singer player who I knew by name only & she did less than blow me away, I thought my POV was relevant to the thread. As for disabled parking spaces they're as rare as a 60's Jazz bass round here & the blue 3 wheelers often referred to in derogatory terms as 'spaz cabs' have long since been replaced by battery driven 'mobility scooters, you surely must have seen a few of them around? Perhaps they're the 'technological advancement' in terms of medical advancement, yes I wouldn't be able to walk at all if it wasn't for joint replacements Anyway, let's not go on about disabilities, I'm sure it's the first time I've mentioned mine since I've been on here, we've each & all got our problems, yes we're individuals, we get on with it. Cheerz, John
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337858671' post='1666436'] With respect, this is the sort of attitude BC is full of, and it's one I can't stand. You seem to be infatuated with the instrument instead of the music. From what I saw, she is a composer, bass is her channel, not the object. She's a MUSICIAN, not a MECHANIC. She plays THROUGH the instrument, not ON it. The Olympics is coming soon, perhaps you may find more enjoyment in that? [/quote] As I've been disabled since I was 19 I don't find the Olympics very enjoyable, maybe the Paralympics would be better for me? She's a musician fine, just one I've not knowingly listened to before & what I heard of her playing on Jools did not impress me regardless of what instrument she was playing.
  21. Yeah - watched it again on youtube - enjoyed it more 2nd time, but still room for a lot more bass IMO
  22. Saw her on Jools & knew the name but not familiar with at all. To me her bass playing came across as 'doing the bare minimum to qualify'. Probably not a good introduction to her judging by her reputation, hope her performance on Friday show will be better.
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