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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Is removing chrome plate really as easy as you suggest?
  2. I've found 2 more sets I'm never going to use so hope somebody can make use of, thought they were both Fender 7250ML, now I'm confused No original packing with either. Only used for a hour or so. 1. One set is Ex Factory fitted AV '62 P-bass, which are spec'd as 7250, no silks brass/red/silver/green ball ends, measure; 45/63/84/103. 2. T'other set has black silks top & bottom with brass ball ends, measure; 44/66/80/100, all 44 - 46" long O/A. [s]£8.50 a set or £15 both[/s], posted UK. Paypal as personal payment please & ta. [b][color=#FF0000][size=5]Reduced to £10 for both sets posted.[/size][/color][/b] [color=#FF0000][size=5][b]SOLD Thanks[/b][/size][/color] Cheerz, John
  3. I know the American Vintage series, Precision & Jazz both come with Chrome Covers (not fitted) but the holes are drilled in the scratch plate *not the body* for the pickup cover, but no holes drilled for the bridge cover. The Jazz however has a 'paper template' that fit's around the bridge for drilling the bridge cover holes. Sorry that doesn't help a lot but some scratch plates do have the holes in ready for the pickup cover, if you got one of those Cheerz, John
  4. Just picked up a '94 MiM P neck that's been defretted & I' m trying to judge what radius it is/should be. I've got a 7.25" & a 9.0" guide but it's too close to call between them. If anybody knows what it should be please? It's a rosewood board, needs a bit of sanding but to take more off each side or the middle? I'm inclined to take the middle down & leave the edges, if you see what I mean. Cheerz, John
  5. That's terrible news, only 70! Much respect Duck R.I.P. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Years%20ago/DuckDunnsmiling.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1336737458' post='1650206'] The standard/norm is still V/V/T. If it is a stacked pot it is either 60's reissue (they call it a 62 reissue but I have a feeling the VVT was generally in use by 62 and 'technically' the stacker should be earlier than that) or it has had the plate replaced. [/quote] That's exactly what I found, when I got my AV '62 Jazz & looked into it a bit, it's like it should be called a '61 reissue, the head decal too is more like a '61. To the OP, yes the AV '62 RI is the only Jazz I've seen with the stacked pots as standard.
  7. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336745400' post='1650375'] But even in this thread you only seem to have a problem when it is some one on Ebay doing it. [/quote] No I don't "only seem to have a problem when it is some one on Ebay doing it" I would not have a problem if he wasn't committing fraud.
  8. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336680088' post='1649528'] So they are Fender Squiers then. They are BY Fender making them Fender. Not Squiers by Well Hung m***e guitar company Ltd. They are even on Fenders own website. [/quote] The JV in this post seems to be a Fender Squier I'd say [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176157-jv-p-how-much-maybe-i-should-put-mine-up/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176157-jv-p-how-much-maybe-i-should-put-mine-up/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  9. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1336742844' post='1650316'] I've got a Wizard Thumper in my P Bass and whilst I was changing the pickup covers on it the wee wire that connects the two parts of the pickup together became disconnected from the treble side. It's always looked a wee bit flimsy, to be honest I don't think the person that did a lot of the "upgrades" to the bass before I got it really knew what they were doing. Anyway, should it be straight forward enough to just re-solder the wire back to its original place? I was ready to just grab my soldering iron and put it back but after reading something in another thread I thought I'd better check first! The other thread is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/175687-selling-fender-american-passive-jazz-bass-pickups-2-volume-controls-1-master-tone-control-and-accessories-price-drop-l40/"]http://basschat.co.u...price-drop-l40/[/url] [/quote] Hey Jono, As said above ^^ If you're not confident in doing the job, feel free in sending it down to me & I'll do my very best to repair it for you, it'll only cost the postage. [u][b]OR have a word with Andy at Wizard [/b][/u][b] [/b] Cheerz, John
  10. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336741680' post='1650291'] I thought you'd bite, chill out I'm pulling your leg. In response to your "don't understand" comment I have asked you to enlighten me but you failed to respond. [/quote] I am always chilled out thanks, it's not leg pulling when you stoop to using that sort of insult towards anybody. Instead of me chilling I would suggest that you withdraw your remarks & offer an apology. [i][b]Even[/b][/i] on a internet forum there is a line between derogatory name calling & 'leg pulling', which I feel you have overstepped. If you [i]really[/i] don't understand my comment, it's because you don't seem to understand that what the seller in question seems to be doing - adding logos to basses (at least) & selling them as something they are not, is illegal, not good for the industry & not good for the 'straight' guitar buying public.
  11. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336740210' post='1650255'] This was the original question, then some paranoid lunatic got it in his head that there was a master scammer on the lose and wanted to call the cops or tell the teacher until he finally got the picture but at this stage he couldn't back down in fear of losing face so the subject kept changing to suit his stance. Then other dudes got involved depending on what was happening and the original point got lost Along the way. So I think a fair answer to the original post is-- If you think this is an original fender misadvertised as a squier by mistake for some reason and you think it is a bargain to be had, then don't buy it. However if you think this is a squier with mods and you are into that type of thing, then it's probably not the best value guitar out there but it definitely not a bad buy. So in short this is a modified squier not an original fender. Now that you have all the info please feel free to proceed how you desire and if anyone here wants to judge you that's their problem. I personally feel that a good quality squier should wear the fender badge with pride. Amen. [/quote] Excuse me - who exactly are you directing your childish but nasty comments at? To repeat - you really don't understand do you?
  12. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336736142' post='1650170'] So in other words made by Fender in the hope that people buy the version with the badge. [/quote] Which finally brings us back to the point in question, sort of
  13. I bought a neck Jon advertised, great communication, fast posting & well packed, the neck is exactly as advertised or even better than expected! Smooth transaction, no problems, a pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1336660192' post='1649088'] As for beverages on amps, my chum has a story about getting a JCM 800 head in for repair that had 'stopped working, dunno why'. The cabinet interior and chassis were covered in vegetable soup. [/quote] There's only one thing worse than vegetable soup & that's regurgitated vegetable soup, which was it? hard to tell I suppose Lovely
  15. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336651721' post='1648897'] You're the one whos on the high horse buddy. Quoting me insinuating that I'm somehow inferior, and suggesting I save my pennies. I'm not being a dick. If you don't own a fender then why do you even give a crap. I think you're out of line. I think you should apologise for calling me a dick. I think you are very mean. [/quote] Shouldn't you be at school?
  16. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336585885' post='1648043'] So It's the serial numbers you have a problem with not the Fender logo? [color=#0000ff]Not my problem, I'm not buying from him.[/color] So it's okay for discreet to buy a bass wanting a Fender logo but not an ebay chappy who wants a squier with a Fender logo? [color=#0000ff]Yep it's fine.[/color] He's not doping anyone. He says in the advert they are not Fenders. Going on his feed back he buys a lot of Squiers if he's not flipping them on with fender logos is he collecting them? . [color=#0000ff]If you don't believe he's 'doping' anyone you'd make a perfect customer for him[/color] I have bought one guitar online. Pretty sure it wasn't the one thomann had pictured. Have another ready to buy. I hope it's not the one photographed. They've had it for a few years if it was. Someone on a forum commented on the squinty sticker in the sound hole around 2008 [color=#0000ff]He's not a shop selling hundreds of the same model, but perhaps he's aspiring to[/color]? [/quote]
  17. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336584021' post='1647986'] Gear porn, precision Discreets bass made by the Bass Doc. [color=#0000ff]I don't see a duplicate serial number?[/color] So your problem is not that they have the badge it's that they have the badge (A fake serial obviously) and being sold even though they aren't being sold as fenders but the seller says Squier? [color=#0000ff]It's not my problem I was replying to the OP of this thread initially & trying to offer some advice.[/color] Where is the difference in this guy putting a fender label on a squier and selling it and the bass doc putting a Fender label on a bass he's built to sell to discreet? [color=#0000FF]Because Discreet asked for a logo as his custom made bass is made to represent the best (in his personal opinion) of the features of Fenders through the decades, it's what he wants, it's not something he's buying which is a fake that has to be said is being sold to dupe people. If not the first person that buys it but very likely some poor unsuspecting buyer somewhere down the line.[/color] If anything the Squier is a Fender after all. [color=#0000FF]I'm not convinced that the majority of basses he sells 'described as Squier's even' are actually made by Fender or Squier, the numbers don't add up for a start. The heads & in particular the surround of the Truss rod adjuster don't look Squier to me.[/color] As for using the same picture. Do you get the bass you see pictured on the Shops website? [color=#0000ff]Every bass I've ever bought has been the one advertised, I wouldn't have it any other way, even basses I've bought direct from USA.[/color] [/quote] [color=#0000ff]My original reply to this thread was made with the intention [/color][color="#0000ff"]to notify the OP of the probable dubious nature of the bass in question but looking a little deeper I seem to have opened a can of worms.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336583271' post='1647966'] So why don't you comment on the threads on the main bits of the forum where members build basses for other people using Fender logos? [/quote] Completely different scenario, show me one of the basses you're talking about - with duplicated serial numbers & being offered on ebay as something they're not, let alone using the same photo's & description to sell 'the same bass' several times over!
  19. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336580957' post='1647924'] Are you a cop? Not everyone can afford a gold jazz, also it's very few people can pimp a squier to make it look like something they aspire to own. This guy fills a gap in the market. I've done the maths on a few of his conversions and he isn't making any money here, and youd be hard pushed to mod the squier any cheaper yourself. What planet am I from? Really? Come on now let's not loose the run of ourselves here. [/quote] You really don't understand do you?
  20. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336579095' post='1647868'] I would be very surprised if a single contributor to this sight hasnt at some stage owned a decal job squier. It's widely accepted as the norm. It clearly says squier in the title I really don't see what's the problem is. He is selling a squier guitar and he says it's a squier. What more can he do. [/quote] What planet are you from? There's only one *Norm* around here & he plays a Gold jazz mostly What more can he do? How about go to prison for flooding the market with FAKES!
  21. Always pleased to see a big smilie at the end of a line [size=5][color=#ff0000]Seriously folks[/color][/size] I've been looking at this guy's feedback & it's F'in unbelieveable - he's sold *the same bass* F knows how many times, a Sunburst P - 4th, 5th, 7th 11th & 16th ofMarch, the black one that advertised now was also sold on 26th February! [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sean1000_7&&_trksid=p4340.l2560&iid=180836750360&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller"]http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sean1000_7&&_trksid=p4340.l2560&iid=180836750360&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller[/url]
  22. I'm really concerned with the number of fakes turning up on eBay. I notice mostly Fender or Squier. No matter how these are described when they're advertised, many of the unfortunate buyers are blissfully unaware & by the law of averages at least some of these fakes are going to end up being advertised here on BC. Just look at the Serial Number thread above this forum, see one example of feedback & how many fakes have been sold with the same serial number. I feel sorry for the poor guy or gal, young or old, who buys one in the best of faith, gets fed up with, joins BC to try & sell it! It's probably already happened, I don't know. I hope we can do our bit to help get rid of these scum & report fake items to eBay, it only takes a few clicks, a couple of minutes to do. Cheerz, John end of rant ;-)
  23. You only have to look at this guy's feedback - 'view item' - & count up how many he's sold with the same serial number [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sean1000_7&&_trksid=p4340.l2560&iid=180836750360&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller"]http://feedback.ebay...eedbackAsSeller[/url] It also appears that he's sold *something* using the same photo's many times over!
  24. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1336569874' post='1647664'] D180766 (1982 USA Fullerton Jazz) spotted on what is probably a Squier... P [/quote] There were 2 today with the same serial number & if you follow this link & look at this guy's feedback you'll find he's sold quite a few more! You've been warned! [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sean1000_7&&_trksid=p4340.l2560&iid=180836750360&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller"]http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sean1000_7&&_trksid=p4340.l2560&iid=180836750360&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller[/url]
  25. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1336574299' post='1647761'] It's an Obvious squier and the seller admits it in the title. He sells loads of these pimped up squiers. It looks to me like he does a pretty decent job as well. I've contacted him about other guitars before and he makes no bones of the fact they are modded. I think he's above board. [/quote] How can what he's doing be "above board"? He's selling basses with fake decals & serial numbers, I know he's not the only one but the fact that he doesn't claim they're not Fenders don't make it any more right!
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