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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Precision-Bass-Guitar-/180878118870?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a1d2d0fd6"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2a1d2d0fd6[/url] Well what do you know? Another '82 Jazz? I don't think so That really takes the star prize for stupid 2 dodgy basses listed both with the same serial number & decal! T.W.A.T.
  2. Guitardaterproject.org says that serial [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]D180766 is a 1982 USA Fullerton Jazz Bass, so I reckon it's one of the con Fender Decals on a could be anything neck. It looks a decent enough bass but not £170's worth. At least he's not claiming it's a USA Fender [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] ;)Send him some questions[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  3. A few years ago I went to Bonners Eastbourne the biggest music shop around here, cash in pocket, £600+ to buy a new bass. I tried many but didn't find anything I liked better than what I had my heart set on, a Fender Aerodyne Jazz, which they didn't have in stock. They said they could order one & if it was in the warehouse it would only be a few days, so everything was written in the 'order book' with my contact details etc. A week or so went by - I 'phoned & got a load of BS but no info. A few days later I went in to shop & guy I dealt with wasn't there, so usual faffing around until they came up with, not in stock in UK, would find out when they could get one soonest. So I waited for that 'phone call, which never came of course. 6 weeks from original order I went back to shop. More faffing & blank looks' BS by the ton, then finally - "Well you can't have ordered it because we've no record of you paying a deposit & we never order specials without a deposit". I went into very loud angry mode & after a good amount of shouting walked out. They lost a customer for ever. I then 'phoned GAK Brighton, who had one in stock so asked them to hold it for me until next day, which they agreed to. Went in next day & to my surprise it was not 'put aside' or anything, just on display in the shop & in the filthiest condition you could possibly expect a 'shop soiled' bass to be. It wasn't tuned & the action was about 1/4" high, impossible to play! The sales guy wasn't interested & when I commented on the condition I was told they'd give it a wipe over. I never did get an Aerodyne after that, went right off the idea dealing with companies like Thomman is so efficient, I have also had good service from many of the big UK based internet stores with no problems.
  4. These are handy: [url="http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/60150176/"]http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/60150176/[/url]
  5. You really want to part with a cherished P-bass? Personally I reckon a bass like that is a keeper, backline gear is just that, easy come easy go & I wouldn't buy gear like that on a whim, not for the sake of a loved bass If you do - the last thing I'd do is trade it in shop, they'll offer (as said above) about 1/2 it's worth. Much better to put some photo's up on here & a realistic asking price, it'll sell quick enough unless overpriced & most likely go to a good home or try getting a trade for some gear you want. You might even be able to 'keep in touch' with it & who knows - in the future you might even want it back
  6. My pleasure to start a feedback thread for Paddy & at the same time extend my hand in a warm welcome to the forum. Paddy needed a bit of a hand assembling parts for the electrics in his P-bass build, he sourced all the right parts, I put them all in the right place for him & supplied a 'ready to go' complete wiring kit. He's a real pleasure to deal with, great communication, a real gent. No problem recommending him to one & all. Looking forward to the finished build + photo's of course Cheerz, John
  7. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1336044540' post='1639897'] Only those stickers with 'CE' and "Don't dispose off with reular trash" should be removed! The plate itself is great [/quote] +1 They're totally unnecessary, don't understand why Fender fit the XWheelieBinX I'm sure that means "Don't dispose of batteries in regular waste" I always get them off ASAP, they just annoy me
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1336033264' post='1639633'] Unless the eBay bidding mechanism has changed recently it doesn't work like that. The only way a bid can pass the reserve if the starting price is lower is for another bid to push it past the reserve price. If the starting price is £100 and the reserve is £200. If I bid £250 eBay places my bid at £100. If the auction ends there the bids won't have reached the reserve price and the item remains unsold. If someone else bids £150 then that pushes my bid up to £155, but we still haven't reached the reserve price so no-one wins. The only way to pass the reserve price is for 2 or more people to place bids higher than the reserve. [/quote] That's how I see it too
  9. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1336030262' post='1639597'] If you bid £100 on something with a £100 reserve the price automatically goes to £100 to meet that reserve. The reason why the seller can't see the maximum bids is because that would just invite shill bidding! [/quote] I don't think it works like that.
  10. What I don't get is if an item has a reserve set let's say £100 & if I bid £100 while the bidding is still below the reserve, my bid goes in at the next incremental bid, lets say it was at £75 so my bid shows at £80, nobody will ever know that I bid £100 unless another bid comes in at at least £95? So at £80, if there are no higher bids, the auction ends as 'reserve not met' & the seller wouldn't find out that I had actually bid £100 - unless I sent them a message! Then the sale is likely/chance to continue 'outside of ebay' which is not in ebay's interest. So why is there no mechanism that allows the seller to see what a bidders maximum is? Or am I missing something? Also I would never know what the reserve was, or that my bid of £100 would have been enough to win, but only if someone else had bid £95 or more
  11. Tony got in touch about a wiring loom for a project P-bass build, it was a pleasure dealing with him all the way & I have no hesitation in recommending him, look forward to dealing with him again. Cheerz, John
  12. Howdo young'n welcome to the machine from another John Cheerz, John
  13. Another wiring kit for Lee, this time for his Warwick & I'm again delighted to say - he's a pleasure to deal with, excellent communication & a splendid fellow. Recommended to all, no problem! Enjoy that Green machine Cheerz, John
  14. [url="http://www.musicwarehouse.co.uk/peavey/1175-peavey-windsor-studio-guitar-amplifier.html"]http://www.musicwarehouse.co.uk/peavey/1175-peavey-windsor-studio-guitar-amplifier.html[/url] Bargain @ £249 Yes I know it's valve I've had mine a few years & it is a great sounding amp. The big PLUS is the rear mounted Power Soak, you can set this to limit the actual output & still get all the tone If you can't stop 'em turning it up, maybe you can stop 'em looking in the back?
  15. My bidding strategy is to decide at an early stage how much in total I'm willing pay for any item & then keep it in my watched items list. If it's something I really fancy I might put a very low bid on, just so it's at the top of 'my eBay' page. Then approaching the final hour, I'll see where the bidding has got to, if still under my pre-set maximum then I'll watch & wait 'til the last 30 seconds before placing my bid. I will not be persuaded to increase it, there isn't time, so it's done! If I win for less than my max - I'm happy, if I loose then someone else wanted it more than me - they can have it Will power is a wonderful thing some I win - some I loose, there's always next time Cheerz, John
  16. I think it'll have to go back to gold, I can't bring myself to drill extra holes in the body & it don't sit flat as it is I'll save it for a rainy day bass Cheerz, John
  17. Looks legit MiJ to me, very nice too for £250 & it plays well I'd say 'you're worrying too much' only mystery to me is the scratching on the back of head
  18. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1335615380' post='1633730'] - - - Wouldn't use it in just any setting though, and would avoid the clothes of your avatar with this bass for example, unless it was just for fun. best, bert [/quote] [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1335618465' post='1633774'] White n' tort. I like Tort, tort, tort, tort. I think of the two the pearl looks better. Neither of them are tort though. Tort, tort, tort, tort etc... [/quote] How's about that then? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Years%20ago/DuckDunnsmilingbigger.jpg[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335620686' post='1633825'] £57.73??!! [/quote] Thought you were going to the shed? [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1335620737' post='1633827'] If it cost £57, I would defo put it on!! Even if I didn`t like it Jez [/quote] HaHa! - That was 1978's price imagine what it's worth now
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1335620243' post='1633814'] My mother used to say that some questions are best not asked. [/quote] My dear old Mum had lots of sayings too good weren't they
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1335615380' post='1633730'] - - - (Don't thank me. Just glad to solve your problem.) best, bert [/quote] Thanks anyway Bert [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1335616481' post='1633741'] I think it looks great. I've got a white Fender P and I'm looking at it right now imagining that lovely pearly pickguard on it. I'd keep my black p/ups tho I think. [/quote] Cheerz 'Shell [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335617091' post='1633756'] I just don't know. Was pearl ever a standard Fender guard finish (apart from Custom Shop)? Supposed I'm just an old traditionalist in some ways... ...but not in others. [/quote] Go away again Mark I think there were some LSRs with pearl, my MiM Gunmetal was I believe, but this is 'old stock' Custom Shop, Edit: You can read upside down can't you? Sorry about that
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1335608783' post='1633636'] I love it, don't listen to Kaz whoever they are. Problem you have is the white hotrail pickups! Now if they were ordinary pole'd p/ups I would have gone for a contrasting black cover on them (and a black thumb rest too) cause the way things are with a white guard they sort of get lost in the big picture. Nice Ashdwon cab behind that! [/quote] I 'have to' listen to Kaz, she's my significant other - the other White Blonde in my life I was thinking maybe too much white BTW the cab is my customised Mini 48, (matching cloth & trim with the LB112). Cheerz, John
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335609208' post='1633652'] Very well, I know when I'm not wanted - I shall re-read [i]The Fender Bass - An Illustrated History[/i] for the 1,000,000th time. Good day to you, sir! [/quote] Love you really come back
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335608623' post='1633634'] Hmmm... it's actually the pickup covers and thumbrest I'm having the problem with! Replace the covers with black, get a black thumbrest, put it in the 57 'tug bar' position, keep the gold guard and get some ashtrays on it! Probably not what you wanted to hear... [/quote] Thanks Mark - go away [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1335608723' post='1633635'] I think it looks gorgeous, much better than the gold one! Love those pickups! [/quote] Hooray! 1 like The DiMarzio is fantastic, changed because I was catching the raised A poles on the standard '57 pickup.
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